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How would you finish this sentence?
Caprice_WebMD_Staff posted:

"When I found out I had Diabetes, I?."

What were your first thoughts and feelings? How did you react?
mhall6252 responded:
When I found out I had diabetes, I was frightened! And in a state of complete disbelief! I was a few pounds overweight, but nowhere near the stereotypical obese person. I ate healthy most of the time, wasn't into sweets and couldn't understand this came to be. And I understood the consequences of not managing - UTI's, loss of limbs, neuropathy, etc. So I hopped on the compliance bandwagon immediately!

It's been ten years and I am side-effect-free. I still eat really low carb, with the exception of allowing myself more fruit than I did in the past. That is actually a Dr. Dansinger influence :>)

And, after fighting breast cancer for the past nine months, I decided that life was too short to give up watermelon!

phototaker responded:
When I found out, I had been really stressed at my teaching job working long hours. I had made no time for exercise and was eating not as good as I had for years. That's all it took. I DID know I was pre-diabetic, but was in total denial and so stressed, I didn't take care of myself. It took just a few more months to become diabetic.

My first reaction...I was so angry at myself for not doing what I needed to do. I had gotten little direction from my doctor, as he knew in the past I had eaten healthier. There were no pre-diabetic classes at that time. RIGHT AWAY, after I was diagnosed, I took action. I paid for the two diabetes classes, and scoured every label on anything I bought at the store. I was VERY STRICT, and lost 38 lbs., and brought my A1C down to 6.1. I waiver between 5.8 and 6.0. My weight is up about five lbs., which I'm struggling to get down, and an A1C of 5.9. I didn't start working out heavily until after I retired, 2 1/2 years ago. I did walk 3x a week, and did pilates and yoga, though.
xring responded:
I had mixed feelings. I had suspected diabetes because of symptoms & family history & the 70 lbs I'd gained over the years, plus the 25 lbs. I lost without trying before my diagnosis.

The mixed feelings were due to knowing something was wrong, but at the same time, being grateful for the weight loss because I've dealt with a stubborn, lifelong weight problem.
Politicians should serve two terms. One in office and one in prison
arealgijoe responded:
Simple question, I have a simple answer to your easy question.

What is diabetes?

I had had a sore throat that got better but I felt like crap. Had several problems over a couple weeks, ER trips etc. Then one evening I sipped a few sips of Coke and my wife called the meatwagon and was hospitalized. The company doc came in to see me YELLING and gave me HELL for not having my diabetes in control. I had NO idea what diabetes was.

This is a short simple version....

laura2gemini2 responded:
When I first found out I was diabetic I was 16 and very scared. My father told me horror stories of his mother having complications from diabetes. I think that was the first time I saw my dad cry.

I went to a really bad doctor to be diagnosed. We all ignored the fact that I was drinking gallons of water, and not being able to stay awake. I was tested for mono first, then had a fasting blood test (it was 245). The dr gave me 2 pills and sent me home. No instructions, no tests, nothing. 3 days later my mom couldnt wake me up, and off to the hospital I went.

I was scared for a long time. I think once I started learning more than what the drs were telling me (they were catering my teaching to young children, kinda dumb), I got over my fear.
dianer01 responded:
"When I found out I had Diabetes, I"026."

I didn't really get it at first. I was in the hospital with a back injury, I couldn't walk and was diagnosed when pre operative labs were done. At first I was just told my blood sugar was too high and they were giving me insulin. It didn't really hit me while I was in the hospital.

I was so wrapped up in in my fear and pain with my back issues, that or the morphine did a number on my head, I guess I just didn't care.

The day I was discharged from the hospital a nurse came in and showed me how to use the meter, gave me a scrip for metformin and a dietician gave me a card with a 1200 calorie diet. Nope, didn't get it. I was instructed to go back to my PCP with my meter in a few weeks, He asked me if I wanted to go to a program at the hospital, which was the best choice I made. It took a while but I finally got it.

There wasn't really a lot of drama. I was overweight, not exercising and a huge family history. One more goal to work toward.
teddybear200 responded:
When I found out I had Diabetes, I Was in shock! How could this be I was hypoglycemic for better than 10yrs.

I had a major surgery which caused me to get a transfusion be put on antibiotics and prednisone for weeks. Then they tested me after getting blood clots in the lungs 4 months after the surgery - they tested everything and I was told I was diabetic.

