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Alternate titles: Independent State of Papua New Guinea; P.N.G.

Daily life and social customs

People’s daily lives vary enormously in Papua New Guinea, with the great majority of the population living across the diverse rural landscape in villages or hamlets. Daily life usually centres on the extended family, whose primary responsibilities are producing food for subsistence and rearing children. Most people have rights to use portions of land for the growing of food and some cash crops as well as the rights to fish, hunt, and gather timber from local forests. Many of these activities are accompanied by rituals to ensure success and prosperity. Other major rituals, such as menarche ceremonies for girls and initiations for boys, are declining. The Highlands social system previously involved the strict separation of men and women, with men sleeping in men’s houses somewhat akin to military barracks and women sleeping in separate garden houses with the small children. With the incursion of newer cultural influences, that system has been modified in much of the region. Wealthy and prominent men with multiple wives retain separate households for each.

The clan forms the major unit of social organization. Almost all Melanesian societies are patrilineal, tracing descent through the male line, and even matrilineal societies, where descent is traced through the female line, remain patriarchal—i.e., male-dominated. In some areas descent and land rights can be claimed through either parent, so people can belong to both their parents’ clans. Marriage within a clan would be perceived as incest, and so marriage is only possible across clan lines and sometimes across the boundaries of a tribe. Large tribes are not the norm, but where they do exist they have a degree of political unity and can be viewed as federations of clans. They may share origin myths, and in such cases clans can be seen as being like “brothers,” sons of a founding father. These social structures form the lines of conflict expressed in the interclan warfare that persists in the Highland provinces, and in those areas they often form the lines of political competition in contemporary elections.

When people migrate from rural villages to urban areas or rural resettlement areas, they carry their languages and customs with them and re-create their existing social structures. Social bonds and obligations of the wantok system can provide support for those struggling in new locations but also create heavy demands on the more affluent people who feel obliged to support their kin. The demands of wantoks are often held to be a root cause of corruption. Increasingly there are second or third generations of townspeople who have “mixed marriages” across language lines, who while affiliated with both their parents’ relatives often display a greater sense of nationhood than their age-mates who have less multicultural backgrounds. Intergenerational tensions reflect the stresses of rapid social change in rural and urban contexts.

In both villages and cities, music and dance celebrations often mark important life-cycle events such as birth, death, initiation, menarche, economic transactions (even the opening of a roadway), peacemaking, and religious observances. Traditional expressions are now sometimes mixed with or even replaced by string band music, Christian hymns, or both, primarily reflecting modified influences from the West and from other Pacific Islands areas.

Cultural institutions

The Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery in Waigani, a suburb of Port Moresby, has a significant collection of ethnographic artifacts. The government’s National Cultural Commission, the Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, and the National Film Institute record, document, and promote activities associated with traditional cultures, while organizations promoting tourism market aspects of those cultures to potential audiences overseas. In 2008 the Kuk Early Agricultural Site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. That land in the Western Highlands has been worked almost continuously for at least 7,000 years, and the site contains even earlier evidence of the beginning of organized agriculture and its subsequent development.

Sports and recreation

Competitive sports in Papua New Guinea were introduced by colonists and missionaries but have taken on a style of their own, with games often inspiring not only team but also village or district loyalty. Wealthy candidates for election often sponsor sporting teams. There are organized amateur leagues for the most popular sports, which include rugby, cricket, football (soccer), softball, basketball, and volleyball. Rugby and football are especially popular league sports among men and, to a lesser extent, women, and netball is popular among girls. Cricket is another top sport, especially in the southern region. Since 2000 traditional canoe and sailing races have been revived as an elite recreation.

The Papua New Guinea Sports Federation and Olympic Committee acts as the national umbrella organization for sports and operates with corporate and government support to aid national teams as they train for and participate in international sporting events. The country first participated in the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal but has had greater success in Pacific regional competitions and the Commonwealth Games, in which it has participated since 1962.

The country has designated a variety of national parks and protected areas. Lake Kutubu National Park, in the Southern Highlands, is a refuge for reptiles, birds, and butterflies. The small McAdam National Park, in Morobe province, is home to many diverse animals including birds-of-paradise, cuscus, and echidnas. Varirata National Park, near Port Moresby, provides opportunities for hiking, camping, bird-watching, and picnicking. The island region, with its coral reefs, highly diverse marine life, and numerous sunken wrecks of World War II-era ships and airplanes, is considered to provide some of the best diving and snorkeling in the world.

Papua New Guinea Flag

1Gau Hedinarai ai Papua–Matamata Guinea (Hiri Motu); Papua–Niugini (Tok Pisin).

Official namesIndependent State of Papua New Guinea1
Form of governmentconstitutional monarchy with one legislative house (National Parliament [111])
Head of stateBritish Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Governor-General: Sir Michael Ogio
Head of governmentPrime Minister: Peter O’Neill
CapitalPort Moresby
Official languagesEnglish; Hiri Motu; Tok Pisin
Official religionnone
Monetary unitkina (K)
Population(2014 est.) 8,219,000
Total area (sq mi)178,704
Total area (sq km)462,840
Urban-rural populationUrban: (2012) 12.6%
Rural: (2012) 87.4%
Life expectancy at birthMale: (2012) 61.1 years
Female: (2012) 65.3 years
Literacy: percentage of population age 15 and over literateMale: (2008) 63.6%
Female: (2008) 55.6%
GNI per capita (U.S.$)(2013) 2,010
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