Najczęściej kupowane w kategorii Handel elektroniczny

Podręcznik tworzenia stron internetowych na Facebooku : 164 stronnicowy, bogato ilustrowany i okraszony licznymi praktycznymi poradami podręcznik pokazujący jak założyć fanpage, konto osobiste i jak dodawać do fanpage'a różne komponenty, w tym galerie zdjęć, mapy i inne.

Tomasz Smykowski
Wyróżnij się, zdobądź fanów, zwiększ ekspozycję marki, wywinduj sprzedaż
i popraw obsługę klienta! Pierwszy podręcznik na rynku pokazujący
marketingowcom i firmom jak tworzyć zdumiewające, popularne, sprzedające
i wygrywające konkursy strony społecznościowe na Facebooku bez potrzeby
zatrudniania programistów i grafików. Facebook ma w Polsce 8 milionów
użytkowników, a większość pytanych marketingowców chce zainwestować w
marketing społecznościowy jako jedna z najbardziej skutecznych obecnie
form promocji. Państwa konkurencja już może być na Facebooku. Nie może
zabraknąć na nim Państwa firmy. Przedstawiamy podręcznik, który pozwoli
wykorzystać Facebooka do promocji!

Wordpress in 12 Easy Steps : How to Build Website with WordPress On Your Own Domain, a Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners

Meg Hussey

So, you think it’s hard to build your own successful website?

Well think again! Get the fast, easy guide to WordPress with "Word Press in 12 Steps."

Something has inspired you to join the world of WordPress, so what’s stopping you? Are you intimidated by all those weird, complex codes and stuff you’ve seen in other WordPress guides?

Don’t worry about it with this one. We understand you aren’t an expert that has been doing this for years so we broke it down for you! That’s right. That stuff that seemed hard and complicated has been simplified so you can get to the fun and nitty-gritty of WordPress.

This handy little guide will give you all the information you need to start and run a successful WordPress site. Some things you can expect to see in this wonderful, painless guide are:

• Inexpensive ways to get your very own domain
• Should you even get a domain?
• The difference between a WordPress page and post
• Cool, fun themes on WordPress that can make or break your page
• Should you allow comments?
• The mindboggling WordPress  control panel
• And a whole lot more!

Learning the basics of WordPress has never been easier, thanks to our guide. Soon you’ll be the family WordPress guru.

First, ask yourself…. Why do you even want a WordPress site? Do you want it for personal or business reasons? What would you like the focus of your WordPress to be? Do you have the time to commit to it?

Once you ask yourself these questions, you’ll inspire yourself so much that you’ll want to dive right in and get started with your WordPress site. You don’t need a fancy team or a specialist to get the ball rolling. All you need is you, your ideas, a computer, and this wonderful guide that will give you all the inside information you need in order to make your WordPress site soar.

Cut out the middle man so you can have your vision your way. No matter if you’re creating a site to advertise your business or just for a cool way to share family photos, it will be exactly how you want it to be. With this guide you will learn how to build a WordPress site, but you’ll also be able to customize it and add all the things you want.

Become an expert. Thanks to this guide,the possibilities are endless. Who knows…maybe you can even create your own WordPress start-up business. The “Word Press in 12 Steps” guide will give you everything you need to be successful and the envy of others.

This book goes step by step in the WordPress process. Tackling this as a process will give you the website and results you want. It starts off with all the basics you need to get started. It then goes into more details and teaches you how WordPress functions. That way you’ll know how to use it like a professional.

It makes no difference if you are a beginner or expert; this guide will get you thinking and give you the tools you need to make a great site. Get rid of those boring old “free” websites that don’t have the look you want. Give your WordPress site the look and feel you want with these simple steps.

Get started in the world of WordPress and take control of your website!

How to Trade Binary Options Successfully : A Complete Guide to Binary Options Trading

Meir Liraz

The purpose of this book is to show you how to make money trading Binary Options. Binary Options are a popular investment instrument for trading stocks, commodities and currencies.

Trading Binaries is very simple and straightforward, all you need to do is decide which of the two directions the asset will move, up or down.  And binaries has quite a high profit potential.

Binary options allow even beginners the opportunity to succeed with financial trading. Actually people that have minimum financial track record can easily make money by learning how to trade options online. 

This book features the in and outs of binary options as well as strategies needed to achieve success in trading binaries.

Here are some of the topics you'll discover while reading the book:

* The single most critical factor to binary options success - ignore it at your own perils.

* How to prevent falling prey to a dishonest broker.

* Simple, easy to copy ideas that will enhance your chances of winning trades.

* How to spot a Binary Options scam.

* What you need to succeed in Binary Options.

* Advantages and disadvantages of trading binary options.

* Effective risk management strategies to help you minimize your risk and conserve your capital.

* Key factors to successful financial Binary Options trading.

* How to develop binary options investment strategies and entry points signals that work.

* A list of easy-to-follow tips to help you improve your trading successes.

* How much money you need to start trading.

101 Startup Lessons : An Entrepreneur's Handbook

George Deeb

 A comprehensive,
one-stop read for entrepreneurs who want actionable learnings about a wide
range of startup and digital-related topics from George Deeb, a serial
entrepreneur and partner at Red Rocket Ventures. The book is a startup
executive's strategic "playbook", with "how-to" lessons
about business in general, sales, marketing, technology, operations, human
resources, finance, fund raising and more, including many case studies herein.  We have demystified and synthesized the
information an entrepreneur needs to strategize, fund, develop, launch and
market their businesses.  Join the
100,000+ readers who have already benefitted from this book, freely available
and continuously updated on the">Red Rocket Blog website.




David Rabjohns, Founder & CEO at MotiveQuest  
"George's passion, ideas and involvement with MotiveQuest has
been "game changing" for us. From jumpstarting our sales and
marketing plans and team, to productizing our business and procedures, Red
Rocket has had an immediate and meaningful impact from day one. I highly
recommend Red Rocket. If you want to grow, strap on the Red Rocket.“

Tyler Spalding, Founder & CEO at StyleSeek 
"Red Rocket has been a great investor for our business and
vocal champion of our brand. As a proven entrepreneur himself, George has
provided valuable insights and recommendations on how to best build my
business. Red Rocket would be a great partner in helping build your

Seth Rosenberg, SVP at Camping World 
"Red Rocket helped us do a high level assessment of our
e-commerce efforts and assisted with the development of a digital strategy
and marketing plan. Red Rocket identified some immediate opportunities,
which we are implementing. I am pleased to recommend Red Rocket for your
e-commerce and digital marketing needs.“

Andrew Hoog, Founder and CEO at viaForensics 
"As viaForensics experienced significant growth, we recognized
the need for an experienced advisor with start-up chops who could help us
refine critical steps in our transition from a service company to a
product-based company. Red Rocket's expertise in growth planning including
organizational structure, financial modeling and competitive analysis were
instrumental in refining our strategy. He helped facilitate key decisions
the management team needed to make in order to take the company to the
next level. We are very pleased with Red Rocket's contributions to
viaForensics and highly recommend his services to other start-ups facing
similar growth.“

Jerry Freeman, Founder & CEO at PaletteApp 
“Red Rocket has been a key instigator in helping raise funds for
PaletteApp. They have helped me tremendously in realizing what an investor
wants to see and how best to present it. George has great experience and
understanding of how to fund and launch a new company. We feel fortunate
that he has thrown his hat into our arena.”

Scott Skinger, CEO at TrainSignal  "Red Rocket helped us in a variety of ways,
from financial modeling to introductions to lenders. Their biggest win was
helping us do preliminary investigative research on one of our
competitors, that ultimately sparked a dialog that lead to the $23.6MM
sale of our business to that company. We couldn't be more happy with Red
Rocket's involvement with our business. Overall, a great advisor to have
in your corner."

