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"It ought to concern every person, because it is a debasement of our common humanity. It ought to concern every community, because it tears at our social fabric. It ought to concern every business, because it distorts markets. It ought to concern every nation, because it endangers public health and fuels violence and organized crime. I’m talking about the injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking, which must be called by its true name -- modern slavery."

– President Barack Obama

Modern Day Slavery and What We Buy

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Ambassador CdeBaca (July 24): "We continue to see in the Report this year widespread use of forced labor throughout the world, in a wide range of industries. And while governments have typically had more success in identifying and responding to sex trafficking cases than labor trafficking, and we do not want anyone to back off of those efforts...." Full Text»

Combating Forced Labor and Modern-Day Slavery in East Asia and the Pacific

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Ambassador CdeBaca (July 8): "In EAP we see both sex trafficking and forced labor -- even state-sponsored forced labor in the recruitment and the use of child soldiers in some places -- and pervasive victimization of migrants seeking better jobs." Full Text» More»

2014 Trafficking in Persons Report

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Secretary Kerry (June 20): "More than 20 million people, a conservative estimate, are victims of human trafficking. And the United States is the first to acknowledge that no government anywhere yet is doing enough." Full Text» Briefing» Report» Fact Sheets»

United States Assistance To Combat Transnational Crime

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Ambassador CdeBaca (May 7): "Modern slavery undermines the rule of law. It feeds instability, breeds corruption, fuels transnational crime and taints supply chains that drive the global economy." Full Text»

Meeting of the President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

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Secretary Kerry (Apr. 8): "I have instructed our Trafficking in Persons Office to zero in and really focus on the issues that are involved here. We’re working with NGOs to make sure that the global fishing industry doesn’t get any of its supplies from forced labor, including forced child labor." Full Text» Progress Report»

Testimony Before the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs

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Ambassador CdeBaca (Jan. 27): "Today we’re focusing on a specific concern that has garnered the attention of the entire anti-trafficking community: human trafficking around major sporting events and lessons that can be learned especially in the hospitality and transportation sectors. " Full Text»

2014 Competition for Funding

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On October 17, 2013, the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons announced an open competition for fiscal year 2014 funding of projects to combat trafficking in persons outside of the U.S. Full Text» Request for Statements of Interest» Questions and Answers» More»

Journey to Freedom: Freedom Center Documentary

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Journey to Freedom tells the true stories of two men, 21st Century Cambodian Vannak Prum and 19th Century American Solomon Northup, who were sold into slavery more than 150 years apart. Transcript» Fact Sheets» More»

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The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, directed by Ambassador Luis CdeBaca, leads the United States' global engagement against human trafficking, an umbrella term used to describe the activities involved when someone obtains or holds a person in compelled service. At the heart of this phenomenon are the myriad forms of enslavement as outlined in the United States' Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Major forms of human trafficking include: forced labor, sex trafficking, bonded labor, debt bondage, involuntary domestic servitude, forced child labor, child soldiers, and child sex trafficking. The Office has responsibility for bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, targeted foreign assistance, and public engagement on this issue of modern slavery and partners with foreign governments and civil society to develop and implement effective counter-trafficking strategies.

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