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だから損する日本人: ユダヤ人国際弁護士が斬る!

反論しない、歯並びに無頓着、CAやウェイトレスに笑顔を見せない……典型的な日本人の振舞いが、欧米人からはどう見られているのか? ユダヤ人国際弁護士が語る、国際場裡で絶対に損をしない「世界標準の作法」。

Business Classics


 Business Classics


This book contains collection of 19 Best Business classics of all time.

1. The Art Of War

2. The Age of Big Business

3. Analyzing Character

4. Applied Psychology

5. The Banker and the Bear

6. The Book of Business Etiquette

7. The Business Career in its Public Relations

8. Business Correspondence

9. Business Hints for Men and Women

10. Captains of Industry

11. Creating Capital

12. The Early Bird

13. Etiquette

14. The Free Press

15. Get-Rich-Quick

16. The Go-Getter

17. Goat-Feathers

18. Higher Education and Business Standards

19. Hodge and His Masters

The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't

Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Business Week bestseller.

Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers

Dave Gray

Great things don't happen in a vacuum. But creating an environment for creative thinking and innovation can be a daunting challenge. How can you make it happen at your company? The answer may surprise you: gamestorming.

This book includes more than 80 games to help you break down barriers, communicate better, and generate new ideas, insights, and strategies. The authors have identified tools and techniques from some of the world's most innovative professionals, whose teams collaborate and make great things happen. This book is the result: a unique collection of games that encourage engagement and creativity while bringing more structure and clarity to the workplace. Find out why -- and how -- with Gamestorming.

Overcome conflict and increase engagement with team-oriented gamesImprove collaboration and communication in cross-disciplinary teams with visual-thinking techniquesImprove understanding by role-playing customer and user experiencesGenerate better ideas and more of them, faster than ever beforeShorten meetings and make them more productiveSimulate and explore complex systems, interactions, and dynamicsIdentify a problem's root cause, and find the paths that point toward a solution

Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success

Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Do you exude confidence and credibility? Can you command a room? Sylvia Ann Hewlett, one of the world's most influential business thinkers, cracks the code of Executive Presence (EP) for men and women intent on winning the next plum assignment and doing something extraordinary with their lives.

You might have the qualifications to be considered for your dream job, but you won't get far unless you can signal that you're "leadership material" and that you "have what it takes." Professionals are judged on presence as well as on performance. 

Using a wealth of hard data—including a new nationwide survey and dozens of focus groups—Hewlett reveals EP to be a dynamic mix of three things: how you act (gravitas), how you speak (communication), and how you look (appearance). She also draws on in-depth interviews with a wide selection of admired leaders to reveal how they embody and deploy key elements of EP. 

This book is immensely practical. Hewlett teases out tactics that can help you raise your game and close the gap between merit and success. She offers the unvarnished advice you won't get from supportive friends and tackles head-on such touchy subjects as too-tight clothing and too-shrill voices. She shows how the standards for EP vary for men, women, multicultural, and LGBT employees, and she shares how to get meaningful feedback from politically correct bosses intent on avoiding the real issues. 

The good news is that EP is eminently teachable. You can learn how to "show teeth" while remaining likable, and you can teach yourself how to dress appropriately while staying true to yourself. You don't have to be born with the voice of James Earl Jones or the looks of Angelina Jolie to hurdle the EP bar. With hard facts and vivid examples, Hewlett shows you how to ace EP and fully realize your unique potential—no matter who you are, no matter where you work.

The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning

Shannon Kilkenny

Gathering people together for a special event is always a challenge. Even for the experienced planner, each event is unique. The revised second edition of this award-winning book is designed to assist any planner with meeting all the challenges that surround a production. Whether you find yourself in charge of one important event or you have chosen event planning as a career, you want your events to be incredibly successful and remembered for years to come. A memorable event is one that flows smoothly with every detail carefully orchestrated and meticulously produced with the participant in mind. Successful events do not just fall together; they are the result of hard work, creativity, awareness, and careful attention to detail -- every detail.

The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning with Companion CD-ROM -- REVISED 2nd Edition is the most thorough, concise, and easy-to-follow event planning book available. From the initial concept of the event to ongoing management, this book provides techniques to increase your chances of success and systems to avoid many common mistakes. It shows you dozens of ways to save time and money and introduces you to every facet of the planning process. This ultimate guidebook equips readers with new ideas, support, and creative problem-solving skills. The chapters follow the dynamics of the actual event planning process and are supported by extensive checklists and timelines. As readers undertake the complexities of daily responsibilities and tasks, The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning inspires efficiency and confidence and makes it possible to stay on track.

The revised second edition includes information on timely practices such as planning environmentally friendly parties, using technology applications and gadgets to orchestrate a modern event, and generating enthusiasm for your events using social media and social networking. The companion CD-ROM included with the book contains helpful checklists, worksheets, and contracts and agreements to help you coordinate an organized event. On the CD-ROM, you will find sample speaker agreements, timelines for planning your event, status reports, budget sheets, site selection checklists, and much more. The information found in this book is suitable for creating events for any theme, size, location, or budget. Both professionals and novices alike will find this guidebook a must-have. Whether you are planning the Academy Awards or your daughter's wedding, allow this newly revised book to show you everything you need to know to make your next event a success.  The companion CD-ROM is included with the print version of this book; however is not available for download with the electronic version.  It may be obtained separately by contacting Atlantic Publishing Group at sales@atlantic-pub.com

Atlantic Publishing is a small, independent publishing company based in Ocala, Florida. Founded over twenty years ago in the company president's garage, Atlantic Publishing has grown to become a renowned resource for non-fiction books. Today, over 450 titles are in print covering subjects such as small business, healthy living, management, finance, careers, and real estate. Atlantic Publishing prides itself on producing award winning, high-quality manuals that give readers up-to-date, pertinent information, real-world examples, and case studies with expert advice.  Every book has resources, contact information, and web sites of the products or companies discussed.

The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success

Barbara Pachter
The Definitive Guide to Professional Behavior

Whether you’re eating lunch with a client, Skyping with your boss, or meeting a business partner for the first time--it's all about how you present yourself. The Essentials of Business Etiquette gives you 101 critical tips for improving behavior in any business situation--all delivered in a quick, no-nonsense format.

