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Funny movie but some of the dialogue sounds like a political debate
se7en18712 June 2007
I saw this at the Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck, Michigan.

Funny movie about a political activist John Logue (played by Breckin Meyer) who makes a drunken promise that if George Bush is elected president, he will move to Canada. After John Kerry is defeated by George Bush, it seems like Logue's life has lost its purpose. Finally, after his friends insist that he keeps his promise, Logue decides to take the trip to Canada. To do so he places an ad for a road partner and chooses the mysterious Chloe (Anna Paquin).

In case you didn't notice by the synopsis, this film does rip on President Bush quite often, so don't be upset if you're from a certain political party, you know what was in store before seeing the film. It started out very well but I felt that it lost some steam in the second half and never really recovered. It's still a good movie, but I wish it would have kept its same charm and comedy that it had in its first half.

Breckin Meyer and Anna Paquin were very good together, they were well cast and did a good job acting. However, there are times where it seemed the film was written by someone the day after the 2004 presidential elections. It probably would've been a better film if some of the dialogue didn't sound like people debating on CNN.

It's a nice film and worth looking out for, but just remember to read what it's about before seeing it because it's not for everyone.
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Does the writer even know where Canada is???
JonathanWalford20 March 2008
I really wanted to like this film -- it is a great idea! However, the comic undertones of the film quickly gave way to a downbeat drama and the portrayal of one of the most dysfunctional families ever seen on film.

My enjoyment of the movie dwindled as the film went on and on and on. It wasn't really the acting (at least not of the main characters), or even the directing, but rather the writing that was at fault. The script is heavy handed and unbelievable.

On top of this, the writer should have at least visited Canada, or checked out some facts about the country before writing so egregiously. The movie makes it look like Winnipeg is a day's drive from Washington state; Canada border guards do not ask Americans to see their passports at the border - they ask for identification (Social Security number, driver's license, etc.); Winnipeg does not enjoy Chinooks (where weather changes 30 degrees in a day) that's Calgary; By 2004 when this film takes place you would have a hard time finding any Canadian boasting of universal health care; and you really don't hear that tall poppy story up here -- that is a story Americans use to describe Canadians, not a story Canadians use to describe themselves.

Overall, this was a missed opportunity for a very funny, poignant and timely film that really missed its mark. The plot was good, the main actors good, but the actual writing was very clumsy.
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An Unromantic Comedy
roedyg8 December 2013
This is a typical formula romantic comedy in that the couple fight and insult each other for most of the film then suddenly get the hots for each other at the end after getting plastered on home made Canadian beer. It is an unusual romantic comedy in that I found myself hoping the whole film he would escape from her. She was totally wrong for him. She was an soldier in Iraq. He is a rabid peace activist. She lives on junk food and meat. He is a vegetarian. He is highly idealistic. She is totally self centred. He easy going and rational. She is erratic and touchy. There is no attraction besides sex. Usually such differences just create fodder for humour, but in this movie, it turns into a mild horror.

The movie is mostly them sniping at each other. There are two other notable scenes.

In one they go to meet the boy's father, who seems to think he is Rush Limbaugh, or at least a worshipper. It is quite over the top, packing in every Republican stereotype into a few minutes. It is hilarious, horrifying and depressing.

In another scene, he almost marries a gigantic older woman besotted with him that he just met to help him toward Canadian citizenship. It is just creepy.

Other than those two scenes, not much happens. It is like travels of a handsome young man with his cranky cat companion. She is not intelligent enough to say anything interesting, and not stupid enough to be amusing.

This is a strongly anti-Bush film. It was made by Canadians. It has fun with the stereotypes Americans and Canadians have about each other.
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Knee-jerk much?
very_soggy_cornflakes7 November 2008
The people who ripped into the movie for portraying a one-dimensional Canada or taking potshots at Bush are missing the point.

