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Scary Music

Certain Death - Album Cover  Take It Easy Killer- Album Cover  No Where to Run - Album Cover  Warned by Her Death- Album Cover

Certain Death - Album Cover


HorrorPalace.com is proud to present Dr. J Kill in the release of Certain Death. The songs in the album are dark scary, a darkness both blatent and suttle in style.  There are door creeks, haunting organ plays, wind howls and spirit voice contributing to the album standing up to the genre it beholds.

The album has a total of an amazing fourteen pieces with more aggression and horror within the title track Certain Death, itself evoking the feeling that no man is mortal and death is the ultimate end to life. The title track takes this album to a new level in a decidedly new direction the fans must be expecting. Only death is the certain thing that can occur in anybody’s life. The thrills and chills of life are certainly going to end in death. The song reveals the truth of everyone’s life that draws to what sort of nightmare the life will end in. This regression encompasses the music, the lyrics and even the way the album sounds

Now It’s too late is another track from the same album by Dr. J Kill. The song is a little paced up with some great mixing done. As the song plays on Now it’s too late, it surpasses the ominous environment that would perfectly suit for haunts and horror movies. The song shows a singer adept at crafting great horror reefs that also demonstrates a thoughtful penchant for restraint.

Dr. J. Kill takes the album to a greater height with the song Choose Choose . With the collection of great tracks for Halloween haunts or horror movies this song pummels up with good heavy reefs and an angst with ridden chorus. The song is a little too hard to follow but anybody can get the point. Let it play, Choose Choose between the certain death.

Going to the Promised Land, breaks nicely into play as the song reveals the feel of going to the land after the certain death. This dance-able track can best suit to Halloween parties and spooky fairgrounds as it gives the feel of horror and scary songs of the late 70’s and 80’s.

Dr. J. Kill totally has brought a change in the horror style with shrieking vocals, where the sound manic verging on certain death cascades out over the horrors synths and guitars.

01 Blew (My) Mind
02 You Aint Gonna Stop
03 Now It’s Too Late
04 Going to The Promised Land
05 My Right
06 On My Own
07 Law of Swank
08 Dont Bother Following
09 Choose Choose
10 Black Dress Hotness
11 Mira Escucha
12 My New Robot
13 My Crime is Loving You
Certain Death

Certain Death will make you feel the reality of our lives, for certain…



Take It Easy Killer- Album Cover


HorrorPalace.com is pleased to present Estella* in her release Take it Easy Killer. The songs vary somewhat in style, but all contain her exotic dark touch.

Starting with the title track, Take it Easy Killer  is a seductively bluesy song that has qualities not unlike Sade. She sings of how the weaker, like a lamb, will offer their lives up to the stronger (a lion). The song has an almost hypnotic feel that seems to draw you in to what really is a nightmare!

With the second track, Inferno Inferno, Estella picks up the pace and nicely mixes rock with rap. As she sings, I’m on fire, it’s not hard to image hot little Estella burning with desires and everything else.

The Damage is Done, is an easy driving dance beat story song. The story is a little hard to follow, but you get the point. Let it ride, The Damage is Done.

Estella ends her collection with a catchy song called, Schizofriendly. Her vocals return back closer to Take it Easy Killer. The pace is still moving forward and the music supports well a feeling of Schizo. Her voice breaks nicely in places and she shows off her Schizo nature and ability by slipping into a foreign tongue.

How appropriate that Estella ends her album with a song that means “the ability to cause insanity in others” because she’s doing it to us and will to you!

01 Psychkoo
02 The Damage is Done
03 Take it Easy Killer
04 Inferno Inferno
05  Plans Are What Disasters Are Made
06  There’s No Sun
07 Schizofriendly

Buy Take it Easy Killer now for only $4.99!

Did you hear Take it Easy Killer?




No Where to Run - Album CoverNOWHERE TO RUN

HorrorPalace.com continues branching into music as it offers another new and intriguing release fans of ominous music might find a nice inclusion to their collection.

Haunting lyrics certainly abound in the album Nowhere to Run by maestro Merlin K. Oz, Jr. Oz’s work is quite unique as far as horror themed material goes. A common problem with dark horror themed music is the sound mixes heavy metal and horror scores styles in a trite manner. In his short, three song EP, Oz is able to create a uniquely distinct sound that maintains a foreboding sense of menace without being overly derivative of traditional styles of horror themed music.

