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Written by Michel J. Mollat

Louis XI

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Written by Michel J. Mollat

Louis XI,  (born July 3, 1423Bourges, Fr.—died Aug. 30, 1483, Plessis-les-Tours), king of France (1461–83) of the House of Valois who continued the work of his father, Charles VII, in strengthening and unifying France after the Hundred Years’ War. He reimposed suzerainty over Boulonnais, Picardy, and Burgundy, took possession of France-Comté and Artois (1482), annexed Anjou (1471), and inherited Maine and Provence (1481).

Early life and exile.

Louis was the son of Charles VII of France by his consort Mary of Anjou. When Louis was born, the English were ruling a large part of France, and he spent most of his childhood at the Loches in Touraine. Ugly and fat, Louis grew up in austere seclusion to become secretive, ruthless, and superstitious; yet, he was also devout, intelligent, and well informed, a cunning diplomat and a bold warrior who was able to command loyalty. Known as the “universal spider” because of his incessant machinations and intrigue, he could still claim to personify the French national consciousness; as he was later to say to his rebellious vassals, “I am France.”

Louis was married to Margaret, daughter of James I of Scotland, in 1436—an unhappy union formed solely for political reasons. In 1439 the King sent him to superintend the defense of Languedoc against the English and then to act as royal lieutenant in Poitou. Louis, however, was impatient to reign and was induced by malcontent princes to put himself at their head in 1440 during the revolt known as the Praguerie, named after a contemporary disturbance in Bohemia. Charles VII pardoned his rebellion and installed him as ruler of the Dauphiné.

Louis took part in his father’s campaigns of 1440–43 against the English, and in 1443 he forced the English to raise their siege of Dieppe. When the Anglo-French truce of 1444 left numbers of mercenary troops unemployed, he led a large body of them to attack Basel, in ostensible support of the German king Frederick V (later Holy Roman emperor as Frederick III) in his quarrel with the Swiss confederacy. Failing to take Basel, Louis attacked the Habsburg possessions in Alsace since Frederick would not grant him the promised winter quarters.

Meanwhile, Charles VII had invaded Lorraine and was holding court at Nancy. When Louis rejoined him there, Charles was completely under the influence of Agnès Sorel and Pierre de Brézé. Father and son became wholly estranged after the death (1445) of the dauphine Margaret, to whom the father had been attached. Detected in a plot against Brézé, Louis was exiled to Dauphiné. He was never to see his father again.

In Dauphiné, Louis served his apprenticeship as a ruler. He set up a central chancellery, reconstituted the local administration, founded the University of Valence, instituted a parlement, reduced the nobles to obedience, and confirmed the privileges of the towns. He also started to exploit the country’s mines and forests and to promote its trade. Exercising full sovereignty, he pursued a foreign policy sometimes at variance with his father’s. After concluding a secret alliance with Savoy for a partition of the Duchy of Milan, Louis, recently widowed, married Charlotte, daughter of Duke Louis of Savoy, despite Charles VII’s prohibition (1451). Subsequently, however, Louis fell out with Savoy, and in 1456, when Charles approached Louis’s frontiers with an army and summoned him to his presence, he fled to the Netherlands to the court of Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy.

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