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Saint Felix IIIpope
Also known as
  • Saint Felix II

March 1, 492

Rome, Italy

Saint Felix III,  (died March 1, 492, Rome; feast day March 1), pope from 483 to 492. He succeeded St. Simplicius on March 13. Felix excommunicated Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople, in 484 for publishing with the emperor Zeno a document called the Henotikon, which appeared to favour Monophysitism, a doctrine that had been denounced at the Council of Chalcedon (451). The excommunication created the 35-year Acacian Schism. Felix’ Lateran Council of March 487 fixed conditions for readmission to the church of Africans who had been rebaptized by the Vandals. See also Acacian Schism.

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