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Western arts

Western arts, the literary, performing, and visual arts of Europe and regions that share a European cultural tradition, including the United States and Canada.

Diverse as the European continent is, the artistic traditions of its nations share many common traits. The antecedents of most European arts lie in the artistic production of ancient Greece and Rome. These bases were developed and spread throughout the continent with the advent of Christianity. In the late 15th century, European artistic styles began to spread to the New World, creating American and Canadian traditions that were intertwined with those of Europe. (Native American arts retained their own distinctive qualities, however; see arts, Native American.) At the turn of the 21st century, Western artistic production was often marked by its ability to cross national boundaries in style and message, although elements of national traditions were also retained.

Western arts are treated in a number of articles; see architecture, Western; dance, Western; music, Western; painting, Western; sculpture, Western; theatre, Western; and Western literature. Specific forms of dance are treated in separate articles, such as ballet and waltz. Literatures of specific nations are covered in separate articles—e.g., English literature, American literature, and French literature.

See also articles on individual countries (e.g., Germany).

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