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An APS College Award of Distinction recognises the importance of significant contributions by a senior Member or Academic Member of the College, to the College and to in the expert field of that College.


  1. The Award is the responsibility of each APS College.
  2. Each College will form a Selection Committee which will review the nominations for the Award.
  3. The College Award Selection Committee will provide details of the proposed Award winner to the APS Board of Directors for consideration.
  4. The Selection Committee will recommend only one candidate in respect of each College.


To be eligible to receive the award a candidate must have been a Member or Academic Member of the relevant College for a minimum of 8 years.

Nomination process

  1. Calls for nominations for all College Awards will be published in the April edition of InPsych and close no later than 31 July each year.
  2. Call for nominations must be through the College bulk email system.
  3. Proposers and seconders must hold the grade of Member or Academic member of the relevant College.
  4. Each nomination must include the names of two referees who have indicated their willingness to support the nomination; both of whom hold the grade of Member or Academic Member of the relevant College.
  5. Supporting documents of how the candidate meets the Judging Criteria are to be submitted.

Selection criteria

In judging nominees for the Award, the selection committee will have regard to:

  1. the seniority of the nominee;
  2. the nominee’s availability to mentor current and aspiring members of the College;
  3. the extent to which the nominee has been active in the affairs of the College throughout the period of their membership of that College, both by holding office(s) and by participation in College activities; and
  4. whether the nominee has made a significant and long term contribution to the area of the discipline and practice of psychology in the expert field of the College through one or more of the following:
    1. by contributing significantly to teaching, research and publications in the expert field of the College; 
    2. by contributing significantly to the training and development of psychologists prior to and/or after gaining membership of the College; and
    3. by contributing significantly to the practice of psychology in the expert area of the College.

Value of the award

Successful candidates for an APS College Award of Distinction will:

  1. receive a certificate;
  2. be recognised in InPsych; and
  3. have their name placed on a web-based College “roll of honour”.

Closing date

Nominations must be sent to colleges@psychology.org.au by 31 July each year.

Previous winners

2013   |   2012   |  2011   |   2010   |  2009   |  2008   |  2007   |  2006   | 2005


  • College of Clinical Neuropsychologists – Gina Geffen
  • College of Clinical Psychologists – Erika Leonard
  • College of Counselling Psychologists – Roger Cook
  • College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists - Frances Gibson
  • College of Health Psychologists – Susan Burney
  • College of Organisational Psychologists – Arthur Crook
  • College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists – Michael Fox


  • College of Clinical Neuropsychologists - Wayne Reid
  • College of Clinical Psychologists - David Merryweather
  • College of Community Psychologists - Elaine Hosie
  • College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists - Linda Gilmore
  • College of Forensic Psychologists - Michael Daffern
  • College of Health Psychologists - Lina Ricciardelli
  • College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists - Patrick Thomas

The APS Colleges of Community Psychologists and Organisational Psychologists did not confer an Award of Distinction in 2012.


  • Tim Hannan FAPS - APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists 
  • Deborah Wilmoth FAPS - APS College of Clinical Psychologists
  • Grace Pretty FAPS - APS College of Community Psychologists
  • Elizabeth Tindle FAPS - APS College of Counselling Psychologists 
  • Karen Gee MAPS - APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists 
  • Martine Powell FAPS - APS College of Forensic Psychologists
  • Anna Chur-Hansen FAPS - College of Health Psychologists 
  • Peter Terry FAPS - College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists 

The College of Organisational Psychologists did not confer an award of distinction in 2011.


  • Stephen Bowden MAPS - APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists
  • Terry Bowles FAPS - APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologist
  • George Wills FAPS - APS College of Counselling Psychologists
  • Alfred Allan FAPS - APS College of Forensic Psy
  • Jason Connor MAPS - APS College of Health Psychologists
  • Stephanie Hanrahan MAPS - APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists


  • Assoc Prof Craig Gonsalvez MAPS - APS College of Clinical Psychologists
  • Ms Debbie Anderson MAPS - APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists 
  • Ms Heather Gridley FAPS - APS College of Community Psychologists
  • Dr Clive Williams FAPS - APS College of Counselling Psychologists 
  • Ms Vicki McKenzie MAPS - APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists
  • Prof James Ogloff FAPS - APS College of Forensic Psychologists 
  • Prof John Toumbourou MAPS - APS College of Health Psychologists
  • Ms Gina McCredie MAPS – APS College of Organisatonal Psychologists


  • Dr Marie O’Neill FAPS - APS College of Clinical Psychologists
  • Prof Simon Crowe FAPS - APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists
  • Dr Godfrey Barret-Lennard FAPS - APS College of Counselling Psychologists
  • Assoc Prof Erica Frydenberg FAPS - APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists
  • Dr Jack White FAPS - APS College of Forensic Psychologists
  • Assoc Prof Helen Winefield FAPS - APS College of Health Psychologists
  • Dr Sandy Gordon FAPS - APS College of Sport Psychologists 


  • Mr Hugh Woolford MAPS - APS College of Clinical Psychologists
  • A/Prof Arthur Shores FAPS - APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists
  • Dr Arthur Veno MAPS - APS College of Community Psychologists
  • Mrs Marilyn Cobain FAPS - APS College of Counselling Psychologists
  • Dr Janet Fletcher FAPS - APS College of Educational & Developmental Psychologists
  • Dr Patricia Brown FAPS - APS College of Forensic Psychologists
  • Dr Helen Lindner FAPS - APS College of Health Psychologists
  • Prof Keith Taylor FAPS - APS College of Organisational Psychologists
  • A/Prof Patsy Tremayne MAPS - APS College of Sport Psychologists


  • Prof Sydney Lovibond - APS College of Clinical Psychologists
  • Ms Patricia Strong - APS College of Counselling Psychologists
  • Dr John Champness - APS College of Organisational Psychologists
  • Prof Tony Morris - APS College of Sport Psychologists
  • Prof Jeanette Milgrom - APS College of Health Psychologists
  • Prof Don Thomson - APS College of Forensic Psychologists  


  • Mr Jeffrey Bond - APS College of Sport Psychologists
  • Ms Lydia Genovese - APS College of Counselling Psychologists