Canada as a locale in the movie is merely a convenient shorthand-- it could have been Mexico or the UK or Australia, the point is that it's a foreign country. Calling 'Blue State' "anti-Canadian propaganda" is a bit like calling South Park's portrayal of egghead Canadians "anti-Canadian propaganda".

And, it may be just me, but I felt that 'Blue State' pokes more fun at the Democrat zealot than of Dubya-- for a considerable portion of the movie, and when he's on tirade-mode, it seems to me that John is portrayed as a sad, almost ridiculous figure.

That aside, the leads are believable and exhibit romantic chemistry, and make their characters likable. Especially Breckin Meyer-- as written, John is a self-important, uptight person for most of the film, but Meyer imbues his character with humanity.

Overall a mild political satire and competent, heartfelt romantic road trip.
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after a few festival showings this went direct to DVD
jaybob4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As per my summary, this film had no theatrical play-dates, very rightfully so, This a perfect example of a second feature film & not worth a solo showing especially at todays prices.

I will not go into the political stuff as other reviewers did. What I think of the story line as there really is none? This is another road trip movie. It was filmed in Winnipeg Canada & area for under One Million Dollars. A nice tax write-off for the producers.

This was written & directed by Marshall Lewy,this is his first full-length feature. Let us hope he improves,the script & direction is adequate for this type of film.

The stars are Breckin Meyer (from TV), His performance is' not bad, but not that good either, and Anna Paquin who as child actress won a supporting role Oscar (The Piano) has done better adult roles. The rest of the cast also is adequate.

The cinematography was mostly by hand-held cameras & it was very annoying,. The song score was not too bad. The movie runs 92 LONG minutes.

Ratings: ** (out of 4) 61 points (out of 100) IMDb 5 (out of 10)
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State of the Nation
sol-13 July 2017
Worried about disappointing the loyal readers of his internet blog, a political activist decides to make good on a promise he made to move to Canada if George W. Bush was reelected in this Canada/US co- production starring Breckin Meyer. The film is overloaded with political debate (and lots of anti-Bush sentiment), however it nevertheless makes Meyer's road trip less a political one and more a journey of self-discovery in which he learns to be proud to be an American while dealing with personal issues that surface after stopping off at his parents' house along the way. He also learns to become more humble throughout, having built up a false self-image as an important person in the political scene purely due to some campaign work and a blog with a smaller audience than he ever realised. What exactly Anna Paquin's character has to do with his self-discovery journey is less clear. Her role in the narrative is awkward from the get-go with Meyer desperate for companionship as he drives up to Canada. Paquin's character admittedly comes with a few twists that one might not see coming, but the romantic tension between the pair is extremely formulaic and subtracts from Meyer's character growth. All in all, 'Blue State' is a film with enough in it to possibly be worth a look, but with a singular protagonist and a tighter story, it may have been a lot more than just that.
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Really Enjoyed, but...it's NOT a comedy...
MovieHoliks21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I originally saw this movie a few years ago off Netflix, but wanted to check it out again the other day since I don't think I really gave it full attention the first time around. I do remember enjoying what I had seen.

Set in 2004, Breckin Myer stars as a very idealistic liberal-minded young American who promises (like such left-wing celebrities as Alec Baldwin and some others did) to move to Canada if George W. Bush is elected. LOL The movie starts out more as a comedy- I was actually laughing quite a lot at the beginning, but be warned- this is NOT a comedy. I was seeing a lot of user comments saying this same thing. After about the first 15 minutes, it's more a straight-up drama.

Well anyway, we all know the outcome of the 2004 election, so Myer's character (unlike most of those celebrities) decides to go through with his promise, and he looks up a site for Americans who want to marry a Canadian (mostly for healthcare reasons), so he can obtain Canadian citizenship. He finds a woman, and takes off on a road trip up north. On the way, he meets a young woman (Anna Paquin) evading military duties, and they make the rest of the trek together, and form an interesting little budding relationship.

