
WHO/Europe has supported health system development in Estonia since 1991. During the 1990s, it supported health care reform in close collaboration with national authorities and international partners such as the World Bank. WHO is one of the few international agencies with permanent representation in Estonia.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Estonia
Gonsiori str. 29
10147 Tallinn
Tel.: +372 6269 350
Fax: +372 6269 353

Ministry of health

Ministry of Social Affairs
Gonsiori 29
15027 Tallinn
Tel.: +372 6 269107, +372 6 269 240, +372 6 269102, +372 6 269103
Fax: +3726992209

Areas of work

Priorities for joint work are set out in the biennial collaborative agreement (BCA) 2012–2013 between WHO/Europe and Estonia. This framework for collaboration reflects the new vision of WHO/Europe as approved by the sixtieth session of the Regional Committee for Europe – Better Health for Europe, as well as the concepts, principles and values underpinning the development of WHO/Europe's new Country Strategy and the European health policy – Health 2020.

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Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2009)

More data and statistics