"If you are looking for practical guidelines on how to conduct yourself in a business situation, what behaviors you need to use to get ahead, and how to be sure that you do not offend others, read this book!" -- MADELINE BELL, President and COO, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

"Pachter has once again done an excellent job at highlighting some key tools to succeed in leadership and how to conduct yourself in the workplace." -- JOSEPH A. BARONE, PharmD, FCCP, Acting Dean and Professor II, Rutgers University, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy

"The pragmatic advice Barbara offers is sure to meaningfully help people be more confident and effective in multiple business situations." -- ELIZABETH WALKER, Vice President, Global Talent Management, Campbell Soup Company

“Readable, well-organized . . . presents practical, sound advice on the most common situations involving business etiquette: communication, body language, dress, dining, telephone, and cell phone use, making presentations, job interviewing, and many other essentials. Recommended. All business collections and readership levels.” -- CHOICE

The Japanese Mind

Roger Davies
In The Japanese Mind, Roger Davies offers Westerners an invaluable key to the unique aspects of Japanese culture. Readers of this book will gain a clear understanding of what really makes the Japanese, and their society, tick.

Among the topics explored: aimai (ambiguity), amae (dependence upon others' benevolence), amakudari (the nation's descent from heaven), chinmoku (silence in communication), gambari (perseverence), giri (social obligation), haragei (literally, "belly art"; implicit, unspoken communication), kenkyo (the appearance of modesty), sempai-kohai (seniority), wabi-sabi (simplicity and elegance), and zoto (gift giving), as well as discussions of childrearing, personal space, and the roles of women in Japanese society. Includes discussion topics and questions after each chapter.

Business Without the Bullsh*t: 49 Secrets and Shortcuts You Need to Know

Geoffrey James
Contrary to popular belief, the business world is not that complicated. While every industry and every profession requires specific expertise, the truth is that the "business of business" is relatively simple.

For the past seven years, Geoffrey James has written a daily blog that's become one of the most popular business-focused destinations on the web. In BUSINESS WITHOUT THE BULLSH*T, readers will learn surprising but tried-and-true secrets about being an extraordinary boss, about coping with annoying coworkers, and navigating the thorny problems that recur in every workplace.


Long work hours mean less work gets done.

Multiple studies reveal that working 60 rather than 40 hours a week makes you slightly more productive but only for a little while. After about three weeks, people get burned out, get sick and go absent, and start making avoidable errors.

What every boss wants from you.

From your boss's perspective your real job is to make the boss successful. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Why your resume is your enemy.

Only write a resume after you're talking to people inside the hiring firm. Then, customize it to match what you've discovered that they really what.

Robert’s Rules of Order in Plain and Simple English (Revised and Annotated)

Henry Martyn Roberts
Robert's Rules of Order is the most commonly adopted parliamentary authority in the United States. The problem is it can be difficult to understand. BookCaps makes it simple with this version of the book, which explains each article in a way that makes sense to anyone.

The 1915 version of it's book is also included.

This version is annotated with a new introduction.

We all need refreshers every now and then. Whether you are a student trying to cram for that big final, or someone just trying to understand a book more, BookCaps™ can help. We are a small, but growing company, and are adding titles every month. 

Business Etiquette For Dummies: Edition 2

Sue Fox
Make no mistake, etiquette is as important in business as it is in everyday life — it’s also a lot more complicated. From email and phone communications to personal interviews to adapting to corporate and international cultural differences, Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, keeps you on your best behavior in any business situation.

This friendly, authoritative guide shows you how to develop good etiquette on the job and navigate today’s diverse and complex business environment with great success. You’ll get savvy tips for dressing the part, making polite conversation, minding your manners at meetings and meals, behaving at off-site events, handling ethical dilemmas, and conducting international business. You’ll find out how to behave gracefully during tense negotiations, improve your communication skills, and overcome all sorts of work-related challenges. Discover how to:Make a great first impressionMeet and greet with easeBe a good company representativePractice proper online etiquetteAdapt to the changing rules of etiquetteDeal with difficult personalities without losing your coolBecome a well-mannered travelerDevelop good relationships with your peers, staff, and superiorsGive compliments and offer criticismRespect physical, racial, ethnic, and gender differences at workLearn the difference between “casual Friday” and sloppy SaturdayDevelop cubicle courtesyAvoid conversational faux pas

Business etiquette is as important to your success as doing your job well. Read Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and make no mistake.

Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work

Jacqueline Whitmore
Have you forgotten a person’s name two minutes after being introduced? Have you wondered which fork to use or how to discreetly pay the check while attending an important business dinner? Have you insulted an international client by mistake and didn’t realize it until it was too late? Making these types of errors can get in the way of getting ahead. However, these faux pas can be avoided by exercising a little bit of business etiquette.
Business etiquette is a powerful, practical, and profitable skill you can use when it most counts to get a job, keep a job, or succeed on the job. It is a set of rules and guidelines that makes your professional relationships more harmonious, productive, manageable, and meaningful.
International etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore provides tips, tactics, and cautionary tales—gleaned from the experience of a multitude of successful CEOs and top managers—as well as information on how to:
· Be more polished and professional in the boardroom or at the dining table
· Master the art of mingling, networking, and remembering names
· Communicate effectively via technology
· Keep in touch, nurture professional relationships, and turn contacts into contracts
· Write effective thank-you notes and send the perfect business gift every time
· Be more “global-minded” and enhance international relationships
Business Class will teach you the nuances of treating colleagues, clients, and customers with courtesy and respect, which in turn will increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.

The Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Start a Conversation, Keep It Going, Build Networking Skills--and Leave a Positive Impression!

Debra Fine
Nationally recognized communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk--in any situation. Do you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding out in the bathroom or hanging out at the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you sit nervously through job interviews waiting for the other person to speak? Are you a "Nervous Ned or Nellie" when it comes to networking? Then it's time you mastered The Fine Art of Small Talk.

With practical advice and conversation "cheat sheets," The Fine Art of Small Talk will help you learn to feel more comfortable in any type of social situation, from lunch with the boss to an association event to a cocktail party where you don't know a soul.

Great on the Job: What to Say, How to Say It. The Secrets of Getting Ahead.

