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J.-A.-D. Ingres

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Alternate title: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
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J.-A.-D. Ingres, in full Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres   (born August 29, 1780Montauban, France—died January 14, 1867Paris), painter and icon of cultural conservatism in 19th-century France. Ingres became the principal proponent of French Neoclassical painting after the death of his mentor, Jacques-Louis David. His cool, meticulously drawn works constituted the stylistic antithesis of the emotionalism and colourism of the contemporary Romantic school. As a monumental history painter, Ingres sought to perpetuate the Classical tradition of Raphael and Nicolas Poussin. The spatial and anatomical distortions that characterize his portraits and nudes, however, anticipate many of the most audacious formal experiments of 20th-century Modernism.

Early life and works

Ingres received his first artistic instruction from his father, Jean-Marie-Joseph Ingres, an artistic jack-of-all-trades of modest talent but considerable professional and social pretensions. Ingres’s formal education at the school of the Brothers of Christian Doctrine was cut short by the abolition of religious orders in France in 1791, during the Revolution, and so he transferred to the fine arts academy in Toulouse. In 1797 he set out for Paris, where he entered the studio of David, the most celebrated artist in France. Two years later Ingres was accepted into the École des Beaux-Arts. The culmination of his artistic education occurred in 1801, when he was awarded the coveted Prix de Rome, a scholarship given by the French government that allowed art students to study at the Académie de France in Rome. Ingres’s prizewinning painting, The Envoys of Agamemnon, demonstrates his mastery of the standard academic pictorial vocabulary of the day, as well as his attraction to certain stylistic archaisms then coming into fashion.

Because the French treasury, strained by Napoleon’s wars, was unable to pay for his scholarship in Rome, Ingres was forced to remain in Paris. He began to distinguish himself as a portraitist, and in 1804 he fulfilled his first official commission in this genre, Bonaparte as First Consul. Two years later he attracted public attention with a display of several portraits at the Salon, the official state exhibition of contemporary art. Two of his submissions, the portraits of Sabine Rivière and of her 13-year-old daughter, Caroline, introduced the spatial and anatomical manipulations that would typify the artist’s mature portraits, particularly of women. It was, however, the monumental portrait Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne (1806) that proved the most controversial. The stiffness and flat frontality of this imposing effigy were derived from medieval and Byzantine prototypes, while its meticulous detailing and unrelenting surface realism recalled 15th-century Flemish masters. Critics were unanimous in their condemnation of the work, branding Ingres’s willfully primitivizing manner as “Gothic.” It would take the artist two decades to shake this pejorative label.

Shortly before the opening of the fateful 1806 Salon, Ingres finally set off for Italy, where he continued to follow his own artistic impulses. The officials at the École were disconcerted by the linear severity and tonal sobriety of the two paintings he sent back to Paris in 1808: Valpinçon Bather and Oedipus and the Sphinx. They were equally critical of the lack of conventional modeling and the outrageous anatomical distortions that characterized the figures in Jupiter and Thetis (1811), the culminating work of Ingres’s student years in Rome.

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