Forex Trading Tips: Top Tips For Successful Forex Trading

Cedric Telstine

 Successful Forex
traders don’t become successful by accident. They follow a tested and proven
set of rules which help them trade effectively.

This Forex book
contains many time-tested Forex trading tips/rules/guidelines gathered from
numerous successful traders from all over the world. One of the most effective
ways to become successful in any endeavor is to “model” yourself after those
who are already successful. The tips/rules/guidelines will not only help to get
you on the right path to successful foreign exchange trading, but help to keep
you on the right path.


These useful tips
are arranged based on a variety of Forex trading topics for your quick and easy


This book was
designed as a collection of trading tips as an introduction to Forex trading
for beginners. If you are an experienced and successful trader then you are
already putting into practice the information found inside this book. If you
are new to trading Forex, however,  there
are tips/rules/guidelines to help you in a number of different areas.


Create A Simple
Forex Trading Plan – As the old saying goes, "if you fail to plan, then
you plan to fail". Included are some basic guidelines to help you quickly
create a basic Forex trading plan.


Forex Investing and
Forex Day Trading - Whether you are interested in longer-term investing or
shorter-term trading there are plenty of timely, useful trading tips for you.


Forex Demo Accounts
- Did you know that using a Forex practice account the wrong way can actually
cost you money? There is one tip in particular that can keep you from making
the rookie mistake that plagues almost every beginning trader.


The Lowdown On Forex
Robots - Most people would never buy a car without knowing how to test drive a
car...yet people buy and risk their hard-earned money with untested Forex
robots every single day. Get the lowdown on Forex robots and save yourself a
lot of time, money, and grief!


Forex Basics - This
section of the Forex guide contains a wide variety of solid trading tips and
serves as an excellent reference....especially the section on trading money


Forex Myths - Some
of the things you will hear about Forex trading are just plain nonsense. Learn
about some common Forex myths that may already be costing you money.


Inside you will also
find tips/rules/guidelines ranging from tips on getting started in Forex
trading to tips on such important topics as Forex trading strategies, Forex
price action trading, and much, much more.


Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook : How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

Gary Vaynerchuk

New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition.

When managers, marketers, and small business owners outline their social media strategies, they plan for the "right hook"—their next campaign that will produce profits. Even companies committed to "jabbing"—creating content for consumers and engaging with customers to build relationships—still desperately want to land the powerful, bruising swing that will knock out their opponents or their customers' resistance in one tooth-shattering, killer blow. Right hooks, after all, convert traffic to sales. They easily show results and return on investment. Except when they don't.

In the same passionate, streetwise style his readers have come to expect, Vaynerchuk is on a mission to strengthen marketers' right hooks by changing the way they fight to make their consumers happy, and ultimately to compete. Thanks to the massive change in and proliferation of social media platforms in the last four years, the winning combination of jabs and right hooks is different now. Communication is still key, but context matters more than ever. It's not just about developing high-quality content; it's also about developing high-quality content that's perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices. It's about truly engaging with customers, not by shouting at them over social media but by using new narrative forms particular to each different media platform—especially, though not exclusively, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Tumblr. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really work.

Launch : An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams

Jeff Walker
Is your product or business going to achieve nearly instant momentum and sales, or will it start off slow and fade away from there?

The start of every business is critically important. . .and every truly successful product or business starts with a successful launch. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs put all their focus into ""getting the doors open"", without giving much thought to creating a great launch.

It doesn't have to be that way. Since 1996 Jeff Walker has been creating hugely successful launches in our increasingly digital world. Bootstrapping his first Internet business from his basement, he quickly developed an underground zero-budget process for launching new products with then-unheard of success.

But the success-train was just getting started---once he started teaching his formula to other entrepreneurs the results were simply breathtaking. Tiny home-based businesses started doing launches that sold tens of thousands. . .hundreds of thousands. . .and even millions of dollars in just a few days.

What you have in your hands is the treasure map into that world---an almost secret digital society of entrepreneurs who have learned to create cash-on-demand paydays with their product launches and business launches.

Whether you have an existing business with existing products, or whether you have a service-based business and you want to develop your own products so you can leverage your time and your impact, or whether you're still in the planning phase and haven't quite started yet. . .this is your owners manual on how to start. This formula is how you engineer massive success.

Now the question is. . .are you going to start slow, and fade away from there? Or are you ready to engineer a launch that will change the future of your business and your life?

In The Plex : How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives

Steven Levy
Written with full cooperation from top management, including cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, this is the inside story behind Google, the most successful and most admired technology company of our time, told by one of our best technology writers.

Few companies in history have ever been as successful and as admired as Google, the company that has transformed the Internet and become an indispensable part of our lives. How has Google done it? Veteran technology reporter Steven Levy was granted unprecedented access to the company, and in this revelatory book he takes readers inside Google headquarters—the Googleplex—to show how Google works.

While they were still students at Stanford, Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin revolutionized Internet search. They followed this brilliant innovation with another, as two of Google’s earliest employees found a way to do what no one else had: make billions of dollars from Internet advertising. With this cash cow, Google was able to expand dramatically and take on other transformative projects: more efficient data centers, open-source cell phones, free Internet video (YouTube), cloud computing, digitizing books, and much more.

The key to Google’s success in all these businesses, Levy reveals, is its engineering mind-set and adoption of such Internet values as speed, openness, experimentation, and risk taking. After its unapologetically elitist approach to hiring, Google pampers its engineers—free food and dry cleaning, on-site doctors and masseuses—and gives them all the resources they need to succeed. Even today, with a workforce of more than 23,000, Larry Page signs off on every hire.

But has Google lost its innovative edge? With its newest initiative, social networking, Google is chasing a successful competitor for the first time. Some employees are leaving the company for smaller, nimbler start-ups. Can the company that famously decided not to be evil still compete?

No other book has ever turned Google inside out as Levy does with In the Plex.

Make Money Online

Anthony Ricks

The Net has indeed supplied individuals with infinite chances
to be amused, be informed and first and foremost, to earn fast cash.
Due to the streaming lucrative opportunities one may find online, a call
for the quickest ways to do so has swamped the minds of a lot of


The Everything Store : Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

Brad Stone
"An immersive play-by-play of the company's ascent.... It's hard to imagine a better retelling of the Amazon origin story." -- Laura Bennett, New Republic's visionary founder, Jeff Bezos, wasn't content with being a bookseller. He wanted Amazon to become the everything store, offering limitless selection and seductive convenience at disruptively low prices. To do so, he developed a corporate culture of relentless ambition and secrecy that's never been cracked. Until now.

Brad Stone enjoyed unprecedented access to current and former Amazon employees and Bezos family members, and his book is the first in-depth, fly-on-the-wall account of life at Amazon. The Everything Store is the book that the business world can't stop talking about, the revealing, definitive biography of the company that placed one of the first and largest bets on the Internet and forever changed the way we shop and read.

The Ultimate Go-to Guide For LinkedIn : Free For Limited Time Only!

Dominic Wolff

Do you want an easy way to showcase your talents and skills to your desired employers? Are you a business owner looking to maximize the power of the Internet for promoting products and services?

In established author Dominic Wolff's latest book, Your Killer LinkedIn Profile (In 30 Minutes or less), you will find a whole world of benefits and functions of using LinkedIn, the popular social network that's exclusively designed for professionals and businesses.