Jodi Glickman
A much-needed "people skills" primer and master class in all facets of workplace communication Do you know how to ask for help at work without sounding dumb? Do you know how to get valuable and useful feedback from your colleagues? Have you mastered your professional elevator pitch so that every time you meet someone, they remember and are impressed by you? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you need Great on the Job.

In 2008, Jodi Glickman launched Great on the Job, a communications consulting firm whose distinguished client list includes Harvard Business School, Wharton, The Stern School of Business, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup. Now, Glickman’s three-step training program is available in book form for the first time. With case studies, micro strategies, and example language, readers will learn communication skills that can be practiced and implemented immediately.

In today’s economy, it’s not typically the smartest, hardest working or most technically savvy who succeed. Instead, the ability to communicate well is often the most important precursor to success in the workplace. So whether you’re a star performer or a struggling novice, Great on the Job will give you the building blocks you need for every conversation you’ll have at work.

How to Work a Room, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections--In Person and Online

Susan RoAne

The classic bestseller on socializing—now fully updated for social interactions in a digital age

How to Work a Room® is the classic bestselling book on improving communication and socializing skills, and using them to create and leverage connections. This Silver Anniversary Edition is fully revised and updated to include the role of technology and social media in networking, as well as Susan RoAne's proven tips for using digital strategies to your advantage—plus practical hints for starting conversations and strengthening rapport with strangers. How to Work a Room®: The 25th Anniversary Edition is a vital tool for business professionals, job seekers and career changers of all ages.

The Complete Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Made Easy: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply

Rita Cook

Robert's Rules of Order have been around since 1876, when Henry Martyn Robert published the first edition of his book, which was then known as the Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies. The book based its outline on the House of Representatives' meeting procedures and adapted these methods for use in society as a whole.
Since these rules debuted, they have become the most commonly adopted parliamentary method in the United States, with approximately 95 percent of all clubs, organizations, and governments practicing them. When the copyrights of the original editions expired, many other Robert's Rules of Order began to surface. Today, many of these books are the same - with one apparent problem: a lack of focus on current trends, specifically the Internet.
However, The Complete Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Made Easy emphasizes this fact and stresses how society has changed due to the advent of the Internet. Clubs, organizations, and societies need to know how to meet and communicate online, and this book provides the answer. In this book you will learn about technology, conducting meetings online, communicating online, teleconferences, Web conferences, and Web seminars. You will also learn the proper ways to address and send e-mails, as well as how to communicate using instant messenger software.
The Internet has transformed the meeting space, and you need to incorporate these changes into your meetings. Additionally, you will learn about all the more traditional rules, including such things as quorum, abstention votes, votes of no confidence, friendly amendments, proxy votes, executive sessions, points of privilege, parliamentary inquiries, and debates. You will also learn how you can adopt Robert's Rules of Order, how to qualify as a legal meeting, how to follow the standard order of business, how to handle a motion, and how to nominate and elect officers.
Also included is a discussion of the various motions, including privileged, incidental, subsidiary, main, and unclassified, as well as the basic by-laws and the required paperwork, such as minutes, treasurer's reports, and committee reports. The Complete Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Made Easy will serve as your guide to conducting orderly and fair meetings in the 21st century. The rules for using the Internet as a meeting and communication space are clearly defined, easy to understand, and simple to apply.
Atlantic Publishing is a small, independent publishing company based in Ocala, Florida. Founded over twenty years ago in the company president's garage, Atlantic Publishing has grown to become a renowned resource for non-fiction books. Today, over 450 titles are in print covering subjects such as small business, healthy living, management, finance, careers, and real estate. Atlantic Publishing prides itself on producing award winning, high-quality manuals that give readers up-to-date, pertinent information, real-world examples, and case studies with expert advice. Every book has resources, contact information, and web sites of the products or companies discussed.
"This Atlantic Publishing eBook was professionally written, edited, fact checked, proofed and designed. The print version of this book is 288 pages and you receive exactly the same content. Over the years our books have won dozens of book awards for content, cover design and interior design including the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award for excellence in publishing. We are proud of the high quality of our books and hope you will enjoy this eBook version. "

The Etiquette Advantage in Business, Third Edition: Personal Skills for Professional Success

Peter Post

Your key to professional and personal success

Completely revised and updated, the third edition of the Posts' The Etiquette Advantage in Business is the ultimate guide professionals need to build successful business relationships with confidence

Today, more than ever, good manners mean good business. The Etiquette Advantage in Business offers proven, essential advice, from resolving conflicts with ease and grace to building productive relationships with colleagues at all levels. It also offers up-to-date guidance on important professional skills, including ethics, harassment in the workplace, privacy, networking, email, social media dos and don'ts, and knowing how and when to take responsibility for mistakes.

For the first time in business history, four distinct generations inhabit the workplace at the same time, leading to generational differences that can cause significant tensions and relationship problems. The Etiquette Advantage in Business aims to help navigate conflict by applying consideration, respect, and honesty to guide you safely through even the most difficult situations.

Written for professionals from diverse backgrounds and fields, The Etiquette Advantage in Business remains the definitive resource for timeless advice on business entertaining and dining etiquette, written communications, appropriate attire for any business occasion, conventions and trade shows, job searches and interviews, gift-giving, overseas travel, and more.

In today's hyper-competitive workplace, knowing how to get along can make the difference between getting ahead and getting left behind. The Etiquette Advantage in Business provides critical tools for building solid, productive relationships and will help you meet the challenges of the work world with confidence and poise.

Smart Talk: The Public Speaker's Guide to Success in Every Situation

Lisa B. Marshall
Have you ever lost out on a promotion? Struggled with a difficult conversation? Been put on the spot and blanked? Imagine if...
...you were better at persuading others and negotiating for what you want.
...you were more fluent at introducing yourself, making conversation, and following up.
...you were better at delivering feedback, receiving criticism, and using positive language.
...you were perceived as more diplomatic and charismatic.

Smart Talk applies up-to-date communication research to everyday situations and gives smart, practical, step-by-step directions to achieve results. Smart Talk is no ordinary book— it's the Swiss Army Knife of communication—a comprehensive set of tools to build strong relationships and avoid communication breakdowns.

