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Hawaiian language

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The topic Hawaiian language is discussed in the following articles:

Bible translation

  • TITLE: biblical literature
    SECTION: Non-European versions
    In Oceania, the New Testament was rendered into Tahitian and Javanese in 1829 and into Hawaiian and Low Malay in 1835. By 1854 the whole Bible had appeared in all but the last of these languages as well as in Rarotonga (1851).

Polynesian languages

  • TITLE: Austronesian languages
    SECTION: Size and geographic scope
    ...of southeastern Taiwan, Cebuano Bisayan (Visayan) of the central Philippines, Javanese of western Indonesia, Malagasy of Madagascar, Arosi of the southeastern Solomon Islands in Melanesia, and Hawaiian.
  • TITLE: Austronesian languages
    SECTION: Polynesian languages
    ...languages generally are divided into two branches, Tongic (Tongan and Niue) and Nuclear Polynesian (the rest). Nuclear Polynesian in turn contains Samoic-Outlier and Eastern Polynesian. Maori and Hawaiian, two Eastern Polynesian languages that are separated by some 5,000 miles of sea, appear to be about as closely related as Dutch and German. The closest external relatives of the Polynesian...
  • TITLE: Austronesian languages
    SECTION: Size of phoneme inventory
    ...vowels. Exceptionally large consonant inventories are found in the languages of the Loyalty Islands in southern Melanesia, and exceptionally small consonant inventories in the Polynesian languages. Hawaiian has the second smallest inventory of phonemes, or distinctive sounds, of any known language, with just eight consonants ( p, k, ‘ [glottal stop], m, n, l, h, and w)...


  • TITLE: Hawaii (state, United States)
    SECTION: Population composition
    The two official languages of Hawaii are English and Hawaiian. In the early 1990s the Hawaiian language was all but extinct, spoken by only a handful of Native Hawaiians. However, a program that established Hawaiian-language immersion schools created a new generation of Hawaiian speakers, and instruction in Hawaiian is now offered from kindergarten through the graduate school level. The...

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"Hawaiian language". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
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Hawaiian language. (2014). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/257407/Hawaiian-language
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Hawaiian language. 2014. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 06 November, 2014, from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/257407/Hawaiian-language
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Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. "Hawaiian language", accessed November 06, 2014, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/257407/Hawaiian-language.

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