Stay Connected with the Office of Global Youth Issues:
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The Office of Global Youth Issues has three primary objectives: empowering young people as economic and civic actors through U.S. programs and policies, encouraging governments to respond to youth issues through U.S. diplomatic efforts, and directly connecting with young people around the world to inspire positive change. The office is headed by Zeenat Rahman, Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Global Youth Issues.

Based on global demographic shifts, global youth now possess greater potential to drive economic and social progress, and to threaten regional stability and security. The Office of Global Youth Issues works to promote development, peace, and stability by empowering youth economically, politically, and socially around the world. It operates under the principle that such action not only advances the livelihoods of young people, but also enhances U.S. national security and prosperity.

The Office operates as a nexus between policy and practice, incorporating youth voices into critical debates that help shape global affairs. Through a variety of mechanisms, including private sector partnerships, and cooperation with an extensive network of over 70 Youth Councils worldwide, the Office amplifies youth issues and supports youth-driven solutions to many of the world’s most pressing problems. Special Adviser Rahman's Bio»

The Office’s three areas of focus include working to:

  • Address underlying socio-economic problems impacting youth, such as unemployment and barriers to political participation.
  • Empower youth as positive economic and political actors by engaging in two-way dialogue with young people, and facilitating opportunities to develop their skills and networks.
  • Elevate youth issues as a policy priority in our bilateral and multilateral diplomacy to create enabling environments for youth.

[This is a mobile copy of Office of Global Youth Issues]

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