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2012  2011


Listen up worry warts, ruminating won't solve your problems
12 December 2012, The Conversation

Psychologists urge mind preparation for disaster survival
26 November,  Nursing Allied Health

Abuse survivors flood helplines
24 November, The Canberra Times (+ 141 other sources)

APS continues to warn of the mental health dangers of detention
21 November, The Canberra Times  (+ 163 other sources)

How to: beat green fatigue
6 November 2012, Green Lifestyle

Dr Susie Burke FAPS is featured in Green Lifestyle talking about why environmental campaigners may be suffering from green fatigue.



An argument for using science in the treatment of autism
16 November, Happy Child


Professor Barry McGaw


National Psychology Week was launched with the release of the APS Stress and Wellbeing in Australia in 2012: A state-of-the-nation survey, which for the second successive year reported on Australian adults’ experiences of stress.  Some of the online news highlights are below.

How to stop the stress
16 November, Essential Kids

How To… Manage Stress As A Parent
14 November 2012, Web Child

It's all too much ... we're stressing over being healthy
14 November 2012, Queensland Times

Aussies stressed about health
11 November 2012, The West Australian
(This story was widely syndicated across Australia online and in print, including in metro, local and community publications)

Survey finds young adults still most stressed
9 November 2012, Adelaide Now
(This story was widely syndicated across Australia online and in print, including in metro, local and community publications)


47th Annual APS Conference

Research emerging from the 47th Annual APS Conference received news coverage around Australia, with a number of stories receiving national and international syndication – some of the online news highlights are below.

Support the couple relationship of new parents, says expert 20 October 2012, news.com.au
20 October 2012, news.com.au

Concern as eating disorders seen as desirable
7 October 2012, Sydney Morning Herald

APS Reconciliation Action Plan aims to increase number of Indigenous psychologists
2 October 2012, Nursing Careers Allied Health

Reducing stress aids brain development for premature babies

30 September 2012, The Canberra Times

Conference keynote Professor Michelle Craske outlines changes to improve exposure therapy for phobias
28 September 2012, The Sydney Morning Herald

Using psychological strategies to climb Everest
27 September, The Australian

Psychological evidence

Journalists frequently rely on psychological evidence for their news and feature stories.  APS tips sheets, submissions, literature reviews and position statements are regularly cited in the media, some samples as below. In addition, interested online editors often commission pieces based on APS research or publications that are tailored to a mainstream audience. 

Offshore processing gets a psychological rating
Monday 27 August, New Matilda

APS Fellow and Manager of Public Interest Heather Gridley draws on the APS Submission to the Government’s expert panel on asylum-seekers to rate the panel’s recommendations from a psychological perspective.

Psychologists say scrap offshore processing of asylum seekers
14 August 2012, The Daily Telegraph

What does “belief” in climate change really mean?
By APS Fellow Joseph Reser
Friday 10 August 2012, The Conversation

The Ugly Mind
4 May 2012, The Global Mail

Mad or bad? Expert witnesses and the Andres Breivik trial
By Dr Jack White FAPS
16 April 2012, The Conversation

Sexualisation damaging children
9 April 2012, Adelaide Advertiser

Disasters affect children too
18 March 2012, Canberra Times

Opponents flooding marriage survey
16 March 2012, Star Observer

People power is winning the battle for marriage equality
25 February 2012, Green Left

Boys aren't immune to body image pressures and never have been
By Associate Professor Lina Ricciardelli FAPS
8 February 2012, The Conversation 

Feel manipulated, anxious — tune out the hype and learn to love your body
By Professor Susan Paxton MAPS
26 October 2011, The Conversation

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Members of the APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists are contributing psychological expertise to Olympic commentary leading into and during the Olympics.

Lay off the social media, Olympians warned
7 August 2012, Australian Financial Review

Matt Ahlberg MAPS talks about the distraction potential of social media

Can ambition overcome the missiles fear of failing again
31 July 2012, Sydney Morning Herald

Sandy Gordon FAPS explains how to overcome negative thoughts to achieve Olympic success

Staying motivated despite defeat
31 July 2012,  Sydney Moring Herald

Matt Ahlberg MAPS discusses how Olympic athletes can remain motivated in the face of defeat

Psychologists to help athletes focus on their Olympic performanc

Gene Moyle, Chair of the APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists, explains how sport and exercise psychologists help athletes deliver their optimum Olympic performance.

Family support crucial factor in abating anorexia
21 August 2012, Science Network, WA

APS Fellow Erika Leonard talks about how alcohol relapse can be reduced using psychological strategies

ADHD – Why parents are hiding it
Sunday July 29, Body & Soul, published in Sunday Herald Sun (Vic), Sunday Telegraph (NSW) Sunday Mail (Qld)

APS Fellow Tim Hannan explains the role of psychology in the assessment and treatment

Bipolar disorder is not all bad news
Friday 29 June 2012, The Conversation

More training needed for PTSD
28 June 2012, Psychiatry Update

APS Fellow Mark Creamer discusses the training required to address PTSD appropriately.

