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Alternate title: Tonghak

Ch’ŏndogyo, ( Korean: “Religion of the Heavenly Way”, ) formerly Tonghak,  (“Eastern Learning”), indigenous Korean religion that combines elements of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, shamanism, and Roman Catholicism. There is no concept of eternal reward in Ch’ŏndogyo, because its vision is limited to bringing righteousness and peace to the world. Toward this end, converts to Ch’ŏndogyo dedicate themselves to God by placing clean water on an altar in a ritual called ch’ŏngsu. They are instructed to meditate on God, offer prayers (kido) upon leaving and entering their homes, dispel harmful thoughts (e.g., of greed and lust), and worship God in church on Sundays.

The essence of Ch’ŏndogyo is said to be contained in a 21-word formula (chumun) that is recited as the way to enlightenment. It is translated: “May the creative power of the universe be within me in abundance. May heaven be with me and every creation will be done. Never forgetting this truth, everything will be known.” This formula contains the basic principle of Ch’ŏndogyo: “Man and God are one” (In-Nae-Ch’ŏn); this oneness is realized by individuals through sincere faith in the unity of their own body and spirit and through faith in the universality of God.

Ch’ŏndogyo was established by Ch’oe Che-u in 1860, after what he said was a direct inspiration from the Heavenly Emperor (Ch’ŏnju). Because Ch’oe sought to effect change in the social order, he was seriously at odds with the civil authorities, who ordered his execution in 1864. Ch’oe Si-hyŏng, already prominent in the movement, took over the leadership but met a similar fate in 1898. The third leader, Son Pyŏng-hi, proposed the current name, Ch’ŏndogyo, in 1905 as preferable to Tonghak, which had been chosen by its founder. By the late 20th century there were some 3,000,000 adherents.

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