With proven strategies and practical action plans, Smart Talk will help you resolve conflicts, strengthen your natural charisma, and master the art of persuasion. Never again will you dread a holiday party or be rendered speechless at a business meeting. Backed by solid research and written in an engaging narrative style with a warm sense of humor, communication expert Lisa B. Marshall translates her wealth of experience into practical, fresh advice to help you navigate any complex situation, and achieve professional success.

Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, Sales and Marketing: The Essential Cultural Guide—From Presentations and Promotions to Communicating and Closing

Terri Morrison

How do you break the ice in the UAE?
When do you present a contract in China?
How close should you stand to a South Korean?

Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Sales and Marketing is an informative, entertaining guide that shows you what to do—and what to avoid—in any given sales or marketing situation, from Argentina to South Africa. It provides the expert knowledge you need to gather data in diverse cultures, properly present your products, and close deals around the world.

“As the global community comes closer together, Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Sales & Marketing will be a valuable resource to every person in every industry around the world.”
—Gil A. Cardon, Convention Manager, Japan National Tourism Organization

“Just as you can be a connoisseur of wine, Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands: Sales and Marketing can help make you a connoisseur of cultures, philosophies, business behaviors, and social practices. Read it not just for work, but for the human side as well.”
—Giuseppe G. B. Pezzotti, Senior Lecturer, Cornell University School of Hotel Administration

“Terri has accurately and succinctly captured the key issues that businesspeople or tourists need to know when traveling. It is spot-on, and a very valuable resource!”
—Thomas M. Feifar, Director of Foreign Military Sales, NAVISTAR Defense

Chinese Business Etiquette: A Guide to Protocol, Manners, and Culture in thePeople's Republic of China

Scott D. Seligman
East-West business is booming as thousands of people flock to China. The author, with 25 years of experience dealing with the Chinese, provides up-to-date advice on how to succeed, avoid gaffes, interpret behaviour and make positive impressions.

Conflict Resolution at Work For Dummies

Vivian Scott

A practical workplace guide to handling conflict effectively

Managing employees and encouraging them to work together toward a common goal is an essential skill that all leaders should possess. Conflict Resolution at Work For Dummies provides the tools and advice you need to restore peace, train your colleagues to get along better with others, prevent conflicts from ever starting, and maintain better productivity while boosting morale.One of the only trade publications that takes the manager's perspective on how to address conflicts, resolve disputes, and restore peace and productivity to the workplaceExamines more positive means for resolving conflicts (other than arguing, surrendering, running away, filing a lawsuit, etc.)Helps managers and employees sort through problems and make the workplace a more rewarding place

No manager should be without Conflict Resolution at Work For Dummies!

Miss Manners Minds Your Business

Judith Martin

A witty guide to managing a real life wisely in a work-centered world.

What do your colleagues, overlords, underlings, clients, and customers have in common? Not knowing how much they annoy you. Not to mention how much you may be annoying them. The route from cubicle to corner office is strewn with etiquette landmines. And now that the boundaries that once cleanly separated work from personal life are blurred, even polite people don’t recognize the difference between professional and social manners.


What do you say to a colleague who has just been fired?  How do you maintain a family-friendly office without discriminating against singles?  What’s the difference between showing romantic interest and sexual harassment?  Which colleagues should be invited to family weddings?  When should you be unavailable, at or away from work?


Don’t convene a focus group or appeal to Human Resources—consult Miss Manners!

With wit and wisdom, Miss Manners restores civility, guiding you around your coworker’s messy cubicle, past your overly prying boss, around the bridal shower for the new temp, and through tedious staff meetings.

In Miss Manners Minds Your Business, Judith Martin and her son, executive Nicholas Ivor Martin, equip readers with the practical, pertinent, and utterly correct advice necessary to win the job, keep the job, and leave the job with sanity and dignity intact.

Working With Difficult People

Muriel Solomon
Everyone's work day is filled with them--people who frustrate, impede, maneuver, undermine, plot, connive, and whine. This top communications consultant details specific techniques for handling all of them. Easy-to-follow scenarios for every situation are featured in this handy guide.

The Go-Getter Girl's Guide: Get What You Want in Work and Life (and Look Great While You're at It)

Debra Shigley

Every office has one – a Go-Getter Girl – someone who seems to just know certain stuff about how to get the plum jobs/lifestyle she wants and damn, always looks great while she's at it. Magic? No, it’s about strategizing--and The Go-Getter Girl’s Guide shows you how.

Born out of interviews with hundreds of successful, stylish young women--including award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, Spanx founder Sara Blakely, and bestselling novelist Emily Giffin--The Go-Getter Girl’s Guide provides a no-excuses, big-picture way of thinking about your life and career, as well as day-to-day strategies for how to:

Navigate the tricky terrain of office politics Find and use a mentor Figure out when it’s time to get a new job (or career)—and have the courage to act Dress (and groom!) for success And take care of yourself physically and emotionally


Combining the practical career wisdom of What Color Is Your Parachute? with the savvy fashion guidance of The Little Black Book of Style, this dynamite guide is sure to bring out the Go-Getter in generations of women to come.

Doing Business With Japan: Successful Strategies for Intercultural Communication

Kazuo Nishiyama
The uniformed Westerner doing business there will find it difficult and even frustrating to work with Japanese unless he or she gains a good understanding of Japan and its people. The author draws on his extensive bilingual and bicultural experience to provide readers with a look at many key aspects of doing business with Japan, ranging from initiating and maintaining business contacts, effective interpersonal communication, decision-making styles, negotiation tactics, presentational speaking, working of Japanese multinational companies, and living and working in Japan. Academics, non-academics, students, and others who are interested in learning how to communicate effectively and successfully with Japanese in international business contexts will benefit from the author's sound recommendations and advice.

Global Dexterity: How to Adapt Your Behavior Across Cultures without Losing Yourself in the Process

Andy Molinsky
“I wrote this book because I believe that there is a serious gap in what has been written and communicated about cross-cultural management and what people actually struggle with on the ground.”—From the Introduction

What does it mean to be a global worker and a true “citizen of the world” today? It goes beyond merely acknowledging cultural differences. In reality, it means you are able to adapt your behavior to conform to new cultural contexts without losing your authentic self in the process. Not only is this difficult, it’s a frightening prospect for most people and something completely outside their comfort zone.

