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John VI Cantacuzenus

Byzantine emperor
John VI CantacuzenusByzantine emperor



June 15, 1383

Mistra, Greece

John VI Cantacuzenus,  (born 1292—died June 15, 1383Mistra, Byzantine Empire), statesman, Byzantine emperor, and historian whose dispute with John V Palaeologus over the imperial throne induced him to appeal for help to the Turks, aiding them in their conquest of the Byzantine Empire.

John was chief adviser to Andronicus III Palaeologus, having helped him gain the throne from his grandfather Andronicus II. From 1328 to 1341 Cantacuzenus directed both domestic and foreign policy for the Emperor. He encouraged a reform of the law courts and promoted commercial independence from the Genoese and Venetians by initiating a large shipbuilding project. He distinguished himself in battle against the Serbs and in 1337 helped incorporate the despotate of Epirus, in western Greece, into the empire.

When Andronicus III died in 1341, Cantacuzenus asserted his claim as regent for the young John V, but when he (Cantacuzenus) left Constantinople to battle the Serbs in Thrace, his opponents—led by John V’s mother, Anna of Savoy—declared him a traitor and imprisoned his supporters.

Cantacuzenus proclaimed himself emperor, however, at Didymoteichos on Oct. 26, 1341. From 1343 to 1345 he arranged alliances with the Turks and married his daughter to the Ottoman sultan Orhan. He regained Constantinople in February 1347 with Turkish help, and was crowned co-emperor with John V in May.

As John VI, Cantacuzenus agreed to reign for only 10 years and to allow John V to rule alone after that time. He married his daughter Helen to the young emperor to seal the agreement. By 1354 Cantacuzenus was anxious to continue his rule and crowned his son, Matthew, co-emperor. John V appealed to the Venetians for aid and succeeded in retaking Constantinople in 1354. Cantacuzenus was forced to abdicate and retired to a monastery, where he wrote his memoirs, a valuable source for the history of the period from 1320 to c. 1357.

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