Your Killer LinkedIn Profile focuses on tips, tricks, and techniques to spruce up your profile or brand page into a powerhouse of employment opportunities and increased sales. This book will let you discover:

How the lack of professional connections will affect your chances of employmentThe importance of distributing your resume onlineHow LinkedIn will provide solutions to your employment and business needsHow to write a killer profile in just a few minutesHow to reach millions of potential customers through LinkedInHow to build a strong customer base through the social network

These are but a few of the brilliant pieces of information you will learn from Dominic Wolff's book. In today's digital age, using technology to your advantage is one of the best decisions you can make. Scroll up and hit "Buy now with 1 click" to build a powerful LinkedIn profile.

SEO Google : Guida al web marketing con gli strumenti di Google

Francesco De Nobili

Nuova edizione 2014

SEO Google è un manuale pratico per capire e mettere in pratica immediatamente le principali tecniche SEO (Search Engine Optimization) utili non solo alle aziende, ma soprattutto per siti e blog personali che possono sfruttare la visibilità del motore di ricerca per farsi conoscere.

Il libro spiega in modo semplice e accessibile a tutti – anche a chi non ha nessuna conoscenza di informatica -– le teorie e le tecniche per mettere in pratica passo dopo passo tutte le attività SEO: da come utilizzare gli strumenti di Google, all'organizzazione dei progetti di web marketing; dalla SEO on page al copywriting pratico, fino all'analisi dei risultati.

Questa nuova edizione 2014 contiene il doppio dei contenuti rispetto alla precedente e può essere utilizzata anche come un vademecum utile dai professionisti del settore, con approfondimenti sui nuovi risultati privati, Google My Answers (ex Search plus Your World), Google Now, l'algoritmo Hummingbird (Colibrì), le nuove penalizzazioni di Google, nuovi tools e strumenti per la SEO, eccetera.

The Future of Ideas : The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World

Lawrence Lessig

The Internet revolution has come. Some say it has gone. What was responsible for its birth? Who is responsible for its demise?

In The Future of Ideas, Lawrence Lessig explains how the Internet revolution has produced a counterrevolution of devastating power and effect. The explosion of innovation we have seen in the environment of the Internet was not conjured from some new, previously unimagined technological magic; instead, it came from an ideal as old as the nation.

Creativity flourished there because the Internet protected an innovation commons. The Internet’s very design built a neutral platform upon which the widest range of creators could experiment. The legal architecture surrounding it protected this free space so that culture and information–the ideas of our era–could flow freely and inspire an unprecedented breadth of expression. But this structural design is changing–both legally and technically.

This shift will destroy the opportunities for creativity and innovation that the Internet originally engendered. The cultural dinosaurs of our recent past are moving to quickly remake cyberspace so that they can better protect their interests against the future. Powerful conglomerates are swiftly using both law and technology to "tame" the Internet, transforming it from an open forum for ideas into nothing more than cable television on speed. Innovation, once again, will be directed from the top down, increasingly controlled by owners of the networks, holders of the largest patent portfolios, and, most invidiously, hoarders of copyrights.

The choice Lawrence Lessig presents is not between progress and the status quo. It is between progress and a new Dark Ages, in which our capacity to create is confined by an architecture of control and a society more perfectly monitored and filtered than any before in history. Important avenues of thought and free expression will increasingly be closed off. The door to a future of ideas is being shut just as technology makes an extraordinary future possible.

With an uncanny blend of knowledge, insight, and eloquence, Lawrence Lessig has written a profoundly important guide to the care and feeding of innovation in a connected world. Whether it proves to be a road map or an elegy is up to us.

This edition of "The Future of Ideas" has been made possible by CC license from the author.


Get Rich Click! : The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet

Marc Ostrofsky
If you think you’ve missed the window of opportunity in the digital world, successful Internet entrepreneur Marc Ostrofsky says otherwise. Using real-life examples from people of all ages and walks of life who have made their fortunes online, this engaging guide gives you step-by-step instructions for achieving financial success. You’ll learn hundreds of ways to make money online with sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well as ways to profit from domain names and digitally based products. Now is the time to change your ideas about making money, accumulating wealth, and taking control of your financial future. Let Marc Ostrofsky show you the way in Get Rich Click!

Empreendedorismo na Internet - Como agarrar esta nova oportunidade de negócios

Dailton Felipini
Neste ebook gratuito você verá a Internet como uma grande fonte de oportunidades de negócios e de evolução profissional. São abordadas as principais variáveis que envolvem os negócios na Internet, tais como: a escolha do nicho de mercado, a montagem de um site eficaz, as melhores estratégias de divulgação, dentre muitas outras dicas.

Bitcoin and Digital Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide (Money, Internet Marketing, Business, Personal Finance, Investments, Stocks)

Alex Nkenchor Uwajeh

 Bitcoin and Digital Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide

This book will provide you with an insight into what Bitcoins are and where they came from. It will explain to you how bitcoins can be used, where you can get them, and how Bitcoin compares to real money.

You will also discover how the Bitcoin process works, so that you can get your own wallet started. From downloading the software, to obtaining and using an address, you will discover all there is to know about Bitcoin and digital currency. You will also be provided with information on mining.

Check Out Other Books

The Dividend Millionaire: Investing for Income and winning in the stock market

Investing in Gold and Silver Bullion: The Ultimate Safe Haven Investments 

Economic Crisis: Surviving Global Currency Collapse - Safeguard Your Financial Future with Silver and Gold 

Passionate about Stock Investing: The Quick Guide to Investing in the Stock Market

Guide to Investing in the Nigerian Stock Market 

Building Wealth with Dividend Stocks in the Nigerian Stock Market - Dividends - Stocks Secret Weapon

Precious Metals Investing For Beginners: The Quick Guide to Platinum and Palladium (Money, Business, Personal Finance, Investments, Stocks)

Alex Nkenchor Uwajeh

Precious Metals Investing For Beginners: The Quick
Guide to Platinum and Palladium

This is a Free Book, Freebie, Download Free, Freebies, Free, It's Free

This book covers the basics and also what you need to
know about investing in platinum and palladium -  
For Beginners

Platinum and to a lesser
degree, palladium is considered a precious as well as an industrial metal. The
primary driving price of platinum and palladium is their industrial use and the
largest demand for platinum and palladium is in the automotive industry. 
Investors turn to these
precious metals as substitutes for silver and gold. It is true that platinum
and palladium are in high demand and their special properties make them perfect
for diversifying a precious metals portfolio. 
Building wealth by using
platinum and palladium has appeal as an inflation hedge due to its industrial

Other Books: 

Investing in Gold and Silver Bullion - The
Ultimate Safe Haven Investments 

Nigerian Stock Market Investment: 2 Books with
Bonus Content 

The Dividend Millionaire: Investing for
Income and Winning in the Stock Market 

Economic Crisis: Surviving Global Currency
Collapse - Safeguard Your Financial Future with Silver and Gold 

Passionate about Stock Investing: The Quick
Guide to Investing in the Stock Market 

Guide to Investing in the Nigerian Stock

Building Wealth with Dividend Stocks in the
Nigerian Stock Market (Dividends - Stocks Secret Weapon) 

Beginners Basic Guide to Investing in Gold and
Silver Boxed Set 

Beginners Basic Guide to Stock Market
Investment Boxed Set

Bitcoin and Digital
Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide

This is a Free Book, Freebie, Download Free, Freebies, Free

Who Owns the Future?

Jaron Lanier
Jaron Lanier is the father of virtual reality and one of the world’s most brilliant thinkers. Who Owns the Future? is his visionary reckoning with the most urgent economic and social trend of our age: the poisonous concentration of money and power in our digital networks.

