Green IT

Green IT news, trend analysis and opinion


Chinese man on top of TV pile

China's toxic e-waste capital is cleaning up its act

Guiyu, sometimes called the world's most poisonous town, is trying to clean itself up

Data centers are the new polluters

U.S. data centers use more electricity than they need, a new report finds, and IT managers are too cautious about managing power and businesses are unwilling to invest in energy conservation.

Apple bans two chemicals from product assembly after protests

Apple has found no widespread use of n-hexane and benzene at final assembly facilities for its products

5 veteran CIOs take stock of the changing tech sector

Long-timers reflect on all that’s evolved since they first assumed the CIO role at their companies.


10 tech pros who push their downtime to the limits

As if IT leadership isn't challenging enough, some tech pros choose not to kick back when the day is done. Here's how flying a stunt plane or birthing a llama can make you a better leader.

green it technology

Whatever happened to Green IT?

Green initiatives have withered, but IT execs who think green can still make a difference.

America's 6 top-paid CTOs

Bonuses and stock options help push some chief technology officers' salaries into the millions.

Dell to make line of PCs with recycled plastics

Dell is making a line of PCs using plastics obtained by expanding its recycling program.

15 tips for surviving -- and thriving -- as an IT contractor

Pundits are calling 2014 the year of the IT contractor. Here are 15 tips for setting up shop and making it stick.

Apple offers free recycling of its products worldwide

Apple is offering to recycle its products for free worldwide, and has included even third-party products like mobile phones and PCs in the program in some countries.

20 tortures developers love to hate

From switching frameworks to turning 23 years old, developers suffer mightily in hopes of the momentary rush that comes from a beautiful algorithm in a few lines of code

US school offers first-of-a-kind graduate degree in data center engineering

Plenty of people have engineering degrees but not many have one specific to data centers. A university in Dallas is offering what it says will be a first-of-its-kind graduate degree in data center engineering.

HP envisions the holistic data center

Hewlett-Packard has launched a set of services designed to help organizations manage their data centers more efficiently, using the principles of DCIM (data center infrastructure management).

10 trends in IT spending for 2014

After years of maintenance-only spending, IT leaders are ready to invest. Find out which technologies -- and which IT professionals -- are pulling down the dough.

10 great places for techies to 'pay it forward' (you can too!)

Why not kick off the New Year by putting your awesome IT skills to work for the greater good? Here are just a few of the many organizations that can use techie assistance.

Why web companies point the way for everyday IT in 2014

Once upon a time, there were two very separate worlds of technology.The first was the traditional world of enterprise IT, with computing devices and applications delivered and controlled by the corporate CIO. Technology decisions...

Data centers play fast and loose with reliability credentials

How reliable is your data center service provider? Perhaps not as reliable as you think.

Negotiation tips for IT pros

You know what would make your work life better -- stretch assignments, more training, a promotion. Here's how to convince the powers that be to say yes to your requests.

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