I read several comments about this film that it paints liberals (and Canadians LOL) in a not-so-positive light, but I really don't think it does. Yes, there is some hypocrisy, but overall the film showed the main character as someone who wanted change, but ultimately realized bailing out was not the way to do so-?? A great scene occurs near the end of the film when he meets an older American living in Canada who left to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam war. Eventually, this guy admits- hey, I was just trying to save my own ass! LOL Well, I highly recommend this little film- I think both liberals and conservatives (and Canadians! LOL) can get something out of this. I don't think either side is really painted in an all-too-negative -or- positive light. Just gives you some good thinking material. And again, do NOT go into this film as a comedy, as the way it was marketed. It's just a quirky little serio (semi- comedic) indie dramatic flick or whatchamacallit-?? LOL
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Nothing Stand Out
Mr_Sensitive11 April 2009
At first I find it pretty entertaining, but then after sometime it just keep dragging on and it end up to be pretty much --- boring. I have no idea was the movie about when I first watch it, it seem like a nice independent production movie but in the end it was way too average propaganda movie with an American point of view of Canada.

The main reason I watch it was because I pretty much familiar with the actors Anna Paquin and Breckin Meyer. Most of their movie is pretty much watchable so I went along with it in this one. The story is so-so; nothing great can be said about it; except it makes Canada look like a really dreadful place and people are very much a freak.

Nothing much developed during the course of the movie except we get to learn the reasons why they wanted to move to Canada, and the rest is just gap filler. The paces of the film never change but keep constantly slow and somehow not one single moment of memorable scene.

I say the film might have work a whole lot better with other direction (and better script), cause this is way too simple and boring and nothing much has been added to help to set the mood of the film any better.

The best of the film got to be the casting and that what might be the only things that attract people to watch this movie. Their acting that was kept me watching it and nothing else.

Overall it is not a movie I would recommend to anyone, cause it just plain boring and one sided. There are some potential but the film has been made and it is not up to the par.

Reason To Watch: Anna Paquin and Breckin.

Reason Not To: Dreadful.

Rating: 4/10 (Grade: F)
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Just Bad...
karajewlz15 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care that this movie pokes fun at Canadians even though they completely over-exaggerated EVERYTHING about Canada; some parts were slightly humorous while most all of it was absolutely ridiculous.

Overall the movie was really boring. The script was poorly written and the scenes just dragged on forever. There was somewhat of a plot with the fact that the main character was moving to Canada because he wanted to "escape" from America, but there was no climax, nothing to anticipate really, and rather predictable.

I was really disappointed and bored and would never ever recommend this to anyone.

If anyone is looking for a cute romantic comedy to watch, this is not your movie.
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An opportunity sadly missed
totalofseven3 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The summary for this movie sounded promising. Immediately following the two consecutive Bush elections there was, indeed-- if the media is to be believed-- somewhat of an exodus of Democrats heading north. Whether these "disgruntled Democrats" were political activists, or just scared, is beside the point. It's a story that I think begged to be told.

I'm an American citizen who has lived in Canada many years. I would advise the writer/director, if he is to succeed in any way, shape or form, in depicting characters beyond his borders, that he do some research. If he had used such shameless stereotypes in portraying Indian or Chinese citizens he would have been a laughing stock, if not blacklisted. I thought "Knocked Up" set the bar in that regard in the last couple of years, but Blue State wins the award. I've never seen so many ridiculous stereotypes utilized in the space of nearly two painful hours. This movie didn't just stumble into the indignity, it took every opportunity to embrace it. For what? To make their American characters look good and reasoned and noble? As an American, I was thoroughly embarrassed.