Lanier has predicted how technology will transform our humanity for decades, and his insight has never been more urgently needed. He shows how Siren Servers, which exploit big data and the free sharing of information, led our economy into recession, imperiled personal privacy, and hollowed out the middle class. The networks that define our world—including social media, financial institutions, and intelligence agencies—now threaten to destroy it.

But there is an alternative. In this provocative, poetic, and deeply humane book, Lanier charts a path toward a brighter future: an information economy that rewards ordinary people for what they do and share on the web.


怎麼買都划算的淘寶網 成立於2003年5月10日,由阿里巴巴集團投資創辦,短短10年間成長了1萬倍,2012的註冊用戶超過5億人,在線商品超過8億項,是亞洲最大的網絡零售商圈。 網路購物在沒有遠近距離的考量下,誰會想到貴又不新鮮的小市場買東西呢? 要買,當然要去便宜又有新鮮貨的大市場買東西! 淘寶網是作者在網購多年之後,循線搜索到超級無敵大的批發市場,隨便點進一個商品類目,都是數百萬之譜的寶貝數量,讓人不能不服氣它的大! 不管是註冊問題、付款問題、物流問題,本書通通一網打盡! 圖解註冊流程與交易流程,讓你無負擔盡情享受淘寶網購物樂趣! 淘寶口訣:一省、二進、三選、四問、五拍、六運、七樂 一省 為啥要去淘寶買 二進 淘寶網的入門檻 三選 選擇店家的要領、網購血拚的撇步 四問 買家必問的題目 五拍 購物車的大結算 六運 貨運方式大評比 七樂 淘寶樂趣一把抓【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】

Start Your Own Business

Inc The Staff of Entrepreneur Media
Tap into more than 30 years of small business expertise as you embark on the most game-changing journey of your life ? your new business. This unmatched guide - the best-selling business startup book of all time - offers critical startup essentials and a current, comprehensive view of what it takes to survive the crucial first three years, giving your exactly what you need to survive and succeed. Plus, youOCOll get advice and insight from experts and practicing entrepreneurs, all offering common-sense approaches and solutions to a wide range of challenges. ? Pin point your target market ? Uncover creative financing for startup and growth ? Use online resources to streamline your business plan ? Learn the secrets of successful marketing ? Discover digital and social media tools and how to use them ? Take advantage of hundreds of resources ? Receive vital forms, worksheets and checklists From startup to retirement, millions of entrepreneurs and small business owners have trusted Entrepreneur to point them in the right direction. WeOCOll teach you the secrets of the winners, and give you exactly what you need to lay the groundwork for success.

Bolsa para Dummies

Josef Ajram
Además de ser un famoso deportista de pruebas de resistencia extrema, el ultramán Josef Ajram es también trader de éxito, que ha desarrollado su propio estilo y filosofía. Este libro recoge la teoría básica sobre el funcionamiento de la bolsa, explicada de forma comprensible para cualquier persona. A partir de ejemplos claros y experiencias personales, Josef Ajram describe las técnicas que utiliza en su trabajo diario. Ejemplos de éxito, pero también grandes errores, ilustran y amenizan este apasionante y revelador manual.• ¿Qué es la bolsa? — cómo nació la bolsa y cómo funciona en la actualidad, en lenguaje llano para que nos entendamos todos.• De los errores también se aprende — y mucho, como verás en estas páginas.• Acciones, índices, bancos, agencias — quién es quién y qué hace cada uno en este mundillo, y quiénes son los que mandan de verdad.• ¿Qué hace alguien como tú en la bolsa? — si tienes algunos ahorrillos en el banco, seguro que ahora mismo están corriendo por la bolsa. ¡Y tú sin enterarte!

The Facebook Effect : The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World

David Kirkpatrick
IN LITTLE MORE THAN HALF A DECADE, Facebook has gone from a dorm-room novelty to a company with 500 million users. It is one of the fastest growing companies in history, an essential part of the social life not only of teenagers but hundreds of millions of adults worldwide. As Facebook spreads around the globe, it creates surprising effects—even becoming instrumental in political protests from Colombia to Iran.

Veteran technology reporter David Kirkpatrick had the full cooperation of Facebook’s key executives in researching this fascinating history of the company and its impact on our lives. Kirkpatrick tells us how Facebook was created, why it has flourished, and where it is going next. He chronicles its successes and missteps, and gives readers the most complete assessment anywhere of founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the central figure in the company’s remarkable ascent. This is the Facebook story that can be found nowhere else.

How did a nineteen-year-old Harvard student create a company that has transformed the Internet and how did he grow it to its current enormous size? Kirkpatrick shows how Zuckerberg steadfastly refused to compromise his vision, insistently focusing on growth over profits and preaching that Facebook must dominate (his word) communication on the Internet. In the process, he and a small group of key executives have created a company that has changed social life in the United States and elsewhere, a company that has become a ubiquitous presence in marketing, altering politics, business, and even our sense of our own identity. This is the Facebook Effect.

Without Their Permission : How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed

Alexis Ohanian
A WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER As Alexis Ohanian learned when he helped to co-found the immensely popular, the internet is the most powerful and democratic tool for disseminating information in human history. And when that power is harnessed to create new communities, technologies, businesses or charities, the results can be absolutely stunning.

In this book, Alexis will share his ideas, tips and even his own doodles about harnessing the power of the web for good, and along the way, he will share his philosophy with young entrepreneurs all over the globe.

At 29, Ohanian has come to personify the dorm-room tech entrepreneur, changing the world without asking permission. Within a couple of years of graduating from the University of Virginia, Ohanian did just that, selling reddit for millions of dollars. He's gone on to start many other companies, like hipmunk and breadpig, all while representing Y Combinator and investing in over sixty other tech startups. WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION is his personal guidebook as to how other aspiring entrepreneurs can follow in his footsteps.

Dragnet Nation : A Quest for Privacy, Security, and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance

Julia Angwin

An inside look at who’s watching you, what they know and why it matters. We are being watched.

We see online ads from websites we’ve visited, long after we’ve moved on to other interests. Our smartphones and cars transmit our location, enabling us to know what’s in the neighborhood but also enabling others to track us. And the federal government, we recently learned, has been conducting a massive data-gathering surveillance operation across the Internet and on our phone lines.

In Dragnet Nation, award-winning investigative journalist Julia Angwin reports from the front lines of America’s surveillance economy, offering a revelatory and unsettling look at how the government, private companies, and even criminals use technology to indiscriminately sweep up vast amounts of our personal data. In a world where we can be watched in our own homes, where we can no longer keep secrets, and where we can be impersonated, financially manipulated, or even placed in a police lineup, Angwin argues that the greatest long-term danger is that we start to internalize the surveillance and censor our words and thoughts, until we lose the very freedom that makes us unique individuals. Appalled at such a prospect, Angwin conducts a series of experiments to try to protect herself, ranging from quitting Google to carrying a “burner” phone, showing how difficult it is for an average citizen to resist the dragnets’ reach.

Her book is a cautionary tale for all of us, with profound implications for our values, our society, and our very selves.  

Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (& Other Social Networks)

Dave Kerpen


The secret to successful word-of-mouth marketing on the social web is easy: BE LIKEABLE.

A friend's recommendation is more powerful than any advertisement. In the world of Facebook, Twitter, and beyond, that recommendation can travel farther and faster than ever before.

Likeable Social Media helps you harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing to transform your business. Listen to your customers and prospects. Deliver value, excitement, and surprise. And most important, learn how to truly engage your customers and help them spread the word.

