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The Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs is headed by Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson, who is responsible for managing and promoting U.S. interests in the region by supporting democracy, trade, and sustainable economic development, and fostering cooperation on issues such as citizen safety, strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, economic and social inclusion, energy, and climate change. More about WHA»

Regional map of Western Hemisphere Affairs.

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U.S.-Chile Partnership

Secretary Kerry (June 16): "Chile is unquestionably one of the strongest partners that the U.S. has in Latin America. And Chile is proof that if you follow democratic principles, if you have sound economic policies and good governance, you can contribute in many significant ways to global initiatives." Full Text» More»

U.S.-Mexico Relationship

Secretary Kerry (May 21): "There are really few countries with whom the United States enjoys as dynamic and as close a relationship as the one that we enjoy with Mexico. Our interests are obviously intertwined in many ways."Full Text» Trip Page»

U.S.-Uruguay Friendship

Secretary Kerry (May 13): "Uruguay is an old friend, and we are very, very privileged and happy to have the President here today to talk about how we grow this relationship going forward, and we’re very grateful to you Mr. President for taking the time to come by." Full Text» More»

Washington Conference on the Americas

Secretary Kerry (May 7): "Today it’s crystal clear that if we work together and play our cards right, the Western Hemisphere can become literally the most stable and prosperous region in the world." Full Text»

U.S.-Colombia High-Level Partnership Dialogue

Secretary Kerry (Feb. 28): "We can also look to the future by deepening our partnership in areas that are critical in a more interconnected and competitive global economy." Full Text» More» Fact Sheet»

Haiti: Transitioning from Reconstruction to Long-Term Development

Secretary Kerry (Feb. 5): "It is a great pleasure for me to welcome President Michel Martelly from Haiti, and really with great respect for the road that he has put Haiti on and the enormous commitment that he has made to transition from reconstruction into a long-term development program." Full Text»

100,000 Strong in the Americas

Secretary Kerry (Jan. 17): "I'm proud to announce today that the State Department, with our partners in the private sector, have already raised ... a total of $3.65 million to promote study abroad and cross-cultural learning across the Americas." Full Text»

North American Trilateral Ministerial

On January 17, Secretary Kerry hosted the North American Ministerial with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird and Mexican Foreign Secretary Jose Antonio Meade. Press Availability» More»