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Halloween Stories

halloween-stories-pumpkinsHalloween stories originated with the festival. The fact that the festival was based on the belief that there is one night in the year when the world of the dead and the world of the living collide, it was only natural that stories became part of the foundation. The ghosts and spirits that surface during this night are said to create mayhem, whether it was burning crops or haunting people. They were there from the start, giving them a certain power other ghost stories lacked. Some horrific talks can be found in folklore collections as well as on HorrorPalace. The latter is now one of the main sources for quality and modern Halloween stories that cannot be found anywhere else.

The Fun of Telling a Halloween Story

Some people just have a knack for re-telling an interesting Halloween story, but if the content is good it shouldn’t be too hard to bring the audience into a state of fear. For example, unsolved stories about mad men going on bloody rampages and apparitions that left witnesses mentally insane. Mental institutions are great sources of fear. Few things are as fun as creating a creepy atmosphere that is so scary that everyone is too scared to close their eyes. This is of course the beauty of Halloween stories. There is an unseen magic that comes with every tale, because for that tiny moment the audience actually considers the truth behind the story. Their logic and reality undergoes a dramatic shift thanks to the power of Halloween.


The Best Setting for a Halloween Story

If you plan on conveying a story to your friends or family on Halloween then consider the setting you are in. If the story is to be told within the confines of a house then keep the light dim, but not completely dark. Give your audience just enough light in order for their eyes to play tricks. It is also recommended that your story takes place in the same setting. A campfire that is some distance away from civilization has proven to be the best place if you want your audience to be completely rattled. The best way to start is by stating facts, such as families leaving food on the doorsteps and windowpanes for their ancestors in return for protection on this scary night. Some placed salt in the keyholes, hoping it would deter oncoming evil. These were actual traditions on Halloween that were inspired by fear.

Telling an Effective Halloween Story

halloween-stories-pumpkin-still-lifeIt’s important to find a good story, preferably one with substance. Keep your voice calm, yet serious. Remember to add little details that don’t necessarily have an impact on how the story unfolds and don’t announce that a Halloween story is about to be told. Instead, make a casual entrance as if you’ve conveniently read it somewhere. Stories that are set within an historic backdrop seem to work the best, because they can’t really be disputed or proven wrong at that particular moment. If you prefer to use a modern story then make sure it doesn’t sound like a typical slasher movie. Remind your audience about the actual power of Halloween and how those who started the festival took great precaution in blocking evil spirits.

The following Halloween stories are considered to be among the best in terms of modern literature. If you need any inspiration for truly invoking the Halloween spirit on your friends then they fit the profile perfectly. They consist of the most original approaches and their ability to leave you scared beyond your senses is unnerving to say the least. Even if you just want to freak out your own imagination then these are the stories you want to read.

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