This movie was outright offensive to Canadians and informed Americans; in particular, *real* political activists who wouldn't have succumbed to a pretty face, but may have had a more serious agenda in mind. I would have liked to see a much more thoughtful exploration of the lead characters, living at a time of great political conflict, in a more realistic setting, not this backwards gong show disguised as a politically aware love story. To be perfectly frank, this movie is a perfect example of why Americans have such a hard time endearing themselves to people outside their borders. It is self-serving, ill-informed, arrogant crap. It may have tried to depict the characters returning home as a result of their own political/emotional conflicts, but it ended up looking like a narrow escape from a life in the circus, i.e. Canada.

The writer/director completely missed the mark, here. And may have offended a few million people in the process. Not that a few million would have even bothered to see this movie. I certainly hope not.
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nogodnomasters15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great romantic comedy about what really matters in life: love, family and relationships. Breckin Meyer plays a political blogger who was so caught up into politics he forgot to live his life, losing his girlfriend and a relationship with his parents. He vows to move to Canada if Bush is re-elected. Anna Paquin is a tag along with her own issues and a twist.

Politics is simply a backdrop. This movie is not for everyone, but for this old hippie, it hits the spot.
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Blue State = awesome movie
jpolny0812 February 2008
I saw this movie at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2007. I think it won the audience award there. The atmosphere in the theater was electric (Anna Paquin, the director and producer were all there). It is a really great movie. I walked out of the theater feeling uplifted by the experience and in a better mood for it. Not only are the performances spot on (I think this is some of Anna Paquin's best work), but the movie manages the rare feat of being both funny, warm and thought-provoking at the same time. I would describe it as part road movie, part romantic comedy - with some acute political commentary thrown in for good measure. This is not, however, a movie that preaches its politics. The (few) political points it does make are balanced and more importantly very funny. The portrayal of Canadians and Americans view of them is hilarious. It's out on DVD and on netflix, etc. so go ahead and see it. You won't regret it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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A charming and well-crafted film
laurence-568 March 2008
A self-mocking indictment against taking life too seriously, as ever the redeeming power of love wins out, with the moral - at the end - being that it is better to act locally than to run away.

As for suggestions that the movie is partisan, I think not, this is merely a matter of character portrayal.

Excellent acting by the hero and heroine. Very enjoyable and absorbing to watch.

A self-mocking indictment against taking life too seriously, as ever the redeeming power of love wins out, with the moral - at the end - being that it is better to act locally than to run away.

As for suggestions that the movie is partisan, I think not, this is merely a matter of character portrayal.

Excellent acting by the hero and heroine. Very enjoyable and absorbing to watch.
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Blue you will not be, for the most of the film, its quite funny but, there is some heart-wrenching drama, too
inkblot1114 February 2011
Its late in the year 2004 and John (Breckin Meyer) is in despair. After working very hard on John Kerry's presidential campaign, our man John is astounded that "W" was re-elected. Not only this, Johnny promised friends at a bar, during the pre-election period, that he would move to Canada, should Senator Kerry lose. Uh oh. Packing up, John advertises for a travel companion, to help with expenses and for company, as he will be going from California to Winnipeg. Soon, a beautiful young lady, Chloe (Anna Paguin) responds to the ad and agrees to go with John. However, she is rather mysterious about why she is leaving the USA. No matter, off the two go. John is somewhat disappointed that on their first hotel stop, Chloe insists on separate rooms, for he can't deny his interest in the young lady. They also make a stop in Washington to see John's parents, since its "on the way", but, it is a dismal and nerve-jangling visit. This is so because John's political views and eating preferences are the complete opposite of his folks. The two younger people leave in a hurry. As they near the border, Chloe suddenly gets cold feet and some secrets surface, ones that startle John. Will the two make it to Winnipeg, where the woman who runs "marry a Canadian for residency" is waiting for them? This is a wonderful film, with plenty of humor and heart. As the two principal stars, Meyer and Paquin are terrific and compliment each other well. The supporting cast, mostly unknowns, is fine, also. The scenery is vibrantly lovely while the costumes, camera work, and steady direction add much to the movie's success. Then, too, the script is relevant, humorous, and touching, although those with conservative political views may not care for it too much and yank it out of the machine. Nevertheless, it has some interesting points to convey that every viewer can admire, no matter what their persuasion. So, if you love romantic comedy and/or films with an abundance of weighty topics, get this one tonight.
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A missed opportunity
rgcustomer22 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a story about a Democratic political activist who tries to make good on a promise to move to Canada if W wins re-election.

