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Book of Jubilees

Book of Jubilees, also called the Little Genesis,  pseudepigraphal work (not included in any canon of scripture), most notable for its chronological schema, by which events described in Genesis on through Exodus 12 are dated by jubilees of 49 years, each of which is composed of seven cycles of seven years. The institution of a jubilee calendar supposedly would ensure the observance of Jewish religious festivals and holy days on the proper dates and, by setting Jews apart from their Gentile neighbours, would emphasize the Old Testament picture of Israel as the covenant community of God.

In addition to paraphrasing and embellishing on Genesis, Jubilees also relates stories explaining the origin of contemporary Jewish laws and customs. An older (hence, to the Hellenistic mind, more sacred) origin is attributed to the Mosaic Law and many of the legal precepts in Leviticus by asserting that the patriarchs in Genesis observed laws and festivals that actually came into existence after the age of the patriarchs.

Jubilees, in its final form, was likely written about 100 bc, though it incorporates much older mythological traditions. Its isolationist religious spirit and its strictness led the Essene sect of Jews at Qumrān in Palestine to quote extensively from it in the Damascus Document, one of their major works. Jubilees is also closely connected with the Genesis Apocryphon, which also parallels Genesis and was favoured by the Qumrān community. Several fragments of the original Hebrew edition of Jubilees were found in the Qumrān library.

Jubilees is preserved in its entirety only in an Ethiopic translation, which was derived from a Greek translation made from the Hebrew. Fragments of the Greek and Hebrew texts are also extant.

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