Tag Archives: demons

The Manitou (1978)

Greetings, readers, Bill here. Now, you may have heard that actor Michael Ansara passed away the other day at 91 years of age. While perhaps best known in genre circles as the Klingon Kang in an assortment of Star Trek … Read the rest of this entry

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Manborg (2011)

Greetings, readers, Bill here. Last night I made the 90 minute drive from my apartment to the Palace Theater in Syracuse to attend a mini-film festival called “Hatchet-Fest,” which was five films for ten dollars – MANBORG, FRANKENSTEIN’S ARMY, HATCHET … Read the rest of this entry

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The Conjuring (2013)

Greetings, readers, Bill here, having just gotten home from my local cinema where I took in a screening of THE CONJURING this afternoon. Now, normally I wouldn’t have gone to see this in theaters – possession movies all tend to … Read the rest of this entry

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Demon Witch Child (La Endemoniada, 1975)

Greetings, readers, Bill here with a morning dose of Euro-horror for you today. This morning’s film, also known as THE POSSESSED, is directed by Amando de Ossorio, best known for his work with the BLIND DEAD franchise, and stars Marián … Read the rest of this entry

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I Love You Like A Twist (2012)

Greetings, readers, Bill here with a screener all the way from Italy, sent to us by director Lorenzo Lepori with a request for a review.  He drew explicit comparisons to the work of Larry Buchanan in describing the film to … Read the rest of this entry

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Rumpelstiltskin (1995)

Greetings, readers, Bill here. Tonight’s film is one I promised a friend I’d review ages ago and simply never got around to. Well, tonight I’m getting around to it, and it promises to be a doozy. A mid-90s supernatural horror … Read the rest of this entry

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Evil Dead (2013)

Greetings, readers, Bill here having just gotten home from seeing the new EVIL DEAD with my good friend and occasional co-conspirator Dan. I’ll be real honest with you here folks, if it hadn’t been for this film having been requested … Read the rest of this entry

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Grave Encounters (2011)

Greetings, readers, Bill here with another review of a recent film. Once again, this was a request of Bonnie Murray, who won a contest we ran a few weeks back and thus got to dictate five films for me to … Read the rest of this entry

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Night of the Tentacles (2013)

Greetings, readers, Bill here with my first review post-Cinema Wasteland. I picked up a pretty hefty stack of DVDs (despite telling myself I was going to take it easy on such things), including a couple indie productions picked up directly … Read the rest of this entry

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The Dungeonmaster (1984)

Greetings, readers, Bill here with a last review before hitting the road for Cinema Wasteland tomorrow morning.  This film, also released under the title RAGEWAR, is actually something of an anthology film – it’s broken into a number of segments … Read the rest of this entry

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