But managing and communicating with people from other cultures is an essential skill today. Most of us collaborate with teams across borders and cultures on a regular basis, whether we spend our time in the office or out on the road. What’s needed now is a critical new skill, something author Andy Molinsky calls global dexterity.

In this book Molinsky offers the tools needed to simultaneously adapt behavior to new cultural contexts while staying authentic and grounded in your own natural style. Based on more than a decade of research, teaching, and consulting with managers and executives around the world, this book reveals an approach to adapting while feeling comfortable—an essential skill that enables you to switch behaviors and overcome the emotional and psychological challenges of doing so.

From identifying and overcoming challenges to integrating what you learn into your everyday environment, Molinsky provides a guidebook—and mentoring—to raise your confidence and your profile. Practical, engaging, and refreshing, Global Dexterity will help you reach across cultures—and succeed in today’s global business environment.

The Nurse's Etiquette Advantage: How Professional Etiquette Can Advance Your Nursing Career

Kathleen Deska Pagana
This books is the first etiquette book written for professional nurses and it provides easy to read, practical information, not usually taught in nursing school, that is valuable for career moves, networking, and promoting a positive impression and image to others.

The Do's and Don'ts of Holiday Parties: From International Etiquette Expert Jacqueline Whitmore

Jacqueline Whitmore
This special digital e-book contains an excerpt from Jacqueline Whitmore's forthcoming book POISED FOR SUCCESS: MASTERING THE FOUR QUALITIES THAT DISTINGUISH OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONALS, on sale November 8, 2011. How To Entertain With Elegance And Ease. Rest assured: in today’s fast-paced world, where most of us are short on time and resources, there are no absolute rules about parties. But the best rule to keep in mind is the five Ps: prior planning prevents poor performance. After all, the purpose of entertaining for business or pleasure is to show your guests a good time without getting too stressed out. In The Do's and Don't of Holiday Parties, Jacqueline Whitmore serves up ten tips to help you get started.

How To Be The World's Best Guest.

To ensure that you stay in the good graces of others this holiday season, Jacqueline Whitmore gives you a few simple yet often forgotten tips, covering everything from when to show up, how to ask permission to bring an uninvited guest, to what to bring, how to dress, what to discuss, and how to thank your host.

Whitmore, using her 15 years of experience as a protocol and etiquette expert, will arm you with the skills to become more self-aware, more confident and comfortable in your own skin, and better able to communicate with others in a credible, authentic manner.

REPLY ALL...and Other Ways to Tank Your Career: A Guide to Workplace Etiquette

Richie Frieman
Millions of people have improved their lives with the help of Richie Frieman, the hilariously insightful writer known as the Modern Manners Guy on the Quick and Dirty Tips network. In Reply All...And Other Ways to Tank Your Career, he interviews dozens of CEOs, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and tastemakers to get the pros' take on workplace challenges of every flavor, including:How to make a great first impression and land the jobHow to deal with the Cubicle InvaderHow to navigate the office party What to do if you encounter your boss at the gym, nakedRelationships on the job—fact or fiction?

With his signature wit and unique insight, Richie reveals the best ways to handle every sticky office situation with aplomb and class. Case studies, chapter quizzes, and even cartoons help to deliver actionable, easy-to-use etiquette tips to teach young professionals to navigate the minefield of their jobs and come out on top.

Reply All...And Other Ways to Tank Your Career features interviews with celebrities like Steve Guttenberg and Lisa Loeb, with business titans like Barbara Corcoran, Ken Austin, and Michael Weinstein, and with CEOs of forward-thinking companies like Neil Blumenthal of Warby Parker and Sam Tarantino of Grooveshark.

Spike Mendelsohn, restaurateur and Top Chef, raves: "Reply All...And Other Ways to Tank Your Career provides solutions for all of your career problems, especially the ones that you were afraid to acknowledge. Richie Frieman's unique voice gives a cheeky approach to the faux pas we inevitably encounter. With tips from the pros and enough humor to match, you're bound to absorb the wisdom mid chuckle."

Rob Samuels, COO of Makers Mark, says: "If only there was a guide like this when I first entered the workplace – filled with real world anecdotes and examples from leading professionals, and broken up with quizzes and visuals – I would’ve made far fewer missteps along the way. Reply All...And Other Ways to Tank Your Career spells out those unspoken professional standards and expectations in an easy to understand (not to mention hilarious) fashion for anyone starting their career."


Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?: 101 Solutions for Surviving Office Insanity

Albert Bernstein

". . . the most comprehensive guide I have ever read for solving any conceivable trying scenario!"
--Julie Jansen, bestselling author of You Want Me to Work with Who? and I Don't Know What I Want, but I Know It's Not This

You can't stop office madness, but you can stop the madness from getting to you.

Gossipy coworkers, unmanageable managers, and cranky clients have got you pulling your hair out and gnawing your nails down to nubs. From teammates who drop the ball on deadlines to corporate bullies who try to run your show, your work environment can be lethal to your health and your career.

Change Your Reaction, Not Their Actions
When things get crazy, you may not be able to control how others behave, but you can change how you respond. Al Bernstein shows you how understand the situation, how to keep the craziness from bothering you, how to keep things from getting worse, and how you can make them better.

Problems/solutions discussed inside:

Coworkers who don't like you? Feed them! Hidden agendas? Unleash the power of “cc:” mail! Unpleasant supervisors? Tell them only what they want to hear! Office gossip? Dish out positive gossip about other people! Lying coworkers? Buy into their lies and watch what happens! And ninety-five more!

Etiquette Guide to Japan: Know the rules that make the difference!

Boye Lafayette De Mente
Farewell to faux pas!

Minding your manners is an acquired skill, but what serves you well elsewhere could trip you up in Japan. Save yourself possible embarrassment with Etiquette Guide to Japan. An inside look at Japanese social graces, it answers all the questions of the thoughtful traveler.

Although often overshadowed by a modern facade, long–standing traditional aspects of Japan's culture still influence the country and almost everyone in it. Concrete evidence of this traditional culture can be seen everywhere.

To many Western visitors, however, the most obvious example of this traditional culture's strength is the unique etiquette of the Japanese. Like many nations, Japan has experienced vast political, social, and economic change over the past century. But enough of Japan's traditional etiquette remains to set the Japanese apart socially and psychologically, and to make success in socializing and doing business with them a special challenge for Westerners.