Praise for Likeable Social Media:

Dave Kerpen's insights and clear, how-to instructions on building brand popularity by truly engaging with customers on Facebook, Twitter, and the many other social media platforms are nothing short of brilliant.
Jim McCann, founder of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM and

Alas, common sense is not so common. Dave takes you on a (sadly, much needed) guided tour of how to be human in a digital world.
Seth Godin, author of Poke the Box

Likeable Social Media cuts through the marketing jargon and technical detail to give you what you really need to make sense of this rapidly changing world of digital marketing and communications. Being human — being likeable — will get you far.
Scott Monty, Global Digital Communications, Ford Motor Company

Dave gives you what you need: Practical, specific how-to advice to get people talking about you.
Andy Sernovitz, author of Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking

Lavoro web : Costruisci il tuo sito per crearti opportunità di lavoro

Francesco De Nobili

 Oggi il web offre un enorme ventaglio di opportunità per chi
cerca lavoro o per chi vuole aumentare le proprie entrate. In tanti hanno
saputo trasformare le loro passioni in attività di successo partendo dal
proprio sito web.

Questo ebook vuole accompagnarti nella creazione del tuo
sito web o blog e di tutti gli aspetti collegati a esso per riuscire a
sperimentare le potenzialità offerte dal web in funzione dei tuoi obiettivi.


Qualunque siano le tue conoscenze informatiche ora hai lo
strumento giusto per: creare il tuo sito web, sviluppare il tuo brand e la tua
reputazione nella rete, farti trovare dai principali motori di ricerca (SEM -
SEO), pubblicizzare il tuo sito e farlo diventare una fonte di guadagno.


A chi si rivolge l'ebook:

- A chi ha idee e passioni, ma non ha le competenze
necessarie per trasformarle in un sito web di successo.

- A coloro che sono in cerca di lavoro e vogliono trovare
un'alternativa nel lavoro online.

- A diplomati o laureati a cui viene richiesta esperienza su
questi temi.

- A chi vuole avere le basi per imparare una nuova
professione: dalla creazione di siti web fino al web marketing e al SEO.

- A chi a già una certa padronanza con il web, ma vuole
sfruttarne tutte le potenzialità.



- Come pianificare nei dettagli un progetto per il web.

- Gli strumenti da utilizzare per creare e gestire un sito

- Le tecniche per farti trovare dai motori di ricerca.

- Come promuovere il tuo sito e farlo diventare un lavoro.

Маркетинг в социальных сетях : Первое руководство по маркетингу в соцсетях от российского практика

Дамир Халилов
Это первое руководство по маркетингу в социальных сетях от российского практика. Книга написана на примерах из опыта продвижения в рунете более 700 компаний и брендов.
Здесь вы найдете минимум теории и максимум практической информации — кейсы, примеры, пошаговые алгоритмы работы, четкие рекомендации о том, как продвигать ваш бизнес в социальных сетях: готовить и проводить эффективные SMM-кампании, оценивать их результаты, увеличивать продажи с помощью SMM-стратегий.
Большую практическую ценность представляет рассказ автора об особенностях продвижения в отечественном интернет-пространстве, где ведущей социальной сетью является «ВКонтакте», а поведение пользователей Twitter и Facebook отличаются рядом характерных черт.
Для руководителей и менеджеров компаний, маркетологов и рекламистов.
Книга издательства 'Манн, Иванов и Фербер'

Understanding Digital Marketing : Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation, Edition 2

Damian Ryan
Digital marketing now represents 25% of the marketing spend in the UK and this is predicted to move to 50% or higher within the next three years. Understanding Digital Marketing looks at the world of digital marketing: how it got started, how it got to where it is today, and where the thought leaders in the industry believe it is headed in the future. This authoritative title demonstrates how to harness the power of digital media and use it to achieve the utmost success in business, now and in the future.Understanding Digital Marketing deals with every key topic in detail, including:search marketing,social media, Google, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing, e-mail marketing, customer engagement and digital marketing strategies. Essential reading for both practitioners and students alike, and including real-world examples of digital marketing successes and expert opinions, Understanding Digital Marketing provides you with tools to utilize the power of the internet to take your company wherever you want it to go.

Bitcoin for Beginners : How to Buy Bitcoins, Sell Bitcoins, and Invest in Bitcoins

J.T. Jackman

Bitcoin for Beginners

Bitcoin has taken the world by storm. The reasons are obvious.

With the value of Bitcoins increasing by 1,000% in less than a year, Bitcoins have been a lucrative investment for many.

Bitcoins can offer privacy to individuals that their own currencies do not offer.

Bitcoins offer safety from the inflation caused by the widespread money printing going on throughout the world.

Bitcoins are an international currency and are free of countries and borders

In Bitcoin for Beginners - How to Buy Bitcoins, Sell Bitcoins, and Invest in Bitcoins you will learn about:

What Bitcoins are
The history of Bitcoins
How Bitcoins work
How Bitcoin mining works
How to use Bitcoins
The Benefits of Bitcoin
Bitcoin wallets
Using Bitcoin as a currency
Investing in Bitcoins
And much more

Many avoid Bitcoins because they seem too complicated. Bitcoin for Beginners is an easy to understand, plain English guide that is free of complicated and confusing technical jargon. You will learn all about Bitcoins in a simple, straight forward way that is easy to understand.

eBay For Dummies : Edition 8

Marsha Collier

The leading guide for eBay buyers and sellers, updated to give you all the essentials for buying and selling on eBay

More than 112 million people regularly use eBay. To find the best deals and make the best profits, you need the guidance in this book from eBay expert Marsha Collier! With more than half a million copies sold in previous editions, it's packed with solid advice to help you get started, navigate the site, make winning bids, and learn to list and sell your own items successfully.

This edition explores eBay in the context of sites like Amazon, Facebook, and Pinterest and adds in-depth information on managing multiple auctions, creating a store, knowing the market, marketing your sales, and more.

Written by eBay expert Marsha Collier, a highly sought-after speaker and trainer on eBay and social media business topicseBay remains among the leading e-commerce sites with more than 112 million usersThis is the top-selling eBay reference and the perfect guide for beginners, covering everything you need to know to register, navigate the site, find bargains, make winning bids, and list and sell itemsIncludes important tips about shooting and posting photos, communicating with bidders, shipping items, collecting payment, listing multiple items, knowing your market, and maintaining your privacyAlso offers advice on troubleshooting, reporting abuses, joining the eBay community, and services that improve the eBay experience

eBay For Dummies, 8th Edition is the latest and greatest go-to guide for anyone interested in finding bargains and making money on eBay.

Day trading en una semana

Borja Muñoz Cuesta
La actual reforma laboral, la inseguridad en el empleo y la bajada de los salarios permiten que el coste de oportunidad del daytrading se haya reducido drásticamente. Hoy, obtener 1000 euros/mes especulando compensa más que la retribución que ofrecen por trabajar 10 horas al día. ¡Hay que especular! Nunca antes el acceso al mercado fue tan fácil y barato. Este libro nos introduce en el daytrading sin teoría y desde la práctica, mostrando los pasos a seguir, los sistemas a aplicar y los riesgos a prevenir. Recopila ideas y herramientas junto con los errores y pifias más comunes.

Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less : How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less

Joe Pulizzi

Reach more customers than ever with TARGETED CONTENT

Epic Content Marketing helps you develop strategies that seize the competitive edge by creating messages and stories tailored for instant, widespread distribution on social media, Google, and the mainstream press. It provides a step-by-step plan for developing powerful content that resonates with customers and describes best practices for social media sharing and search engine discoverability.

Joe Pulizzi is a content marketing strategist, speaker and founder of the Content Marketing Institute, which runs the largest physical content marketing event in North America, Content Marketing World.

Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords

Perry Marshall
Double Your Web Traffic ? Overnight!
Google gets searched more than 1 billion times every day?creating an unbelievable opportunity to get your business in front of thousands every minute?IF you know what youOCOre doing.
Google AdWords experts Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd uncover the fundamentals, techniques, tools, and tricks that Google should teach you, but doesnOCOt. Learn how to build an aggressive, streamlined campaign proven to increase your search engine visibility, consistently capture clicks and increase sales. No other guide is as comprehensive, or current in it's coverage of todayOCOs fastest, most powerful advertising medium.

? Pay only for leads, signups or sales rather than just clicks
? Connect Google ads to social media
? Use Google's Conversion Optimizer function to it's fullest
? Best practices for using Google's Display Network
? Know the latest information on ?relevanceOCO and how to keep Quality
Scores high
? Build a powerful, streamlined campaign from scratch
? Develop high quality keyword lists
? Write killer advertising and website copy that gets clicks
? Get your ads in front of the best audience possible
? Keep your ads showing up with high quality scores
? Triple your traffic with GoogleOCOs Display Network
? Earn high rankings in GoogleOCOs organic search results
? Slash your bid prices
? Gain more conversions and sales
? Avoid costly mistakes made by all Google advertisers
? Determine whatOCOs working with GoogleOCOs conversion tracking

Dicţionar explicativ de termeni din limba engleză : Banking, comerţ electronic, Internet

Nicolae Sfetcu

 Extras din studiul privind potentialul
pietii din Romania pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor online prin magazine
virtuale de comert electronic, realizat de Ministerul Comunicaţiilor şi
Tehnologiei Informaţiei.

Studiul îşi propune să evalueze piaţa de comerţ electronic din
România şi să vină în sprijinul tuturor celor care doresc să dezvolte
proiecte în acest sector de activitate: guvern, bănci, asociaţii
profesionale şi patronate, intreprinzători, etc.

Google Semantic Search : Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques That Get Your Company More Traffic, Increase Brand Impact, and Amplify Your Online Presence

David Amerland

Optimize Your Sites for Today’s Radically New Semantic Search


Breakthrough “semantic search” techniques are already transforming Google™’s search results.  If you want to be found, yesterday’s SEO techniques won’t cut it anymore. Google Semantic Search tells you what to do instead—in plain English.


David Amerland demystifies Knowledge Graph™, TrustRank™, AuthorityRank™, personalized and mobile search, social media activity, and much more. Drawing on deep knowledge of Google’s internal workings and newest patents, he also reveals the growing impact of social networks on your SEO performance. Whether you do it yourself or supervise an agency, this is your complete playbook for next-generation SEO!


• Learn how Google is delivering answers, not just links—and what it means to you

• Profit from Google Now™ and the fragmented, personalized future of search

• Prepare for Knowledge Graph™ by growing your online reputation, authority, and trust

• Stop using 10 common SEO techniques that no longer work

• Discover the truth about Trust Ranking™—and 10 steps to take right now

• Go way beyond keywords in today’s new era of content marketing

• Strengthen the “social signal” you create on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn

• See why the “First Page of Google” is rapidly become obsolete

• Drive unprecedented business value from your online identity and influence

• Learn how Google captures meaning in unstructured data—and give it what it wants

• Plan for all “4 Vs” of semantic search: Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity

• Rapidly transition from technical to strategic search optimization



The Zen of Social Media Marketing : An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue

Shama Kabani
The Ultimate Primer and How-To Guide for Social Media Marketing

In the two years since the first edition became a global bestseller, the world of social media has grown and changed enough to require an updated guide.

Whether you use social media now or not, people are already talking about your company online. By becoming part of the conversation in a more meaningful way, you can start connecting directly to your customers and clients and finding new ones right away with ease and efficiency.

Social media marketing isn’t like traditional marketing—and treating it that way only leads to frustration and failure. In The Zen of Social Media Marketing, Shama Kabani, social media expert and president of The Marketing Zen Group (, teaches you the “Zen” of using social media tools to find your own marketing nirvana.

With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan and updated content on Google+, online advertising, SEO, and more, the newest edition of The Zen of Social Media Marketing gives you:

• A comprehensive overview of why social media works and how to use it to drive traffic to your website and fan page
• A proven process to attract followers and fans and convert them into customers and clients
• The latest updates and step-by-step guidelines for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and group-buying sites such as Groupon and LivingSocial
• Tips on why, when, and how to use online advertising
• Essential advice on content marketing and targeted tactics to enhance your SEO
• New information on why self-expression is the true driver of social media use and how to leverage it for your business
• Insights from dozens of leading online marketers and entrepreneurs, with strategies for success

Silver & Gold Guide Top Tips: Learn How to Quickly Invest - Build your Wealth with Gold and Silver Bullion (Money, Investments, Business, Finance, Stocks)

Marcia R.T. Pistorious

 Silver & Gold Guide Top Tips: Learn How to Quickly Invest - Build your Wealth with Gold and Silver Bullion. 

**This is a Basic Guide to Investing in Silver and Gold - For Beginners** 

This book takes a look at bullion, coins and precious metals as well as how the prices are set and some indication of where and how to buy precious metals.

Saving Money with Coupon

Sterling Pratt

 You are paying too much of your hard earned money for virtually everything you buy for yourself and your home. It seems as if the price of everything has gone sky high, doesn’t it?  Have you been trying to economize by staying out of the mall? Well, guess what? You don’t have to deny yourself the nice things you want any longer. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, books, cosmetics, towels and sheets, toys for the kids,  electronics… all the things that make the world a little nicer place to be can be yours for much less than you have been paying for them.

No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs : The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Guide to Time Productivity and Sanity

Dan Kennedy
Tick ... tick ... tick ... can't find enough time? Find out how to use it far more wisely by the man who successfully run multiple business ventures simultaneously. Dan Kennedy has been called the "Professor of Harsh Reality" because he doesn't deal in glib, pabulum solutions and eye-rolling cliches you've heard incessantly on time management. He takes on the world of cell phones, PDAs, faxes, e-mails, and every other communication device that pervade our lives, suggesting when to tap it, and when to give it the heave-ho. This entrepreneur/consultant/author/speaker has a whirlwind business life, yet manages to fit everything in using a handful of home-brewed time management tools he swears by. He shows how to maximize your time with a fresh take on the mantra that "time is money." It's all about using disciplined productivity strategies Kennedy has devised over 30 years of managing highly-profitable businesses with only minimal help.

Dominate your market with Twitter : Tweet your way to business success

Jon Smith
Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. You may think and then what? Its simplicity is perhaps its charm and twittering is growing at a phenomenal rate. Already in the US 1 in every 10 persons are using the site, including Barack Obama. With a recent $35million investment from private investors Twitter is predicted to soon take over Facebook in its reach. Innovative companies like Apple and Ford have already discovered the instant benefits of using the social media phenomenon to reach consumers directly, build their brand, and increase sales. Dominate your market with Twitter is the first UK book to be published on this growing spectacle. In it digital marketing experts Jon Smith and José Llinares reveal how marketers can use Twitter to their best advantage, creating strategies to build a loyal following among Twitter members and expand awareness for their product or service. It s a straight talking, no-waffle practical pocket guide and the tips inside can be put into practice immediately.



Ecommerce - 11 Artigos Selecionados

Dailton Felipini
Neste ebook gratuito comemorativo dos 11 anos do portal eCommerceOrg você terá acesso a 11 artigos, focando no assunto sobre o mercado de eCommerce. São artigos que mostram aspectos relevantes do mercado na internet e a evolução deste meio desde 2001 até aos dias atuais.

