
The WHO Country Office, Croatia was founded in Zagreb in November 1992 in order to provide support for policy-making on sustainable health development. The Country Office works to assess the health needs and priorities in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. In addition, it works to identify priority areas for WHO collaboration and implementation along with coordinating WHO input to the national health authorities. In 2012, the first ever organ transplant in Montenegro took place with the leadership of the Croatia Regional Health Development Centre.

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WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Croatia
Radnicka cesta 41-SPAZ Building, 8th fl.
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 1 2329618 (C)
Fax: +385 1 2329619

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health
Ksaver 200a
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 1 4677089
Fax: +385 1 4677091

Areas of work

The 2012-2013 priorities in Croatia are:
  • Health 2020
  • Health systems strengthening and public health
  • Noncommunicable diseases, health promotion and healthy lifestyles
  • Communicable diseases, health security and environment
  • Health information, evidence, research and innovation
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Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth in years (as of 2011)

More data and statistics