It has been a year now I am still off the metformin and my sugars are 76-83 fasting (mornings) and 95-100 2 hrs after eating.
One day I will soar on wings of an Eagle - Deb
betaquartz responded:
When I was first diagnosed I went through the whole gambit, confused, angry, disbelief, fear, anxiety, and so much more. First thing I did was try to find information, hours of net research, many many books purchased and read, and questions for doc. Next was to try to beat my body back into shape for letting me down! Then try to balance myself and my guilt's with my disease and my person in general. I am still working on that part.
Caprice_WebMD_Staff responded:
Our WebMD Diabetes Community is one of our best-loved communities and all one needs to do is read the discussions that go on here and the thoughtful and thought-provoking responses here in this thread to know why.

I am always humbled by the insight into yourselves and what you share here, and I have NO doubt that what you say here will help others.

I hope more find this discussion and share their thoughts too.
hootyowl2 responded:
...thought it is about time they got it right! " I knew I was diabetic for a long time, but nothing much showed up on tests, or they just said "you have diabetic tendencies" or some such stupid thing. I had all the symptoms except ED and could have been the poster child for unDX'd diabetes. The PA who was my primary at the time didnt bother to check my blood sugars for 3 whole years, despite my symptoms and medical history, and even then I had to insist that he do it. Then he had the gall to be angry at me for being diabetic. He was one of the worst health care providers I have ever had. He claimed that I would never have diabetic complications because he caught it "early" which was false. ... ad nauseum...

xring replied to hootyowl2's response:
Teehee, "when all else fails, blame the patient."

48 years ago, after the second time I passed out in middle school (hypoglycemia), they wouldn't let me back in school until I saw a doctor. The doctor said to my mom: "Well, I don't know why he fainted, but at least he will never be diabetic." When my mom asked "what do you mean?" he said, "He has hypoglycemia, which is the opposite of diabetes."
Politicians should serve two terms. One in office and one in prison
auriga1 responded:
I was in a state of shock when I found out. I was hospitalized for something else and all the routine daily blood work showed fastings between 250-300. Also, I was underweight. I was, like, "what gives?" The usual "why me." Five siblings and I am the only one diagnosed with diabetes. I had no symptoms, so that added to the shock.

Even though my mother had diabetes, I really didn't think it would happen. I truly thought you had to be eating bad, not doing any physical activity and be overweight. None of those categories fit. One of those out of the box.

My reaction was one of being a little bit frightened. I was immediately put on insulin because the diagnosis was "uncontrolled diabetes." You hear all sorts of horror stories when that term is used. Then to watch my mother deteriorate daily from complications of diabetes. Every single week was something new. The hospital was our second home.

All is good now with the management of my diabetes. That is one good thing.
arealgijoe replied to auriga1's response:
Interesting reading how I am NOT the only one that had problems with doctors at Dx or before. I had to LOL at the hypoglycemic, never have to wory about diabetes.....sure!

When I was 14 I was told I would end up on shots, I told them at hospital what they could do with their needles, and I got better. When I was 22 in the Navy I was told if I could pass a urine sugar test the next morning I could return to Duty (had been admited to sick bay) and forget it ever happened (& I did).

When I was 34 and did not recover after a sore throat, my famdoc REFUSED to see for followup when I called. I have SICK patients that need me he said. Couple weeks later I ended up hospitalized for diabetes.....One problem was, at 34 I was too old/too young and too slim to become DIABETIC.

Only AFTER I was Dx'd w/diabetes did I learn my mother and my grandfater were both diabetic.

I think TODAY with much greater awareness of diabetes in both the general population and medical fields, such thing SHOULD not happen today, at least it should be very rare.

beccasmurf responded:
When I found out I had diabetes, I was relieved. I finally knew why I was always so tired, hungry, thirsty, and always going to the bathroom. The best was that my Mom couldn't yell at me anymore for eating/drinking so much and being lazy (sleeping). I was glad I could get my body back in balance, and be a "normal" 8 year old kid again (with some new restrictions).

I had been showing symptoms most of the summer, but was diagnosed at my routine exam (one week before Halloween). Found out that, although I had a general pediatric doctor, he had a "thing" about diabetes and was considered an expert on Type 1 in the state.

It came as a shock to the family, as the only diabetic we knew about was a great aunt that married into the family that had Type 2. Since then, my Grandmother and Grandfather have developed Type 2 and my Aunt, Uncle, and Mom are well on their way, but I am still the only Type 1.

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