Navigate the For Health Professionals Section

Articles of Interest

Articles for health professionals on FDA topics


Biological and related products, including blood, vaccines, allergenics, tissues, and other cellular and gene therapies


Information about cosmetic products, ingredients, and labeling


Human drug information, including advisories, shortages, medication errors, and databases

Food Safety and Nutrition

Information on nutrition, and food and dietary supplement safety

Liaison Activities

Work with FDA; Cardiovascular & Endocrine, HIV/AIDS, and Hepatitis programs.

Medical Devices

Types of devices and device safety

Radiological Health

Information about medical imaging devices, medical and surgical products, and certain consumer and business products

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  • Join the MedWatch E-list GovDelivery Icon
    Timely, actionable new safety information on all human medical products used in day-to-day patient care, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, biologicals and vaccines, medical devices, dietary supplements and cosmetics.
  • FDA News for Health Professionals GovDelivery Icon
    Recent announcements, medical product approvals, opportunities to comment on proposed rules, upcoming public meetings, and other information of interest to health professionals.
  • FDA Diabetes Monitor
    Updates on safety and regulatory issues related to Diabetes, including product approvals, safety warnings, notices of upcoming public meetings, and notices about proposed regulatory guidances.
  • FDA CardioBeat
    Updates on safety and regulatory issues related to Cardiovascular Disease, including product approvals, safety warnings, notices of upcoming public meetings, and notices about proposed regulatory guidances.

Page Last Updated: 10/06/2014
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