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Seamus Mullen

Hi, I'm Seamus Mullen. I'm a chef and I have rheumatoid arthritis. For those of us rheumatoid arthritis, cooking can seem like a chore, but it doesn't have to be.

With a few simple tips and some special tools, I can show you how you can bring the fun back into the kitchen.

Prepping and chopping can be one of the hardest parts of cooking if you've got RA. One of the things to look for are knives with ergonomic handles, like this one.

You can see it's a little bit easier on your wrist. You can also buy pre-cut vegetables. I've got some squash that has been peeled and cut, ready to use here.

Or you can use these great little mini-chops, which are lightweight and really easy to clean.

Food processors can also be really helpful. They've got a variety of blades for both slicing vegetables and for grating vegetables.

There are also a lot of other great tools available. Like this one for peeling ginger, or this is a great little micro-plane with a safety attachment for grating garlic.

And I've got this great tool for opening jars-- something that's really hard for me with my wrists.

I also like to use these lightweight plastic bowls with silicone bottoms. You put them on the counter and they don't really slide in either direction.

It can also be helpful to look for cooking utensils with large rubber handles.

And, of course, you want to take advantage of using electric appliances as well. Can openers, juicers, and even an electric knife can be very helpful.

Look for lightweight cookware with two handles. Also, look for things with silicone grips that can help you pick things up.

When it comes time to eat, look for lightweight plates. And if you need them, there's a lot of adaptive flatware available on the market.

For your leftovers, remember to use lightweight plastic containers.

This is just a sample of some of the great tools available on the market for those of us with RA. With a few easy adjustments to our kitchen, you'll be cooking in no time.

For Cooking with RA, I'm Seamus Mullen.

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RA Checklist Challenge

Want to take better care of yourself? See how many things you can check off the list in the next 30 days!

I ordered salmon instead of a burger when I went out to eat today.

I took a walk 5 days this week.

I didn't let my RA stop me from having fun today.

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You Are Not Alone

  • 1.3 million Americans are living with RA.
  • 75% of people with RA are women.
  • 3 in 5 people with RA try to stay active.
  • 91% of people with RA are able to keep working.
  • 3 in 5 patients are satisfied with their doctors.
  • 80% say they hope for new, innovative treatments.
  • 75% want to feel better in 3 months of treatment.
  • 80% want treatment to resume full social lives.
  • 2 out of 3 say friends don't understand their RA.
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