This updated and expanded edition of the classic etiquette guide addresses all the newest developments, trends and protocols that every traveler needs to know, from the tea ceremony to the subway to the bathroom.

I Stand Corrected: How Teaching Western Manners in China Became Its Own Unforgettable Lesson

Eden Collinsworth
A fascinating fusion of memoir, manners, and cultural history from a successful businesswoman well versed in the unique challenges of working in contemporary China.

During the course of a career that has, quite literarily, moved her around the world, no country has fascinated Eden Collinsworth more than China, where she has borne witness to its profound transformation. After numerous experiences there that might best be called "unusual" by Western standards, she concluded that despite China's growing status as a world economy, businessmen in mainland China were fundamentally uncomfortable in the company of their Western counterparts. This realization spawned an idea to work collaboratively with a major Chinese publisher on a Western etiquette guide, which went on to became a bestseller and prompted a branch of China's Ministry of Education to suggest that she create a curriculum for the school system. In I Stand Corrected, Collinsworth tells the entertaining and insightful story of the year she spent living among the Chinese while writing a book featuring advice on such topics as the non-negotiable issue of personal hygiene, the rules of the handshake, and making sense of foreigners. Scrutinizing the kind of etiquette that has guided her own business career, one which has unfolded in predominately male company, Collinsworth creates a counterpart that explains Chinese practices and reveals much about our own Western culture. At the same time, I Stand Corrected is a wry but self-effacing reflection on the peripatetic career she led while single-handedly raising her son, and here she details the often madcap attempts to strike a balance that was right for them both.

Doing Business by the Good Book: 52 Lessons on Success Straight from the Bible

David Steward
An indispensable volume that shows how to succeed in business by using the Bible and its lessons as a source of inspiration and guidance n 1990, David L. Steward founded his company, Worldwide Technology, Inc., on a shoestring budget and borrowed money, well aware of the high-risk nature of the venture he was undertaking. Despite the fact that he was a novice entrepreneur, he was certain he would succeed. Steward believed intensely that God wouldn't let him down.

Doing Business by the Good Book shares the inspiring lessons culled straight from the Bible, that Steward used to build his privately held billion-dollar company into a global information technology enterprise.

Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs

Jeanette S. Martin

Business people who work internationally or work with people who are international need to know how to act before they can get the business--and keep it. Proper business communication includes everything from emails to eye contact, and the rules of what is "right" in other countries can be daunting to navigate.

"Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs, Second Edition" provides critical information that businesspeople--both for men and women--need to understand the dynamics of cross-cultural communication, avoid embarrassing and costly gaffes, and succeed in business outside of the United States. Topics covered in this indispensible resource include conversation topics that are considered appropriate for different situations; how to make a positive good impression; dress and travel; attitudes toward religion, education, status, and social class; and cultural variations in public behavior. Information is provided about the United States at the end of each chapter about the ten countries that Americans do the most business with to benefit international readers.

The Chinese Mind: Understanding Traditional Chinese Beliefs and Their Influence on Contemporary Culture

Boye De Mente
A fascinating examination of contemporary Chinese culture, The Chinese Mind offers an informative, accessible look at the values, attitudes and behavior patterns of modern China—and their roots in the history of this ancient nation.

This excellent overview of Chinese tradition, history and culture is perfect for the classroom, for tourists or outsiders living or doing business in China, and for inspiring discussion among readers. Covering everything from the importance of Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, to the influence of foreign fast food and video games, this book provides a wide-ranging glimpse into the seemingly opaque Chinese mind.

The Essential Guide to Business Etiquette

Lillian H. Chaney
Which fork should you use to eat the salad at a business lunch? What does "business casual" really mean? What's the one thing it's important not to do when meeting a Japanese businessperson for the first time? Good social skills are critical to success in today's competitive business world. Excellent manners not only grease the wheels of commerce, but an employee's positive professional image rubs off on the company and improves its reputation. The Essential Guide to Business Etiquette, a practical guide for interacting effectively with colleagues, customers, and business associates, details the social skills necessary to ensure personal and professional success. Good manners are like gold in today's fractious business environment--and thus provide an edge in getting and keeping new business.

Global Etiquette Guide to Mexico and Latin America

Dean Foster
Authored by one of the world's leading cross-cultural experts.Invaluable for both business and leisure travelers.Comprehensive and practical coverage.

Sex at Work: Attraction, Orientation, Harassment, Flirtation and Discrimination

Mari Florence
After nearly two generations of law, politics, and business practices aimed at balancing the roles that men and women play in the workplace, sex remains a major controversy in business. Mari Florence considers all the company policies, both good and bad, and helps make sense out of a confusing array of sexual mores and motives.

Inside the Chinese Business Mind: A Tactical Guide for Managers

Ted Sun

"Inside the Chinese Business Mind: A Tactical Guide for Managers" focuses on helping Western business leaders and managers get an understanding of the core values and beliefs that drive business in China. It is a perfect tool for helping business people gain insights into the vastly different, surprisingly diverse Chinese business culture--and for learning more about themselves and their own values and behaviors in the process.

At the core of "Inside the Chinese Business Mind" is an in-depth survey which gathered responses from over 200 business leaders in both the United States and China. Going beyond the scope of traditional guidebooks, the study incorporates elements of psychology, resulting in a fascinating portrait of the Chinese people, one that finds clear distinctions in behaviors and priorities across different regions, among various age groups, and within other demographic categories. This specific information will help business leaders develop the kind of cultural awareness that leads to greater opportunities and stronger relationships in China, at home, and within themselves.

The Global Etiquette Guide to Africa and the Middle East: Everything You Need to Know for Business and Travel Success

Dean Foster
Authored by one of the world's leading cross-cultural experts.Invaluable for both business and leisure travelers.Comprehensive and practical coverage.

The Impulse Economy: Understanding Mobile Shoppers and What Makes Them Buy

Gary Schwartz
We live in a world where our mobile devices have become extensions of ourselves. We depend on them for instant connections to entertainment, social media, news, and deals. The phone has become our ticket, loyalty card, and catchall wallet.

Networks are faster, phones are smarter, and the mobile shopper is ready to spend money now. What can a business do to maximize the mobile buying power of the new impulse consumer? Gary Schwartz has written a groundbreaking book that outlines the history of the mobile industry and shows just how businesses can build up their mobile platforms to maximize online sales. He’ll explain:

• How to minimize barriers between the shopper and a sale.