What's good about this film is that it includes eerie clips from the period which bring back memories of just how creepy it was to live in the US at that time. When a lunatic president tells you he thinks he's been given a blank cheque to do what he wants, you don't really stick around to find out what that means. Having the advantage of being Canadian already, I did leave, several months later.

But what's bad is almost everything else.

I totally did not buy the romantic relationship. Frankly, I was expecting Hamon to be some kind of citizen spy, perhaps along the lines of James O'Keefe.

And Canada is insultingly misrepresented here (that's the thanks that Canadian taxpayers get for helping fund this thing). Ultimately, we're just another plot device to these characters, not a real place. Coming to Canada in real life is certainly not an escape from responsibility. There is real work to be done.

It would have been nice if the film had contrasted the US events with Canada's Liberal minority of the same time period, and their eventual election loss to Harper in 2005.

That said, Breckin looks good in a pair of jeans. I think he always will.
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A well written character-driven political road trip film
napierslogs17 October 2010
"Blue State" is set after the John Kerry versus George Bush election of 2004. Our hero, John Logue (Breckin Meyer) a staunch democrat vows to move to Canada as a protest if Bush wins. A group called Marry-a-Canadian.ca contacts him and urges him to join them in Winnipeg. So the move to Canada begins.

The film is predominantly a road trip. John seeks a driving partner for the trip and finds Chloe (Anna Paquin). There is of course a romance sub-plot between the two. The genius of this film is in the writing of the characters. He's devoted to the left-wing political cause; she's much more mysterious. She guesses what he wants to hear, and he believes her. Although John is extremely liberal, the film isn't. They cleverly wrote in flaws to his character, and although the right-wing characters were more soft-spoken they usually got the last word. People from across the spectrum should be able to appreciate the film. Being liberal myself, I connected to John instantly and his weaknesses just made him that much more endearing to me.

The road trip part of the film is extremely well written and moves at a reasonable pace. The Marry-a-Canadian part is just plain weird but luckily they don't spend much time in Winnipeg. And the best part of this film is that it actually has a resolution. I highly recommend "Blue State" to all the John Logues out there.
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Well It's Time To Bash Bush, Again
DKosty12314 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"I hate Bush" is a one liner that should have closed out of town a long time ago. It is prevalent in this film which does not hide it's plot at all.

The thing is that the roles in this film, the idea behind the film, & the concept are all very tired. In fact, it amazes me that this movie was made at all. There is nothing very creative in the film & nothing constructive in the film to challenge the viewer to a brain match with a nitwit. There do seem to be many nitwits in this one.

The cast & acting are OK though the film done on a limited budget shows that shoe string. This is one of the later efforts to cash in on an issue that was showing lame duck status well before 2007.

Canadian people ought to be glad this one is so worn out as they are not well depicted in this movie. Good thing this is a period film because as most folks are aware, some periods get over & are forgotten. This period film will definitely be one of those.

What is really interesting is that now that Bush has left, so have all the war protesters, yet the war continues. Of course it is no longer called a war,& there are no protests. Guess that means these folks can move back from Canada?
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VERY deceiving; excellent miss-leading propagandistic feature
beregic18 May 2008
UPDATE- check out "RED STATE"(2011) movie; a great parallel to "BLUE STATE"

The feature tries to inoculate the concept that IF you are an activist , you must be so because YOU ARE NOT NORMAL(Anna Paquin is being used as the ROLE MODEL, apparently the ONLY sane American in the feature.) this is targeting young people by trying to confuse their perceptions of anything that IS "white" OR "black".

