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Sergey Brin

American entrepreneur
Sergey BrinAmerican entrepreneur
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August 21, 1973

Soviet Union

Sergey Brin,  (born Aug. 21, 1973Moscow, U.S.S.R. [now Russia]), American computer scientist and entrepreneur who created, along with Larry Page, the online search engine Google, one of the most successful sites on the Internet.

Brin’s family moved from Moscow to the United States in 1979. After receiving degrees (1993) in computer science and mathematics at the University of Maryland, he entered Stanford University’s graduate program, where he met Page, a fellow graduate student. The two were both intrigued by the idea of enhancing the ability to extract meaning from the mass of data accumulating on the Internet. They began working from Page’s dormitory room to devise a new type of search technology that leveraged Web users’ own ranking abilities by tracking each site’s “backing links”—that is, the number of other pages linked to them. Brin received a master’s degree in 1995, but he went on leave from Stanford’s doctorate program to continue working on the search engine.

In mid-1998 Brin and Page began receiving outside financing, and they ultimately raised about $1 million from investors and from family and friends. They called their updated search engine Google—a name derived from a misspelling of the originally planned name, googol (a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros)—and created the corporation Google Inc. Brin became the company’s president of technology, and by mid-1999, when Google received $25 million of venture capital funding, the search engine was processing 500,000 queries per day. Technology executive Eric Schmidt replaced Page as chief executive officer of Google in 2001. However, Google was in effect led by the trio of Brin, Page, and Schmidt. By 2004 users were accessing the Web site 200 million times a day (roughly 138,000 queries per minute). On Aug. 19, 2004, Google Inc. issued its initial public offering (IPO), which netted more than $3.8 billion dollars for Brin.

In 2006 Google acquired YouTube, the Web’s most popular site for user-submitted streaming video, for $1.65 billion in stock. The move reflected the company’s efforts to expand its services beyond Internet searches. That same year Google was criticized for agreeing to comply with the Chinese government’s censorship requirements—blocking Web sites extolling democracy, for example, or those covering the 1989 demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. Brin defended the decision, saying that Google’s ability to supply some, albeit restricted, information was better than supplying none. In April 2011 Brin relinquished his duties as president of technology to become director of special projects.

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