• How marketers can connect and, more important, reconnect with loyal shoppers.

• The technology available now—and what’s coming soon—and how to pick a solution that will deliver results.

But like Blink or Freakonomics, this isn’t just a book for businesses. It’s also an eye-opening look into the ways our economy is changing every second of every day. Gary Schwartz analyzes a phenomenon that’s modifying people’s actions and challenges our assumptions about our behavior as consumers. Anyone interested in the ways our behavior as shoppers is changing—and what we can do to better harness this opportunity—will find this book to be essential reading.

Company Manners: How to Behave in the Workplace in the 90s

Lois Wyse
In Company Manners, Lois Wyse gives the ploys, power plays, and protocols that have nothing to do with Emily Post and everything to do with making it to the top in any corporation.

Company Manners will show you:
• How to survive and win despite mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, shakeouts, and corporate warfare
• How to star as a team player
• How to be good to yourself in order to be better at your work
• How to turn a social event into a business coup
• How to make a one-hour lunch more productive than a two-hour meeting
• How to beat the competition
• How to deal with sex in the office
• How to read body language and unspoken signals
• How to take control of a meeting that isn't going your way
• How to make corporate pressure work for rather than against you
• How to develop your own style for success

In Wyse's no-nonsense style, illustrated with personal anecdotes and insiders' stories, Company Manners is the book for anyone who wants the best of everything in the fast-moving, hard-hitting business world.

Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere: 5 Keys To Successful Cross-Cultural Communication

Gayle Cotton
The five steps to successful selling, negotiating, and managing multi-culturally

Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere gives readers five simple key guidelines to create rapport and organize strategies for success across different cultures. This book teaches to be proactive, not reactive, in your cross-cultural communications and shows how to use simple rapport tools to create trust with the cultures you work with or travel to. Learn how to organize productive interactions in person, on the phone, and by email. Discover interpersonal communication skills and virtual strategies that build strong relationships.

Offers quick, accessible examples and clear guidelines about how to create an understanding between culturesGives tips and strategies on how to communicate without offendingAuthor Gayle Cotton is a Emmy Award Winner and a distinguished, highly sought after speaker, corporate trainer, and executive coach.

This step-by-step guide to cross-cultural business will help you build strong relationships and manage successfully, no matter the cultural differences.

Beyond the Job Description: How Managers and Employees Can Navigate the True Demands of the Job

Jesse Sostrin
The purpose of this book is to help you accelerate your capacity to stay relevant in the workplace and enjoy a high-quality working life. The concepts are not presented as a fable or a metaphor based on something 'out there' to aspire to. Instead, this book is a practical guide for understanding and translating your unsatisfying experiences in the workplace into more enjoyable and better outcomes.

When work becomes messy, complicated, we stop getting good work done, we lose sight of the things that inspire us, and sometimes we disengage. Too many headaches for too long can cause chronic stress and erode our health and well-being.
This book can help you translate your headaches at work into useful insights that boost your learning and performance and make your time spent at work a little better.

All of this matters because staying engaged and relevant at work comes from our ability to go beyond our job descriptions and add increasing value to the organization. Continuous learning and performance is the best way to stay ahead of the change curve. In order to do this we have to be able to spot and move beyond barriers and the typical causes of workplace headaches that reduce our ability to engage, creatively solve problems, and continuously learn and perform on the job. These two factors – the need for continuous learning and performance and the presence of barriers that get in the way – form what Sostrin calls the hidden curriculum of work. If you want to withstand the down-economy, a shaky job market, and technology that threatens to make you obsolete...if your current job could be outsourced, downsized, or automated...and if you worry that someone else younger, smarter, and hungrier is right behind you, then your best chance of staying relevant in the workplace is to learn how to Navigate your Hidden Curriculum of Work.

The Relational Manager: Transform Your Workplace and Your Life

Michael Schluter
This inspiring new approach is based on extensive research by an expert on relationships and supported by a wealth of statistics and case studies. Relationships are at the heart of all that we do and achieve, indeed our very identity. When relationships are neglected in a business context, the authors argue, they lead to poor health, ineffective management and low output at work. The authors focus on 5 key components of successful relationships and how these can be achieved: - Encounter (personal rather than impersonal contact is best) - Storyline (strength of the relationship over time) - Knowledge (how deeply is information shared?) - Fairness (equal treatment and mutual respect) - Alignment (sharing values, objectives and purpose)

The Elements of Ethics for Professionals

W. Brad Johnson

Patterned after Strunk and White's classic The Elements of Style, this handy guide pulls the existing research on the delicate balance of professional ethics into one concise source. Johnson and Ridley explore seventy-five of the most important and pithy truths for supervisors in all fields, including questions of integrity, loyalty, justice, respect, and delivering one's best in the business environment. Succinct and comprehensive, with examples and takeaway advice, this is a must-have for any professional or business leader striving to create an ethical workplace.

Outsourcing to India: The Offshore Advantage

Mark Kobayashi-Hillary
Managers across the world are beating a path to India because it is the global leader for offshore IT-enabled services. Many corporate leaders seek to reduce their costs, other wish to improve service quality, but not many understand India on their first visit and some are confused by clashes of culture. This book aims to introduce India, the major players in the Indian service industry, the reasons why you should utilise India as an offshore outsourcing destination and the steps you need to take to find and work with a local partner. The second edition has been completely revised with up-to-date information on the latest industry developments. Several chapters have been entirely restructured and two completely new chapters deal with the risks of outsourcing to India and the future prospects for the industry.

Chinese Leadership

Barbara Xiaoyu Wang
With the accelerating integration of China into the global economy, there is a thirst to understand how Chinese managers like to lead and how Chinese employees like to be managed. There is no doubt that China can be a difficult and risky market for foreign businesses. The authors show managers how to succeed when doing business in China.

Brazilians Working with Americans

Orlando R. Kelm

The Korean Mind: Understanding Contemporary Korean Culture

Boye Lafayette De Mente
Koreans have a unique character and personality that sets them apart from all other Asians. And although Korean attitudes and behavior may be influenced by the modern world, the Korean mindset is still very much shaped by ancient culture and traditions. In The Korean Mind, Boye Lafayette De Mente explores the meanings and cultural context of the most important “code words” of the Korean language, terms whose significance goes well beyond their literal definitions, providing an insight into the character and personality of the Korean people.

