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We should abandon companies that abandon the U.S.

Inversions of corporations (their choosing to incorporate in foreign countries to avoid U.S. taxes) seems to have “gone viral.”

about 6 hours ago

Does George Will expect citizens to pay the tab for corporations?

In defending inversions, he derided the notion that American corporations have some patriotic obligations to the United States.

about 6 hours ago

The 9-year-old in Uzi shooting will have a lifetime of suffering

It’s a form a child abuse to allow such a tiny child to handle such a heavy weapon, with the resulting consequences.

about 6 hours ago

The conflict in Ukraine is troubling from a historical perspective

Connect the dots and see that what is happening in Eastern Ukraine and Russia is similar to the beginning of Hitler’s aggressions.

about 6 hours ago

The music-of-my-life is missing from the radio

Maybe “Someday,” when I’m older and more gray, perhaps a new station will emerge and take me on a “Sentimental Journey.”

about 6 hours ago

WJAS has gone from a high to a low format

What a shame we lost one of the only great music stations in our area to another garbage talk show.

about 6 hours ago

Catholic leaders should support the expansion of Pa. human rights

I have been heartened by Pope Francis, who has been quoted in regard to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, “Who am I to judge?”

about 6 hours ago

Tom Corbett in the Labor Day parade would be hypocrisy

The governor’s misguided agenda has sought to tear down social and economic protections for workers.

1 day ago

Union leaders bully members while backing an anti-labor candidate

Top union leaders in Western Pa. have trumped some union members’ Labor Day parade invitation to a sitting governor.

1 day ago

A weapon of war shouldn't have been in young hands

What could be more moronic than allowing a 9-year-old child to handle an Uzi submachine gun?

1 day ago

Stop anti-gun blather and get to the key questions in Uzi shooting

As for this 9-year-old girl, how might this affair affect her?

1 day ago

Nothing on radio now is comparable to WJAS' former format

May I echo Rich Campbell’s feelings (“Soulless Radio,” Aug. 23 letters) regarding the demise of WJAS?

1 day ago

Policy must be changed for the sake of all homeless kids

Congress should end the de facto U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ban on helping homeless children.

1 day ago

Public-private partnerships hold great promise for Pennsylvania and America

Governments at all levels face immense pressure to improve public services and infrastructure while saving public taxpayer money.

2 days ago

Natural gas is another dirty fuel: Pennsylvania needs renewable energy

Natural gas, which is methane, is a highly potent greenhouse gas.

2 days ago

From deep mining to strip mining to gas drilling, workers have made a living

Each of these methods of energy exploration has been needed over generations for families’ livelihoods.

2 days ago

Jack Kelly's Rick Perry column was light on facts

In the column he tries to make the case that the recent indictment of Gov. Perry is a result of a partisan witch hunt.

2 days ago

Americans need help with future decisions on health care and end-of-life issues

Who is going to help us rethink untenable positions and make changes in the kind of humane society we wish to live in?

2 days ago

Pennsylvania must stay competitive and increase its film tax credits

Movie productions create good-paying jobs and stimulate every segment of the Pennsylvania economy.

2 days ago

Accountability starts with elected officials’ character, not their emails

They should pass righteous laws and never ever favor anyone, either rich or poor.

3 days ago

Tom Wolf flip-flops on Gov. Corbett's transportation achievement

If you try to follow the flip-flopping and hypocrisy coming from Tom Wolf on the transportation bill, your head is likely to spin.

3 days ago

A fairer analysis of bad driving would look at regional statistics

A recent study putting Pittsburgh among the cities averaging the most accidents may have been skewed by suburban motorists.

3 days ago

The Post-Gazette showed an anti-Israel bias on a recent Gaza editorial

It is curious that you refer to the demilitarization of “the Gazans” in your editorial “Timely Truce” (Aug. 28).

3 days ago

Rob Rogers' much-criticized Gaza cartoon was not anti-Semitic

The struggle against anti-Semitism is undermined when the charge is thrown around as a cheap political epithet.

