Combating Crime and Corruption

Date: 02/10/2014 Description: Protest against Crime and Corruption - State Dept Image

INL is at the forefront of U.S. government efforts to address complex transnational threats including transnational organized crime, corruption, illicit trade, money laundering, terrorist financing, cyber and intellectual property crimes, border insecurity, environmental crime, narcotics trafficking, and other types of smuggling and trafficking. Learn More»


Date: 08/15/2012 Description: A farmer hired to uproot coca shrubs works as part of a manual eradication campaign of coca fields in San Miguel, on Colombia's southern border with Ecuador, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012. © AP Image

The detrimental impact of drug abuse, drug trafficking and related violence do not stop at national borders. In line with the President’s National Drug Control Strategy, INL provides full-spectrum support to foreign law-enforcement partners, many of which face serious challenges from drug-trafficking organizations. INL’s Aviation program helps counter-narcotics police reach remote areas where drugs are grown and processed as well as improving their ability to interdict illicit shipments. INL also works with partner governments to implement drug prevention and treatment programs and develop effective tools to prosecute drug traffickers, seize their assets and limit their ability to influence state institutions. Learn More»

Leveraging Partnerships

Date: 08/28/2013 Description: Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs William R. Brownfield, right, and Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez, left, shake hands after signing an agreement with Miami port officials on security and related issues in the Caribbean region, at the Port of Miami, Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013, in Miami.  © AP Image

Through innovative engagement with international organizations, INL promotes U.S. anti-crime and drug control standards and best practices that assist and provide models for foreign governments in dismantling and disrupting organized criminal groups. INL actively recruits state and local law enforcement, departments of corrections and legal agencies (e.g. state attorneys general and district attorneys) into our criminal justice assistance programs. Learn More»

Rule of Law

Date: 01/25/2012 Description: This Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 file photo shows the U.S. Supreme Court Building Washington.  © AP Image

INL manages the U.S. Department of State’s foreign assistance resources dedicated to the development of criminal justice systems and the establishment of the rule of law abroad, focusing on “cops, courts and corrections.” Learn More»

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