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The Mirror

Alternate title: The Daily Mirror

The Mirror, official name The Daily Mirror,  daily newspaper published in London that frequently has the largest circulation in Britain.

The Mirror was founded by Alfred Harmsworth, later Viscount Northcliffe, in 1903 as a newspaper for women. Its photo-rich tabloid format has consistently stressed sensational, human-interest, and personal types of stories, and its politically independent stance has enabled it to adopt a “common man versus bureaucracy” approach to many stories.

In the 1970s and ’80s The Mirror faced union resistance to its plans to modernize production. In 1984 the paper was sold to Robert Maxwell, who held it until his death in 1991. In 1992 the paper was bought by Sir Peter Parker, a former British Railways chairman. Acquired in 1999 by Trinity Mirror PLC, The Mirror continues to be one of the leading mass-circulation papers in Britain.

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