Research shows family-based therapy effective for anorexia
28 June 2012, The West Australian

Alcoholics need better treatment to succeed
27 June 2012, The Conversation

The impact of affairs
24 June 2012, Canberra Times

Dr Bruce Stevens, MAPS, talks about the impact of affairs on a  relationship


The June 2012 edition of In-Psych focussed on helping troubled children.

A media release on early identification initiatives for autism was developed from one of the articles, which generated media interest across radio and online.

View media release

Autism training vital for maternal – child health nurses, say psychologists
26 June 2012, Nursing Careers Allied Health

Health and wellbeing check for three year olds

The APS supports the new Australian Government initiative of a health and wellbeing check for three-year-old children as the aim is to maximise normal development and resilience in children, and to deal with problems before children go to school.

APS statement on child health and wellbeing checks

The APS statement was reported widely – in more than 140 publications

Gambling reform

The APS prepared a submission to the Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform's Inquiry into problem gambling and presented to the hearing on May 14.

Gambling reform submission

APS position statement on gambling-related harm

The hearing generated media interest, particularly on radio.

Electronic gaming machines (pokies) are implicated in problem gambling
APS Fellow Heather Gridley, one of the authors of the submission, explains why pokies are a problem from a psychological perspective.

Loss of biodiversity

Loss of biodiversity has an impact on human communities as well as the natural environment.  The Government sought input on ways to adapt to loss of diversity and the APS responded by preparing a written submission and presenting to the Inquiry in May.

APS submission to the Inquiry into Australia’ Biodiversity in a Changing Climate

Loss of biodiversity impacts us all

18 May 2012, openforum.com.au

Dr Susie Burke was invited to write a post on the topic for Open Forum.


Indigenous mental health

The Australian Psychological Society Reconciliation Action Plan and the need for a coordinated National Indigenous Mental Health Plan were among the topics discussed by Dr Pat Dudgeon, FAPS, in an interview to mark National Close the Gap Day. 

Interview with Dr Pat Dudgeon
1 April 2012, Speaking Out, ABC Radio

Natural disasters

The APS has been providing advice to the community about preparing for, and recovering from, disasters via the APS Disaster Reference Group.

Disasters affect children too

March 18, 2012, Canberra Times

Tips on preparing children for Natural Disasters
2 December 2011, ABC Radio Brisbane, Mornings with Kate Leahy

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Pre-budget submission

The Australian Psychological Society made a submission to the Federal Government ahead of the 2012-13 Budget — The Treasurer called for Budget submissions by January 28.  The Submission proposed a cost effective alternative to slashing the Better Access scheme, called for increased psychological services in  the aged care and disability sectors, an increase in the psychology workforce and early intervention for chronic disease.

A number of proposals contained within the submission have attracted media coverage. 

Industry push for slice of federal budget (the APS calls for neurospyschological assessments)
16 April 2012, Aged Care INsite

Warning on mental health provision
30 January 2012, The Canberra Times

Psychologists target Treasurer for aged care funds
19 January, Australian Ageing Agenda

Obesity the new smoking? 
10 January 2012, Food Magazine

Psychologists suggest compromise on Medicare rebate  
5 January 2012, The Australian

Call to utilise psychology to help people struggling with obesity
4 January 2012,  The Canberra Times

Our obesity issue the 'new smoking'

5 January 2012, the Canberra Times (Editorial)

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Better Access

The APS launched a campaign against the reduction in the number of allowable sessions of psychological treatment under the Better Access initiative, announced in the 2011 Federal Budget in May.  This has included the preparation and distribution of four media releases (see media release link on right) and Professor Lyn Littlefield has undertaken a number of interviews in high-profile publications and on national radio broadcasts to outline the APS position, and to propose a cost-effective solution to the changes, in order to protect vulnerable Australians – recent samples below.

Service to meets needs of vulnerable
13 February 2012, La Trobe Valley Express

Psychologists suggest compromise on Medicare rebate
5 January 2012, The Australian

Psychologists protesting at cuts to mental health programs
5 December 2011, The Australian

The APS outlines impact of cuts to Better Access
5 November 2011, ABC Radio, Kimberley

Interview with Professor Lyn Littlefield on Better Access cuts
4 November 2011, ABC Radio National PM program

This story was syndicated across 30 ABC radio stations in both metro and regional areas, from remote areas of Australia (e.g., Katherine, Broken Hill and Capricornia ) to cities, including Sydney and Hobart.

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How to beat the back to school blues
23 January 2012, Sydney Morning Herald (this story was syndicated in The Age and a number of local Fairfax papers)

The APS runs the KidsMatter Transition to School initiative, funded by the Department of Health & Ageing, bringing together the latest research and best practice to assist children and families make a successful move to school.

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Same Sex Relationships

The Australian Psychological Society has endorsed a recent resolution of the American Psychological Association calling for marriage equality for those in same-sex relationships, on health and wellbeing grounds.  The announcement of the endorsement attracted media coverage in Australia and internationally.

