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Welcome to Online Insider ...
... the editorial blog by Marydee Ojala, Editor of ONLINE: Exploring Technology & Resources for Information Professionals. ONLINE Insider intends to extend the reach of the print publication, presenting a more timely commentary on the products, people, and events that shape today's online world. It explores new technologies as they impact the working lives of information professionals, explains resources for specific topic areas, and expounds on information management tools and techniques.

Danish Musings

Marydee Ojala @ 7:25 am

The PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer is usually a well-researched, well-presented show. It employs a librarian and Gwen Ifill keynoted the SLA Annual Conference a few years back. But someone should teach them how to pronounce Danish names. Last night they played a clip of a press conference with President Obama and NATO Secretary General (and former Prime Minister of Denmark) Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The latter was introduced as Anders Fog, when the actual pronunciation is more like Anners Foe. Couldn’t someone on staff research the correct way to say the man’s name?

Then my local television station, which puts its news snippets on Yahoo News, spelled the capital of the country as Coppenhagen, in its announcement that Michelle Obama was there to advocate for Chicago as the next Olymic venue. It’s Copenhagen, WISH TV.

Perhaps I’m overly sensitive, looking forward as I am to speaking in Denmark (Aarhus) next month at the 50th anniversary of DFID, the Danish Federation of Information Specialists. That will be the week after Internet Librarian International in London. Hope to see you in either Denmark or the UK.

Rebutting WaPo at BusWk

Marydee Ojala @ 1:12 pm

Business Week columnist Stephen Baker has a brief comment on the Washington Post social media policy. He makes the point that usually it’s not so hard to represent both the company and your personal brand. I think he’s absolutely correct, but I also think some common sense needs to employed when it comes to social media usage by journalists. This isn’t a particularly revolutionary thought, falling well within the “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” aphorism.

Justifying Social Media

Marydee Ojala @ 7:47 am

I’m putting the finishing touches on my slides for my talk on Evaluating, Recommending and Justifying 2.0 Tools. One thing I touch on is how to convince management to let you introduce social media into your workplace, since in some organizations it is blocked. I didn’t expect the Washington Post to be one of them. I was really astonished this morning to read in PaidContent that WaPo has issued Social Media Guidelines that banned reporters from having individual, personal accounts on sites like Twitter. PaidContent has the entire text of the guidelines, which seem extremely onerous to me.

InfoToday Acquires Search Engine Meeting

Marydee Ojala @ 12:20 pm

It’s now been officially announced: Information Today Inc. acquired The Search Engine Meeting from Infonortics. The conference has been held annually for the past 14 years, usually in April, in a variety of locations in the UK and the US. The past several Search Engine Meetings have been held in Boston, but ITI hasn’t made a final decision yet on the date and place for the 2010 Meeting. If you’re interested in speaking or knowing more about the Meeting, please let me know.

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