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Stories tagged with flickr

Total: 16, showing: 1 – 16
Flickr launches image marketplace initiative

Flickr has announced that it is expanding its photo licensing opportunities for users. Alongside its partnership with Getty Images, Flickr will now allow users to opt in to an 'image curation' initiative called Marketplace. Participating members may have their images featured across Yahoo's network of sites along with other media outlets including the New York Times and the BBC. Read more

Getty and Flickr to cease partnership

Getty is back in the news, announcing in an email to contributors that its near 6-year partnership with Flickr has has ended, and will not be renewed. In the letter, Getty stresses the fact that the partnership has been terminated does not affect existing contributors' contracts, and the Flickr Collection will form the the basis of a new 'house collection' on Getty's site called 'Moment'. Click through for more details. 

Flickr: Yahoo CEO sorry for 'no such thing as pro photographers' comment, Pro accounts live on

Much of the fallout surrounding Flickr's massive updates this Monday continues to center around the legacy 'Pro' accounts and a contentious statement from Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer: 'There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [...] there’s really no such thing as professional photographers anymore.' She apologized today for her 'misstatement', and it appears that existing Flickr Pro account holders will still be able to take advantage of unlimited storage. Read all about it at connect.dpreview.com.

All-new Flickr comes with free terabyte - and ads

Flickr fans may find the lure of a free terabyte attractive, but they might be put off by the accompanying advertisements that support Flickr's new free account model. A major update to the photo sharing service has completely revamped the look of accounts and restructured the way users may pay for Flickr in the future. We take a look at the changes on connect.dpreview.com.

Flickr software bug makes some private photos public

Flickr users may be alarmed to learn some of their private images could have been temporarily publicly viewable. Yahoo's photo sharing site alerted affected users with an email message last week, detailing the error and explaining what steps to take. According to Flickr, a software bug resulted in some private images, uploaded between April and December 2012 becoming public between January 18th and February 7th this year. Click through for more details and analysis on connect.dpreview.com.

Flickr Commons marks 5-year anniversary with galleries of most-viewed pics

The Commons, Flickr's collection of public domain images, is five years old. To celebrate, Flickr has created galleries of the most viewed, 'favorited' and commented-upon images. The Commons was launched in 2008 with 1500 photos, in partnership with the US Library of Congress. Five years later, the collection boasts more than 250,000 images. Click through for more information, and links to the galleries of most popular images in the growing collection. 

500px and the challenges of upscaling

Photo sharing site 500px has become a popular venue amongst photographers - resembling in many ways the photography-friendly environment that made Flickr popular a few years ago. It faces a range of challenges as it grows - including the how to keep exposing great photography in the face of booming membership and attempts to 'game' its systems. Connect discusses these challenges and some clever cloud-based features about to be launched with 500px CEO Oleg Gutsol.

Flickr brings much demanded updates to web interface and iOS app

Flickr has updated its web interface and released an updated version of its iOS app as it tries to reassert its relevance in a post-Instagram landscape. The refresh of the web interface sees the navigation bar at the top of the site get slimmer, to devote more page space to photos. The 'Explore' page has also been redesigned - taking on the full-width, large tiled design used in the 'My Contacts' page. Flickr has also updated its famously poor iOS app, adding processing filters and better discovery tools.

Getty Images' Flickr licensing deal reaches 1/2 million images

Getty Images' scheme for licensing images from the photo sharing site Flickr has added its 500,000th image. The half-millionth image was shot by system engineer and photo hobbyist 'Jiangang Wang' for Tianjin, China, of the Minato Mirai development in Yokohama, Japan. The licensing deal, started in June 2010, allows Flickr members to offer their images for licensing by Getty. If Getty chooses to accept the request, the photographer can choose how to license their images, at rates comparable to Getty's other images libraries.

Flickr responds to 'Dear Marissa Mayer' appeal with an appeal of its own

When Marissa Mayer was named new CEO of Yahoo recently, Los Angeles-based journalist Sean Bonner posted an appeal for her to 'please make Flickr awesome again', signing it 'the Internet'. On his blog, Bonner commented that Flickr, which was acquired by Yahoo in 2005, needs someone to 'put some support behind it, bring it up to date, give it an actually functional mobile app and commit to keeping it alive'. That appeal went viral, and today Flickr posted a response. Click through to read Bonner's appeal and Flickr's humorous reply. (via wired.com)

Flickr 'liquid' design finally brings window-sized images

Flickr has revised its image viewing pages for the first time in several years - finally letting images expand on larger monitors. The long-awaited feature, which Flickr is calling 'liquid' design, uses the largest image it can to fit your browser window, without ever upscaling. This combines with the latest version of 'lightbox' which shows your images as large as it can on the whole screen. Sadly the best results only come for images uploaded since March 1st 2012, for which 1600 and 2048 pixel versions will have been generated.

Flickr introduces users to Aviary as Picnik ends

Flickr has added the option to use the Aviary photo editing service, following Google's decision to close the Picnik service that had previously been offered. Flickr users will be able to make basic edits and image corrections using Aviary which, unlike Picnik, is HTML 5-based - allowing its use on non-Flash devices such as the iPad. However, while Aviary offers similar cropping, filter and sticker options, it loses Picnik's paintable curves adjustments and other more advanced options.

Flickr poised for much-needed interface improvements

Venerable photo-sharing site Flickr is reported to be on the verge of its most drastic redesign in many years. The New York Observer's tech blog, BetaBeat interviewed Flickr's 'Head of Product' Markus Spiering, during which he demoed a remarkably Google+-like gallery interface. He also appeared to rubbish the site's clean but rather dated 'small photos, lots of white space and information' appearance. Yahoo says the improved gallery view will apply to the 'From your Contacts' page from the February 28th, with the uploader coming in March. (from BetaBeat) Updated with detail from Yahoo.

Flickr offers Android app including image processing

Photo sharing site Flickr has launched an Android app for uploading, browsing and processing images. The image processing - which allows the application of ten filters and effects - is one of a number of features not included in the equivalent iOS app. These features put it squarely into competition with the popular, iOS-only 'Instagram' processing and sharing service. Flickr says an iOS version will follow 'in the coming months.'

Flickr adds 'Photo Session' feature for real-time sharing and discussion

Yahoo has reiterated its commitment to Flickr, adding a 'Photo Session' feature to the photo sharing website. Photo Session allows the user to invite friends and family to join-in real-time slideshow/presentations, during which participants can chat about and even sketch on the images being show.

Eye-Fi adds Flickr

Eye-Fi has added popular websites including Flickr and Twitter to the list that users of its wi-fi memory cards can upload images to. Changes to the Eye-Fi Manager web application also allow the creation of RSS feeds. 'Direct-upload' options have also been expanded to include Apple's MobileMe and AdoramaPix. This follows the partnership the company has recently established with Lexar.

Total: 16, showing: 1 – 16