Noncommunicable diseases

A relatively small group of health conditions is responsible for a large part of the disease burden in Europe. Of the six WHO regions, the European Region is the most affected by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), and their growth is startling. The impact of the major NCDs (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and mental disorders) is equally alarming: taken together, these five conditions account for an estimated 86% of the deaths and 77% of the disease burden in the Region. WHO/Europe develops norms and standards, guidance and public health tools to help countries implement effective programmes and address risk factors.

Causes, impacts and the role of WHO/Europe

Top story

WHO highlights need for countries to scale up action on noncommunicable diseases

Country profiles on noncommunicable diseases published


Unite in the fight against NCDs


Integrated surveillance of Noncommunicable Diseases (iNCD)

A project supported by the European Commission