3 days ago

WJAS, please switch format back to music

WJAS erred in switching formats and dropping Jack Bogut and Bill Cardille.

3 days ago

The U.S. is sowing generational seeds of hatred

Dan Simpson’s Aug. 27 column “Disunited They Stand” should be required reading for every voter and politician.

4 days ago

The media call them terrorists, but they're nothing but cowardly murderers

These people haven’t inflicted fear, as the media indicate. They’re just making us mad as hell.

4 days ago

Bank of America's main goal is to make money, not improve education

Marketing the bank to kindergarten students and their parents is inappropriate and distracting.

4 days ago

The Pittsburgh schools' conduct code strengthens protections for LGBT students

LGBT students face much higher rates of bullying and harassment than non-LGBT students.

4 days ago

The Laborers’ District Council of Western Pa. is for Corbett

Four years ago, we did not endorse Mr. Corbett. However, because of his bipartisan approach since, he has taken politics out of many issues.

4 days ago

 Bishop David Zubik is doused.

Here’s hoping the ice bucket charitable enthusiasm continues

I hope when the ice bucket craze dies down, folks will continue to make donations to or advocate for the causes they are close to.

4 days ago

 An early morning photo of the Produce Terminal  along Smallman Street  in the Strip District.

The Strip District produce terminal should be a place for us all

Let’s build the cleanest, greenest, meanest public market in the United States.

5 days ago

Post-Gazette, stop taking potshots at Philadelphia

I’ve begun to suspect that it is this newspaper’s policy never to miss a chance to take shots at my hometown.

5 days ago

 The Civic Arena and Consol Energy Center in 2010.

The Penguins must delay no more on arena site development

I urge the Penguins to begin the project on time and resolve issues as the project evolves — or, step aside.

5 days ago

HPV-related throat cancer is becoming more common

The wonderful news is that these cancers can be entirely prevented with a very safe and effective vaccine.

5 days ago

Thank you, Nathan Hershey, for all that you taught us

I was shocked and saddened recently when I read Nathan Hershey’s Aug. 17 Forum article on death and dying.

5 days ago

Pennsylvania's infrastructure and climate issues demand our attention

We must do something about the dismal state of our infrastructure and the climate change-related severe weather that’s making it worse.

5 days ago

UPMC shouldn’t fear healthy competition

UPMC should look to its own quarterly report as a sign that competition will help both Pittsburghers and its own financial health.

6 days ago

Keeping medications to treat opioid dependence away from children is crucial

Unlike methadone, buprenorphine-containing medications are widely prescribed to patients and are kept in the home.

6 days ago

The Salvation Army's backpack program is essential to many

In hard times the Salvation Army proves that Americans do have a heart full of warmth.

6 days ago

Corporations are engaged in a war of avarice against citizens

How could an intelligent man like George F. Will believe many of these corporate moves, like inversions, are sensible?

6 days ago

Constituents are served well by Rep. Bill Kortz

His office personnel will walk you through any state issue and find an answer for you.

6 days ago

The conversation about life and death needs all viewpoints

The discussion must be about making a choice and living or dying with that choice without interference from others.

6 days ago

High-quality early education is essential for Pa.’s children

I am elated by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s announcement regarding the $250 million preschool development grants competition.

6 days ago

The Pittsburgh-Allegheny County 911 merger will make problems worse

Merging of the city and county call-taking process places public safety at great risk.

1 week ago

The Ferguson tragedy raises questions about Pittsburgh's police training

Recent police-related events should be a cautionary tale for Pittsburgh.

1 week ago

Even at Sophie Masloff's funeral, a prominent female leader was overlooked

Chelsa Wagner, Allegheny County controller, participated in the service for Mayor Sophie Masloff at Temple Sinai.

1 week ago

Politicians who do self-serving work shouldn't be rewarded

Why should we reward any politicians for doing the job they do “against” us.

1 week ago

Catholic parishes should begin planning for married priests

Catholics must begin asking their parish councils what salary they would offer a married priest as well as housing and health care.

1 week ago

Doctors and nurses help people to heal, not to die

God decides when it’s your time to die.

1 week ago


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