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London Naval Conference

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London Naval Conference,  (Jan. 21–April 22, 1930), conference held in London to discuss naval disarmament and to review the treaties of the Washington Conference of 1921–22. Hosted by Great Britain, it included representatives of the United States, France, Italy, and Japan. At the end of three months of meetings, general agreement had been secured on the regulation of submarine warfare and a five-year moratorium on the construction of capital ships. The limitation of aircraft carriers, provided for by the Washington Five-Power Treaty (1922), was extended. The United States, Great Britain, and Japan signed, on April 22, a treaty limiting battleship tonnage in the ratios of 10:10:7. France and Italy, opposed respectively to the concept of ratios and to the acceptance of any inequality, declined to sign.

The treaties were to run until 1936. In December 1935, in accord with the treaty of 1930, another naval conference met in London. Japan, however, withdrew; and the naval treaty, signed on March 25, 1936, provided for little more than consultation. In December 1938 Italy acceded to certain provisions, but the outbreak of war in September 1939 cancelled all such treaties.

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"London Naval Conference". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
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