Hong Kong’s ‘Che’ Points at the Collapsing Facade of Elitist Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s ‘Che’ Points at the Collapsing Facade of Elitist Hong Kong

New America Media, News Analysis, Yoichi Shimatsu, Posted: Oct 03, 2014

The sudden reversal of political fortunes in Hong Kong has thrown everything wide open, as the elitist power structure crumbles.


Q&A;: Long Beach Unified Only District in CA to Mention Homeless Students in its Budget


New America Media, Question & Answer, Peter Schurmann, Posted: Oct 01, 2014

Long Beach Unified School District was the only district in California to reference homeless students in its plan, under a new funding law that directs more money to high need students.


Latino Workers Dying at Higher Rates in Job Accidents, Report Shows


FairWarning, News Report, Stuart Silverstein, Posted: Sep 18, 2014

Worker advocates blame weak federal and state regulation and a trend of employers increasingly giving dangerous jobs to temporary workers.

More than 40 Percent of Minnesota Workers Lack Access to Paid Sick Days


TC Daily Planet, News Report, Posted: Sep 17, 2014

Some 41% of Minnesota workers lack access to even a single day of earned sick time, a new report finds. Those who have the most difficulty taking time off from work when they are sick include low-income workers and those employed in food service and other jobs where they are in regular contact with the public.


Tax-break Tech Hiring a Bust in San Francisco’s Tenderloin


Central City Extra, News Report, Tom Carter, Mark Hedin and Geoff Link, Posted: Sep 15, 2014

The city's so-called Twitter tax break has resulted in only one full-time hire and five summer interns in the low-income neighborhood now home to the city's tech firms.

More Homeless Families Expected in D.C. This Winter


Washington Informer, News Report, Posted: Sep 08, 2014

A spike is anticipated in the number of D.C. families who will need a safe and warm place to live this winter, government officials say.


Calif. Assemblyman Bonta Authors AB 2719 to Support Innovative Small Businesses


Asian Journal, News Report, Rocelle Tangi, Posted: Sep 03, 2014

If approved, the bill would create support for "pop up" businesses that sell non-food products from temporary venues.

New York Bank Accused of Refusing Mortgages to Blacks


Washington Informer, News Report, Posted: Sep 02, 2014

Evans Bank in New York is being sued by the state over accusations that its mortgage lenders refused financing to African-Americans in Buffalo.


Study: Wealth of Calif. Nonprofits Not Evenly Spread Throughout State


New America Media, News Report, Anna Challet, Posted: Aug 30, 2014

The San Francisco Bay Area has less than a fifth of the state’s total population, but has nearly half of the assets of all the state’s nonprofits.


Grow Your Own “Unretirement” - Minnesota Hmong on the Farm


PBS Next Avenue/New America Media, News Feature, Chris Farrell , Posted: Aug 27, 2014

Part of the retire-to-farm movement, immigrants are carving out a new life for themselves and their families,

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Featured Video

Dearborn Music Video Causes Uproar
Dearborn Music Video Causes Uproar

By Samer Hijazi,
Posted: Sep 27, 2014



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