Legislative Histories

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Library Staff compiled the following legislative histories throughout the years. We originally researched, collected and bound the legislative histories as paper volumes and made them available only to DOJ employees through the Department's Main Library collection. Today, the histories have been digitized and are now available for general use. The legislative histories include some, or all, of the following: the Public Law; House and Senate Documents; House, Senate, and Conference Reports; House and Senate Committee Hearings; Congressional Debates (Congressional Record); related Bills; and Presidential Signing Statements.

Popular Name Public Law
Administrative Procedure Act P.L. 79-404
American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act of 1994 P.L. 103-412
Anti Car Theft Act of 1992 P.L. 102-519
Antitrust Civil Process Act P.L. 87-664
Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act (Tunney Act) P.L. 93-528
Captive Wildlife Safety Act P.L. 108-191
Child Custody and Visitation P.L. 105-374
Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 P.L. 104-155 
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 P.L. 106-185 
Criminal Penalties for Damage to Religious Property Act P.L.100-346 
Dent Act of 1919 P.L. 65-322 
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 P.L. 99-508 
Endangered Species Act Amendments of 2003 P.L. 108-136 
Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000 P.L. 106-547 
Establishment of the Department of Justice P.L. 41-97 
False Claims Act Amendments Act of 1986 P.L. 99-562 
Federal Tort Claims Act Amendment P.L.89-506
Freedom of Information Act P.L.89-487
Major Fraud Act of 1988 P.L. 100-700 
Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000 P.L. 106-523
Office of Government Ethics Authorization Act of 2001 P.L. 107-119 
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act Amendments of 1999 P.L. 106-110
Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 P.L. 103-141 
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 P.L. 106-274
Technology - Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act Amendments of 1994 P.L. 103-218
Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act of 1998 P.L. 105-184 
Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000 P.L. 106-260 
Tunney Act P.L. 93-528 
War Crimes Act of 1996 P.L. 104-192