CEO 營銷智慧


The Handmade Marketplace, 2nd Edition : How to Sell Your Crafts Locally, Globally, and Online, Edition 2

Kari Chapin

Since its original publication in 2010, Kari Chapin's The Handmade Marketplace has inspired thousands of crafters around the world to find the courage and know-how they need to make money -- and even to make a full-time living -- from doing what they love best. Now, this best-selling guide has been completely revised and updated to include solid information on the latest on-line and social media opportunities for sales and marketing, as well as fresh advice and invaluable tips from successful crafters and artists. With Kari Chapin at your side, you can live a more creative life and enjoy a lucrative career at the same time.

Starting an eBay Business For Dummies : Edition 4

Marsha Collier
The gold standard for eBay users who want to get serious about selling

Want to turn your eBay use into a steady revenue stream? Come to where everyone starts, with a copy of the latest edition of Starting an eBay Business For Dummies. EBay superstar author Marsha Collier packs the fourth edition of her mega-selling book with everything you need to know, from how to tap the explosive power of social media for promoting your business to the very latest on eBay?s fees and payment structure, how to maintain your own customer service center, ways to build an audience, and much more.Shows you how to lay the foundation for a business by setting up a store and reviews legal requirements and restrictionsHelps you price and source your merchandiseExplores how to attract an audience using social media through your own siteGives you a quick MBA in budgeting, money transactions, customer service, shipping, and moreOffers insight on other sellers who have been successful on eBay and what you can learn from them

Kick-start your eBay business and get profitable with this must-have guide from eBay superstar Marsha Collier.

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Social Media ROI : Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization

Olivier Blanchard

Use Social and Viral Technologies to Supercharge Your Customer Service!


Use this book to bring true business discipline to your social media program and align with your organization’s goals. Top branding and marketing expert Olivier Blanchard brings together new best practices for strategy, planning, execution, measurement, analysis, and optimization. You will learn how to define the financial and nonfinancial business impacts you are aiming for--and achieve them. Social Media ROI delivers practical solutions for everything from structuring programs to attracting followers, defining metrics to managing crises. Whether you are in a startup or a global enterprise, this book will help you gain more value from every dime you invest in social media.


You’ll learn how to:

Align social communications with broader business goals and functions Plan for effective performance measurement Establish clarity of vision, purpose, and execution Implement guidelines and operations for effectively managing social media Get started by “listening before talking” Integrate social media into long-term marketing programs, short-term campaigns, and brand initiatives Use social media to deliver real-time, optimized customer support Leverage mobility and the “on-the-fly” social media culture Measure FRY (Frequency, Reach, and Yield)

Includes a foreword by Brian Solis.

Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies : Edition 2

Jan Zimmerman
Learn the latest social media marketing techniques

Social media continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and the savvy marketer needs to keep up. This bestselling guide to social media marketing has been completely updated to cover the newest vehicles, including Groupon and Rue La La, location-based services like Foursquare, and new social networking sites like Google+ and Pinterest. Checklists, case studies, and examples will help you decide the best places to spend your marketing dollars, and you'll learn about valuable social media tools and analytics methods that can help you assess the success of your efforts.

A completely updated, all-in-one guide to social media marketing, a valuable way for businesses to reach current and new customers, assist customers with problems, and complete transactionsCovers the latest sites and location-based services including Groupon, Rue La La, Foursquare, Google+, Pinterest, and moreMinibooks examine the social media mix; tools and techniques; using content to grow your brand; Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ marketing; other sites; and how to measure results and build on successThe perfect guidebook for the social media strategist, website manager, marketer, publicist, or anyone in charge of implementing and managing an organization's social media strategy

Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition helps you get the most from every minute and dollar you spend on marketing.

YouTube for Business : Online Video Marketing for Any Business, Edition 2

Michael Miller

YouTube’s 120 million viewers are a tempting target for any business, large or small. How can you tap into the potential of YouTube to promote your business and sell your products or services?


YouTube marketing is easy enough that any business can do it. All you need is some low-cost video equipment—and a winning strategy. After you figure out the right type of videos to produce, you can use YouTube to attract new customers and better service existing ones.


That’s where this book comes in. The valuable information and advice in YouTube for Business help you make YouTube part of your online marketing plan, improve brand awareness, and drive traffic to your company’s website—without breaking your marketing budget.


In this updated second edition of YouTube for Business, you learn how to

• Develop a YouTube marketing strategy

• Decide what types of videos to produce

• Shoot great-looking YouTube videos—on a budget

• Edit and enhance your videos

• Create a brand presence with your YouTube channel

• Produce more effective YouTube videos

• Promote your videos on the YouTube site

• Link from your videos to your website with Call-to-Action Overlays

Instagram Power: Build Your Brand and Reach More Customers with the Power of Pictures : Build Your Brand and Reach More Customers with the Power of Pictures

Jason Miles

If you're not using Instagram to your advantage, you have to start now. Instagram is the hottest social media site today: Two years after its launch, the number of its daily mobile users surpassed that of Twitter. Then Facebook purchased it for a billion dollars--and it took the world by storm.

Instagram Power provides everything you need to grab customers on the world's most popular photo-sharing site. This guide covers it all--from setting up an account to promoting a brand to integrating the photo-sharing app into an existing marketing strategy. Learn how to:


The Social Media Bible : Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success, Edition 3

Lon Safko
The go-to guide to social media skills, now in an updated and revised Third Edition

The Social Media Bible is comprehensive 700-plus page social media resource that will teach corporate, small business, and non-profit marketers strategies for using social media to reach their desired audiences with power messages and efficiency. This newly revised 3rd edition addresses technology updates to the iPad, apps, Foursquare, and other geotargeted networks. New case studies and company profiles provide practical examples of how businesses have successfully implemented these strategies, using the newest social media marketing tools.Updates and changes to Google's search engine algorithms More information on plug-ins, widgets, apps, and integrationUpdates on Twitter and Yammer and new information on Google+The latest in mobile marketing

Master the latest social media tools and deliver powerful messaging in the most effective way possible with The Social Media Bible.

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing

Lorrie Thomas
A crash course on the most dynamic marketing platform today!

Online marketing has evolved far beyond flashy websites and banner ads shouting at customers about your product. It's about using an array of Internet tools to build credibility and visibility, spread your message, and form meaningful customer relationships.

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing puts you on the fast track to harnessing the power of the Web for your marketing goals. It begins with planning and building a website and then provides in-depth coverage of essential online marketing tools and techniques, such as:

Content marketing and blogging Social media marketing Web analytics Search Engine Optimization (SEO ) E-mail marketing Online Public Relations Earn a Certificate of Achievement Through A Free Online Examination!

The McGraw-Hill 36 Hour Course: Online Marketing spells it all out in easy-to-understand terms and actionable steps. You’re already on your way to Web marketing mastery!

How to Use LinkedIn to Sell More Books

Austin Briggs

You’ve written a wonderful book. But you know that it won’t sell itself. You need to let folks know just how good your book is, why they should care about it, and why they must choose your book over millions of others.

This is a step-by-step, short, pragmatic guide on how to establish yourself as an expert and a leader on one of the largest social networks—LinkedIn.

Keywords: author platform, self-publishing, book publishing, social media, blogging, book advertising, LinkedIn, free, freebie

Sports Betting to Win : The 10 keys to disciplined and profitable betting

Steve Ward

Thinking, and betting, like the pros

"Most people in sports betting are looking at things the wrong way."

- Peter Webb, founder of Bet Angel

"Some people only ever seem to want to hit the sexy six, and not take the singles"

- Compton Hellyer, founder of Sporting Index

This is a book that teaches you how to bet on sports with the same discipline and mindset as the professionals.