The title track Nowhere to Run is a perfect illustration of this innovative style. The sound seems to be part early 1980’s New Wave, modern J Pop, and classic European horror scores. The lyrics create a scenario of no escape from fantasy themed worlds where malevolent entities may be lurking. The image of trees and the ground changing appearances through the changing of the seasons hints at being entrapped in a world where there is no escape from. Time merely passes as the listener remains a prisoner of this darkly magical world.

Something Special has an almost 1990s retro soul style quality to it and this help it bring across romantic themes. It might seem odd for a romantic song to appear on a horror themed EP, but the lyrics are quite dark and have an almost stalkerish quality to them. In a way, this is an obsessional love song that makes it a nice inclusion on a musical work that is Halloween themed.

Yeah Ah does offer very haunting musical chords that accompany very serious and solemn lyrics that slowly build into upbeat sounds. This can be considered a strange song that further contributes to the alienation and loneliness that permeates the subtext of the EP. The song repeats the mysterious refrain ”Thinking about it” and the listener is drawn into these mysterious words through the ominous nature of their presentation.

Oz goes for something different with his EP and succeeds. The common drawback among many artists going for something different is they try to be strange and, while they succeed in their strangeness, they do not deliver a memorable work of quality. Nowhere to Run by Merlin K. Oz, Jr. is definitely a work of quality. If you like dark themes, retro sounds, and a unique vision, this is the EP to buy.

01 Nowhere to Run
02 Something Special

03 Yeah Ah




Warned by Her Death- Album Cover


Warned by Her Death by Aphelia features nine songs that are profoundly made for a dismal and gloomy aura.  Ironically enough, with Halloween approaching, it has always been about who and what looks scarier, from costume parties to household decors. Topped with this distinct music collection from Aphelia, your Halloween for 2013 will be one to remember for the years to come.

Warned by Her Death
Listening to this song is like reading a horror book that you swear to put a taboo on. However, it just won’t work that way because the more you listen to it, the more it gets you inclined of each word she speaks into the rhythm. When you try to parse the lyrics, it becomes interesting. It comes with more meaning than it seems – perhaps there is an implication of how we have took for granted important people in our lives and how at some point in time we regret having done so. After every moments of a creepy echoing sound, like from a typical ghost in a Scooby-Doo episode, Aphelia follows with her sentiments about how we have actually brought the people we love and the people we should have looked up to into their demise. So, why “Warned by Her Death?” ‘Cause it’s like karma: how we have taken others for granted will definitely come right back at us. So, be warned, as much as she had warned herself of it.

Sun Rise
The intro of this piece comes off to be like that of a dance choreography in Step Up Revolution; kind of with the techno/robotic beat. With the deep meaning of the song, you have to effort in reading through the lines. She sings about no one falling down from the clouds, and about her soul, offering it to someone. With the ambiguity of the song, you just have to go with the flow. That you will do naturally, which is quite inexplicable. But one thing is for sure: the Sun Rise will be right before your eyes.

Shine Shine Shine
Just like a negative connotation, this song is one of the things that don’t really come off to be the first perception you have of them. Right from the beginning, you’ll hear her singing about cutting herself in the kitchen shelf, and that it will be a cut worth noting. She then tells a loved one to “run, baby, run,” ’cause perhaps she’d have a tendency to hurt him. So yeah, run, baby, run with this song in your head and just know that the sun will shine, shine, shine! Simply put, its symbolism is all about saving a loved one by freeing them from being tethered.

So Far Away
Putting your earphones on with this song played brings you back to the beat of the 80’s. It comes with a vibe that is sure to make your Halloween a much brighter one. In the darkness, it is the song you’d root for the light to unveil. Perhaps love is everything, the person you love is everything. That’s why when they’re around, you’re just in the mood because you just go like having you is everything, my love!

Aphelia ends the sequence of the album with Feel It Coming Down. Without even listening to the song, you can definitely conclude it makes a great ending to quite a biographical album. Nevertheless, with its uniquely dark, ambiguous, and vibrant mix, Warned by Her Death is an album you cannot resist picking for this upcoming Halloween.

01 Sun Rise
02 Find Yourself
03 Taipan Veritas
04 Get It Right
05 Shine Shine Shine

06 Warned by Her Death

07 Having You Is Everything
08 So Far Away
09 Feel It Coming Down
