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Alternate titles: Île Mallicolo; Malecula
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Malakula, also spelled Malecula, French Île Mallicolo,  volcanic island, the second largest island (781 square miles [2,023 square km]) of Vanuatu, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is 58 miles (94 km) long by 27 miles (44 km) wide and lies about 20 miles (32 km) south of Espiritu Santo, across the Bougainville (Malo) Strait. Its central mountain range rises to 2,884 feet (879 metres) at Pénot. Harbours on the fertile eastern coast include Port Stanley, Bushman Bay (former British administrative headquarters), and Port Sandwich (site of the former French headquarters at Lamap). The interior of Malakula was little visited by Europeans until well into the 20th century, and, as a result, indigenous traditions there have been much better preserved than elsewhere in Vanuatu. The last known incident of ritual cannibalism in the islands was recorded on Malakula as late as 1969. Copra and coffee are exported. There are two hospitals and several airstrips.

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