Lots of books and websites give advice on profitable strategies - and tipsters and systems proliferate. But this is the only guide that helps you make your trades and bank your wins for the long term, avoiding the perennial dangers of overconfidence, irrationality and emotion.

However successful your selections, you are never safe from crippling losses until you know how to bet with the clear head and calm approach of the masters.

The simple fact is that most people betting on sports lose over the long term. Performance errors currently hamper the majority of bettors: they lose their bets because they first lose their heads.The only answer is to think differently. With chapters ranging across motivation, performance analysis, the betting process and going pro, this book is the definitive guide to achieving this:

- Use dozens of exercises to sharpen your thinking and refine your betting processes.

- Share in the exclusive insights of professional sports bettors, who reveal for the first time how they have built successful gambling careers.

- Benefit in every chapter from one-to-one training from the author, a professional sports and trading performance coach.

Sports Betting to Win is your own personal course for establishing a firm psychological foundation for long-term betting success.

How to Buy, Sell, and Profit on eBay : Kick-Start Your Home-Based Business in Just Thirty Days

Adam Ginsberg

A lively insider's guide to starting a successful small business selling items old and new on eBay, written with personal anecdotes, well–kept secrets, and insider tips by Adam Ginsberg, eBay's most successful private salesperson.

This is the insider's guide to making money on eBay. Adam Ginsberg is the most successful seller on eBay, moving around a million dollars' worth of merchandise every month. Not only will he impart his personal secrets on how to sell on eBay –learned through years of experience – and his tips on expanding your small business using eBay as a global market, but he'll also give fun side–notes and anecdotes, keeping the book lively and making it a fun and interesting read.

This book will be a must–have for all current and aspiring eBay sellers, all small–business owners, and anyone who wants to learn how to start a million–dollar company.

Web Marketing All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

John Arnold
Everyone’s doing it — Web marketing, that is. Building an online presence is vital to your business, and if you’re looking for Web marketing real-world experiences, look no farther than Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies.

These eight minibooks break down Web marketing into understandable chunks, with lots of examples from an author team of experts. The minibooks cover: Establishing a Web Presence Search Engine Optimization Web Analytics E-Mail Marketing Blogging and Podcasting Social Media Marketing Online Advertising & Pay-Per-Click Mobile Web Marketing

Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to please both customers and search engines; track your performance; market with e-mail, blogs, and social media; and more. It’s a one-stop guide to Maximizing Internet potential for your business and ranking high in searches Tracking how your ads, pages, and products perform Managing pay-per-click ads, keywords, and budget, and developing marketing e-mails that customers actually want to read Creating a blog or podcast that helps you connect with clients Using social media outlets including StumbleUpon, Facebook, and Twitter Leveraging mobile technology Generating traffic to your site and writing ads that get clicks

Not only that, but Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies includes a Google AdWords redeemable coupon worth $25 to get you started! Begin developing your Web site strategy and start marketing your business online today.

Remix : Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy

Lawrence Lessig

The reigning authority on intellectual property in the Internet age, Lawrence Lessig spotlights the newest and possibly the most harmful culture war waged against those who create and consume art. America's copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artists? creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works. In fact, our system now criminalizes those very actions.

Remix is an urgent, eloquent plea to end a war that harms every intrepid, creative user of new technologies. It also offers an inspiring vision of the postwar world where enormous opportunities await those who view art as a resource to be shared openly rather than a commodity to be hoarded.

This edition of "Remix" has been made possible by CC license from the author.


Marketing Metrics : The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, Edition 2

Paul W. Farris

Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, Second Edition, is the definitive guide to today’s most valuable marketing metrics. In this thoroughly updated and significantly expanded book, four leading marketing researchers show exactly how to choose the right metrics for every challenge and expand their treatment of social marketing, web metrics, and brand equity. They also give readers new systems for organizing marketing metrics into models and dashboards that translate numbers into management insight.


The authors show how to use marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and “triangulate” to optimal solutions. You’ll discover high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing: promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution; customer perceptions; market share; competitors’ power; margins and pricing; products and portfolios; customer profitability; sales forces and channels; and more. For every metric, the authors present real-world pros, cons, and tradeoffs--and help you understand what the numbers really mean.


This edition introduces essential new metrics ranging from Net Promoter to social media and brand equity measurement. Last, but not least, it shows how to build comprehensive models to support planning--and optimize every marketing decision you make:


·         Understand the full spectrum of marketing metrics: pros, cons, nuances, and application

·         Quantify the profitability of products, customers, channels, and marketing initiatives

·         Measure everything from “bounce rates” to the growth of your web communities

·         Understand your true return on marketing investment--and enhance it


This award-winning book will show you how to apply the right metrics to all your marketing investments, get accurate answers, and use them to systematically improve ROI.

The eBay Business Answer Book : The 350 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Making Big Money on eBay

Each day, more and more eBay sellers are getting serious about their enterpreneurial efforts. Whether they see their eBay business as a modest addition to their revenue or a potentially full-time venture, they need expert advice on how to do it right. In The eBay Business Answer Book, popular eBay University instructor Cliff Ennico provides readers with much-needed guidance in response to their most commonly asked questions, including: • What are the things I have to do—both online and offline—to start selling professionally on eBay? • Where do I find inventory? • Should I set up an eBay store? • My winning bidder won't pay me—what do I do now? • When do I charge taxes—and when do I pay them? • How should I keep track of all my eBay business records? • What do I need to know about dealing with international buyers? Filled with in-depth, easily understood answers to real questions readers can flip to as-needed, this is a one-of-a-kind resource for any eBay seller.

B2B Digital Marketing : Using the Web to Market Directly to Businesses

Michael Miller

The only 100% B2B-focused guide to high-profit, low-cost digital marketing!


Finally, there’s a comprehensive guide to digital marketing specifically for B2B companies. In B2B Digital Marketing, Michael Miller thoroughly explains how to use each leading digital marketing vehicle to successfully market any product or service to your target companies. You’ll start with planning, discovering how to choose your best platforms and strategies for customer acquisition, sales conversion, and retention. Next, master crucial execution skills for web, search, social, and mobile marketing, online advertising, email, blogs, YouTube, online PR, and more. Finally, discover exactly how to measure your effectiveness, refocus based on what you learn, and prepare for the newest developments in B2B digital marketing. Whether you’re a B2B marketer, product manager, sales professional, PR specialist, manager, or entrepreneur, this book will help you use new low-cost techniques to build stronger relationships, close more sales, and earn higher profits—starting today!


You’ll Learn How To:

•   Define realistic, measurable goals for your B2B digital marketing initiative

•   Segment your audience and identify the best digital platforms and vehicles for connecting with them

•   Systematically address the entire B2B buying continuum: reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and loyalty

•   Create a flexible, actionable B2B digital marketing plan

•   Design a website that helps B2B buyers quickly find exactly what they need

•   Optimize your site for today’s search engines and today’s customers

•   Use tailored, targeted email to reach more customers and prospects at lower cost

•   Craft online advertising to reinforce organic search, support promotions, and attract web seminar participants

•   Drive real value from Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter

•   Effectively utilize blogs, podcasts, and streaming media


MICHAEL MILLER has written more than 100 nonfiction books, including The Ultimate Web Marketing Guide; Using Google® AdWords and AdSense; Using Google® Search; The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization; Sams Teach Yourself Google Analytics in 10 Minutes; and Facebook for Grown-Ups. Miller’s books have sold more than one million copies worldwide. He has established a reputation for clearly explaining technical subjects to non-technical readers, and offering exceptionally useful real-world advice on complex topics. More information can be found at his website,