Chinese Business Etiquette: The Practical Pocket Guide

Stefan H. Verstappen

A unique, insider's pocket reference on common business and social protocols for traveling and doing business in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Also ideal for those responsible for greeting and hosting visitors from China.

Stefan H. Verstappen's books and bio are at www.chinastrategies.com.

Chic Simple Dress Smart Women: Wardrobes That Win in the New Workplace

Kim Johnson Gross
In these times of economic uncertainty, dressing to impress has never been so important. Chic Simple DRESS SMART-WOMEN guides the professional female to dress to find a job, to keep a job, and to get a better job. Drawing on interviews from top professionals and their own vast experience via their book line, AOL column, and InStyle monthly advice section, veteran style mavens Jeff Stone and Kim Johnson Gross put a sexy spin on the age-old question of how to dress for success. DRESS SMART provides the straight talk answer to the most frequently asked questions about style at work, including: valuable tips on: dressing for off-site events, dealing with business casual versus business appropriate, knowing where to spend-and where to save-money on your wardrobe. The book will capitalize on the fan base established with the new Chic Simple magazine, but while the magazine focuses on shopping solutions for all aspects of women's lives, DRESS SMART will provide complete lessons on how to maximize professional impact through your wardrobe, and will be a blueprint to the dynamics of dressing in today's constantly changing business environment.

Poised for Success: Mastering the Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals

Jacqueline Whitmore
Secrets to mastering the details that will get you ahead at work, from international etiquette expert and author of BUSINESS CLASS, Jacqueline Whitmore.

In the past, the business world favored the aggressive “Type A” personality. But in these unsettled times, being courteous and thoughtful has proven to be a more effective way to win clients and customers and influence others. The competitive advantage depends on your ability to use your emotional intelligence and social graces to take your career to the next level.

In POISED FOR SUCCESS, Jacqueline Whitmore states that good business etiquette is important, but she also knows that there is more to becoming invaluable at work than simply mastering good behavior. In order to be poised for success, you must cultivate what Jacqueline calls the four “P” qualities: Presence, Polish, Professionalism, and Passion. These include how to:

-Package yourself for success by refining your personal brand
-Nurture professional relationships with flair
-Master the five ways to make yourself more memorable
-Learn the seven unwritten rules of workplace etiquette

Whitmore, using her 15 years of experience as a protocol and etiquette expert, will arm you with the skills to become more self-aware, more confident and comfortable in your own skin, and better able to communicate with others in a credible, authentic manner.

301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette Questions

Vicky Oliver
As times change, so do norms of behavior in the office. 301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette Questions has the answers you need to survive daily life in the professional environment. Following the same popular Q&A format of her bestselling 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions, Oliver will tell you how to get the job and how to keep it by navigating all the intricacies of the modern workplace.

Where other etiquette guides evoke images of a stilted and stuffy Victorian tea party, Oliver’s witty answers to common questions are both engaging and accessible. She believes that etiquette is not a throwback to some bygone age, but has a direct and tangible impact on your career right here and now. Off come the white gloves as she tears away the corporate veil to reveal things they still don’t teach at Harvard Business School, such as: Making a good first impression (and how to fix a bad one!) How to behave in elevators, airplanes, and supply closets Surviving cabs, commutes, and coffee shops Why time is not necessarily money everywhere on the planet Pre-approved conversational topics from A to Z Dining rules and regulations for the twenty-first century What to do when you are suddenly unemployed Electronic communication And much more! 301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette Questions will ensure that you know how to conduct yourself in every conceivable professional interaction.

Asian Business Customs & Manners: A Country-by-Country Guide

Mary Murray Bosrock
Finally, here is a guide that covers all of the dos and don’ts of business etiquette in Asia.  Asian Business Customs & Manners is organized country-by-country, this comprehensive guide contains information on every situation you’ll encounter, including business practices and attitudes, meetings, negotiations, meals, punctuality, language, gestures, tipping, manners, gifts, and everything in between.  It contains all the information you need to present yourself well and get the job done – whatever it might be.

This book won the Independent Book Publisher’s Association Benjamin Franklin Award for Business in 2008.

This is a guide that covers all the dos and don’ts of business etiquette in Asia.  Organized country by country, this comprehensive guide contains information on every situation you’ll encounter, including business practices and attitudes, meetings, negotiations, meals, punctuality, language, gestures, tipping, manners, gifts, and everything in between.  It contains all the information you need to present yourself well and get the job done … whatever it might be.  This book provides guidance about how to successfully negotiate your way through Asian business situations generally, as well as specific information about doing business in:  Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and New Zealand.

This book won the Independent Book Publisher’s Association Benjamin Franklin Award for Business in 2008.

The Board Book: An Insider's Guide for Directors and Trustees

William G. Bowen

"By far the best book on corporate and institutional governance." —Nicholas Katzenbach, former attorney general of the United States

In his new foreword to The Board Book, former Mellon Foundation and Princeton University president William G. Bowen brings his immense experience to bear on the most pressing questions facing boards of directors and trustees today: seeking collaborative relationships and placing a renewed emphasis on sustainable initiatives. The strategies Bowen relates throughout the book foster the collegiality and sense of purpose—more important in today’s turbulent times than ever before—that are integral to any effective board.

The Etiquette Advantage

June Hines Moore
Even in a dog-eat-dog world, you should still know which fork to use.From proper grooming to proper attire, from dealing with foreign clients to dealing with the caterer, knowing the dos and don'ts of etiquette in the workplace is imperative for a successful business person. In the midst of a marketplace that has abandoned its social graces, it is the responsibility of the mature Christian to act with propriety and kindness. June H. Moore, a businesswoman and believer, teaches corporate Christians how to behave commendably, respecting their fellow workers even in the ferocious world of commerce.

Myths about Doing Business in China

Harold Chee
China is rapidly becoming an economic superpower, yet has a very different business culture that is often misunderstood outside of China. This can result in costly financial and strategic errors. This book confronts the myths about China and Chinese business practice and gives the reader a clear understanding of the culture and how to engage with it successfully.