(warning)first i must say that i am Canadian by assimilation, and while not having an American voting card, i was just as disappointed of George bush re-election as man others were, especially since his actions in oval office DO have a global impact no matter where you live. "blue state" is exactly about this, more precisely about A disgruntled "democrat" that after the re-elections of 2004 is on his way to Canada, running away from g.w.b because his vote "did not matter".why 2 stars? because this movie attempts to play on my feelings, from "incentives" such as a pretty woman (by the way god forbid for anyone to have such a girlfriend) to "happy endings"(no matter how unhappy this administration could make you). also it is very racist and anti-Canadian.basically over 1 hour of "liberal" and Canadian sympathy that turns into a HATE movie against all the above. (just cant believe that the director would make the only black man in the feature a TERRORIST in concept. WOW, have not seen such covered racism in a while...) . I CAN NOT BELIEVE THEY MAKING A MOCKERY OF THE Canadian PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM by implying that IF YOU JOIN THE US ARMY YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER ONE(health care)...WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER MILLIONS Americans THAT HAVE NU SUCH DARK "PASSIONS" or can NOT easily be lied to?

if you are a CONSERVATIVE, you will likely love this movie and i mean that literally, if watch it all..if you are an anti-bush activist you will certainly dislike it (again, must see it entirely.

surprisingly, on the feature's artistic merits, i was quiet WELL pleased UNTIL THE LAST 20-30 MINUTES!. 5 minutes of watching THIS got me hooked up at first. while it is not a "fast" movie per-see, it is VERY rich in ideas and thoughts including self induced criticism.Breckin Meyer plays excellent and seems very comfortable in the character's skin. his attitude creates quiet many comic aspects without getting anywhere close to the "geek" side(and make some mockery out of this). he is also very passionate in a very passive-aggressive way.he represents quit well the typical north American male just as much as Anna Paquin represents its female counterpart. the whole production is targeting Americans only since there are MANY "clichés" that could not easily be applied even to Canadian "lifestyles" for example( then think the rest of the non-English world...). towards Canadians like myself there are plenty of insults (from the the marry-a-Canadian matrimonial agency in its objective or , the Canadian border officer that dislikes American beer because it tastes like "s--t",etc).at times i was not sure if this production took "cheap" shots at me or other Canadians, but regardless, the director did it with "gusto" and i can appreciate that until the twist that makes the whole feature PURE PRO-PRESENT ADMINISTARTION PROPAGANDA.(even the ideas in the movie imply that "bush" OR "kerry" are THE SAME THING) for example i had nor seen or heard of "40 inch" size pizza order, looks hilarious do)). so many clichés about how Canadians have good times at parties drinking tons of beer apparently, he he. or the "tall poppy syndrome" joke that had me burst laughing)))).two poor sensitive Americans being exposed to all this that is Canadian and the Canadians themselves, apparently still having that old fashioned "cave" mentality .check also the quick argument about universal health care in US ARMY...jaw-breaking and disgusting shameless advertisement. there are a couple of scenes that will hit your emotional perceptions quiet strongly. the dialogues are witty, and REALISTIC as seen or heard from "public" versus "private" eye opposing views. a great deal of naivety versus maturity; a real life condition versus a desired one.

the last 20 minutes are a complete racist,xenophobe and naive RIDE hidden within a romantic and stereotype nutshell.one scene i did not find appealing at all ; when a black man says (why had to be black, again with stereotypes??)"i wish that m... dead, look at me i am running from my own country like a refugee" and Anna Paquin hears that......she gives this "superior" stance, very irritating, of a superior "moralist" she sees herself as.it gets WORSE after ...