Psychologists urge support of same-sex marriage as beneficial to mental health

23 December 2011, The Australian

Educational and Developmental Psychologists Conference, 25-26 November

The keynote presentations were the focus of the media campaign for the annual APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists Conference in Melbourne.

Focusing on strengths to teach children with learning disabilities
7 December 2011, Happy Child

US special education expert Professor Nancy Mather says identifying children’s strengths and creating opportunities for success is the key to treating children with learning disorders.

National Psychology Week (13-19 November)

During National Psychology Week the Australian Psychological Society launched the findings from the APS Stress and Well-being in Australia in 2011: A state of the nation survey, which achieved wide media pick up with around 150 media items appearing on radio, TV, online and in print (as of 17 November).

A number of media initiatives on behalf of Colleges and Member Groups were also successful.

Stress survey: to be young is to be troubled
14 November, Herald Sun

A study by the Australian Psychological Society of 1500 Australians has found that one in eight adults has severe stress, with those aged 18 to 25 more stressed and depressed than any other age group.

Stress affects young people most
14 November, Canberra Times

Results of the Australian Psychological Society's Stress and Wellbeing in Australia in 2011 survey have shown that young adults aged 18 to 25 are the most stressed in the nation.

Students struggle for balance
15 November, Byron Shire News

Regional publications also picked up the survey story.

Stress Less
16 November, NSW Department of Health

Kevin Humphries, Minister for Mental Health and Healthy Lifestyles, urged NSW residents to ‘stress less’ during National Psychology Week.

Creating a stress free workplace
16 November, ABC Adelaide

For NPW, the APS Branch in South Australia hosted an event about workplace resilience with one of their expert members that was used to raise funds for the SalvoPsych initiative in SA.

What women worry about
20 November, Body & Soul, Sunday Herald Sun

Also syndicated in Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Times (WA), Sunday Mail (Adelaide), Sunday Tasmanian, Sunday Mail (Brisbane)

Young workers more stressed than ever
20 November, Body & Soul online

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Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference, 2-5 November

The focus of the media campaign for the 17th Annual APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference was the topic of healthy brain ageing.  Eminent US researcher, Professor Yaakov Stern, presented at the symposium: Optimising Healthy Brain Ageing and his work received a high level of  media interest, including some samples as below.

Stay active to build brain power: expert
1 November, Sydney Morning Herald

Use your brain to fight dementia
1 November, Topnews New Zealand

Start Depositing in your brain bank
3 November 2011, Straits Times, Singapore

A double edged sword
3 November 2011, Australian Ageing Agenda

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Disaster preparation for bushfires

Children need disaster support
29 October 2011, Lilydale and Yarra Valley Leader

Dr Susie Burke, a senior psychologist in the public interest team at the APS, offer insights into preparing children for disasters.

46th APS Annual Conference, 4-8 October 2011  

Over 130 media items across 20 different Conference topics ran on radio, TV, in print and online, reaching as estimated audience of 5.7 million people

Good outcomes for patients with psychologists in GP practice
5 October 2011, the Medical Observer

APS psychologist Dr Robyn Vines says co-locating psychologists in general practice promotes collaborative healthcare and leads to better patient outcomes. 

Focus on community after natural disaster
5 October 2011, Perth Now

Leading US psychologist Prof Krzysztof Kaniasty— who delivered a keynote address to the 46th APS Annual National Conference— says maintaining strong social ties in the aftermath of a natural disaster helps people overcome trauma. 

Lack of sleep linked to depression in new mothers
6 October 2011, Nine News

New mothers who get less than six hours of sleep a night face an increased risk of post-natal depression compared with mothers who regularly sleep longer, according to research presented at the 46th APS Annual National Conference.

Young people fail to keep appointments with health professionals
7 October 2011, Geelong Advertiser

APS Fellow Professor Debra Rickwood says mental health services are most needed among young people, yet one in four fail to keep appointments with mental health services.

The great childcare dilemma
10 October 2011, Perth Now

Research presented at the 46th APS Annual National Conference shows that stay-at-home parents are a little happier and less stressed than those who choose to put their children in care.

Positive outcomes for seniors in retirement villages
17 October 2011, Aged Care INsite

People who relocate to a retirement village feel more secure and have an improved social life, according to preliminary research presented at the 46th APS Annual National Conference.

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As all the evidence supports the mental health harms associated with detention, the Australian Psychological Society, along with other key health and mental health groups, has been campaigning against detention of refugees and asylum-seekers.

Mental health experts criticise detention
18 August 2011, Australian Associated Press (AAP)

This story was syndicated widely, including in the Courier Mail and the Sydney Morning Herald.

Mental health care 'compromised' by detention contracts
29 August, 2011 ABC North West WA

Mental health professional groups, including the Australian Psychological Society, have again criticised the level of care offered in Australia's immigration detention centres.

Mental health standards needed in detention centres
9 September 2011, The Drum

Detention centres are failing to meet adequate standards of care, says Amanda Gordon, a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and former APS president, who takes up the issue in this online opinion piece.

Detention of mentally ill must end
28 October, Ninemsn.com.au

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