i CAN NOT BELIEVE i actually wasted my time to watch this, even if i loved most of the movie until it tried to TWIST everything up!(especially from the comments made by the American loving in Canada for 35 years because he ran away from the draft in Vietnam)
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If You Can't Beat 'Em, Whine About 'Em.
fredrickstafford13 October 2009
A bland self indulgent vanity project for Marshall Lewy, I guess. Watching this movie my mind quickly begin to drift to why is it when some liberals don't get their guy, or girl, in office they throw a tantrum and threaten to "leave the country." Many of the Hollywood liberal limousine elite seem to do this with a sickening fanfare and right on cue, never follow through on it. God forbid they go somewhere where they cannot make millions of dollars being insecure unchecked narcissists. Conservatives, by contrast, when they lose an election, get mad, dig in, and vow to make a change next time; stay tuned for that in the coming days, by the way. But getting back to this movie; a "comedy?" Where? When? If I want to laugh at a generous dose of unknowns with a low budget on bleak locations playing silly Canadian stereotypes, I'll go watch my old VHS copy of Strange Brew again. Hey, good idea.
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Successful but begged for more
Jeff_Hayford19 April 2008
Eager to tell a story certain aspects of the plot and characters can take a back seat to a film's desire to push the plot.

The film was successful, however, I feel like proper pacing and better character development would have helped.

The political rhetoric, name and fact dropping get old after a while mostly because their analysis is only surface deep. A desire for more thought provoking facts could have helped validate the hero's desire.

Overall acting felt tense and awkward which made the craft more noticeable and made it difficult to let go of the actor's fame.

It's a unique film in it's story and arguably would have been better in a more independent circuit or with less known actors. An overall style or unique artifact was desired and severely missed.
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Ridiculous Yet Charming
KelseyRM26 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I found this film to be quite charming and enjoyable, despite its many faults. When the film started, I was a bit skeptical of using a road trip fueled by political issues as a backdrop for a romantic comedy. However, the superb acting of Breckin Meyer and Anna Paquin caught my eye and kept me intrigued throughout the film.

As the plot continued to get more far-fetched, it became more and more obvious that this film was not realistic by any means. I was particularly put off when Meyer's character chooses to stay with the Marry A Canadian organization for more than five minutes. I almost stopped watching when he stayed in the same room with the 50 year old woman. Luckily, the two finally do leave the crazy group in Winnipeg, only about twenty minutes too late in the film. I would recommended fast forwarding through those awkward moments and watching again after the two take off holding an American "terrorist" at gunpoint. After this the plot continues to take some obvious and poorly written turns, but fortunately Meyer and Paquin remain believable and likable throughout the film.

When their journey begins, the two awkwardly get to know each other through forced questions due to the fact that they were spending hours alone together in a car. As more gets revealed about each of the characters, it become obvious
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vkumarster30 December 2021
Considering that this movie is 15 years old when it was made in a bygone era when Georgy-Porgy was the President and this Democrat has a girlfriend who keeps arguing. Neither would I call it romantic nor a comedy. Its a ridiculous situation.
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A decent movie but an even better civics lesson
theseventhstooge5 August 2019
It's great to say "I'm moving to Canada if so and so wins." But a true patriot stays and fights for what they believe in even when they are faced with adversity.
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Terrible - I think Bush's team wrote this movie as a double agent
altdrumz28 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has soooo many clichés that it's more like a Fear net horror movie without the gore. It portrays liberals as impulsive, bleeding hearts and the woman as the troubled re-enlister cum goofy in love beer drinking girl friend who spends some time behind army prison walls for being ... hmmm... TWO days late for reenlistment?

Oh, the middle age Canadian "lady" who beds down the boy, and all the liberals, or the draft dodging Vietnam vet living in a cabin in the wilderness, brewing beer that they drink - umm - like a case of before finally falling in love - which was the whole premise of this terrible freaking movie.

Really this cost you 900K? To film a sh*tbox Volvo drive along some highways? I could of done this for like 50K, with a nice spread for the crew.

This reeks of republicans sneaking into liberal agenda and showing what they really think of Canada.
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