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Op Ed Columns

Water, water everywhere … The fouling of Toledo’s water supply is an environmental game changer

It's one of those events when the economic, political and social costs of pollution hit home hard.

about 2 hours ago

Maureen Dowd / George W. writes about H.W., the dad whose advice he ignored

I can’t wait to read the book W. won’t write.

about 2 hours ago

The crooked flight of the F-35

The planes have been so unreliable that at various points they’ve been forbidden from flying at night, in the rain, too fast and too steep.

about 2 hours ago

 A video grab of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, aka Caliph Ibrahim, speaking on July 5. Speculation over the make (Rolex?) and price tag ($13,000?) of his watch raised concerns in jihadi circles that he might enjoy worldly possessions a little too much.

My advice to Abu, the new caliph of the Islamic State

If you want to rule for 1,000 years, here are nine things you shouldn’t do.

1 day ago

George F. Will / If only Sherrod Brown was a woman

Then Democrats would be swooning over the Ohio senator, but instead it's all about Clinton and Warren.

1 day ago

E.J. Dionne Jr. / Can voters change the GOP? Conservatism is fine; obstructionism is not

Last week’s legislative commotion could change the political winds as it put the cost of the GOP flight from moderation into stark relief.

1 day ago

The Legacy of Richard Nixon: He shall live in infamy

He left a legacy of enduring cynicism, for which he 
deserves to remain forever unforgiven, argues PG executive editor David Shribman.

2 days ago

 Richard Nixon, 1974

The Legacy of Richard Nixon: He got big things done

His historic achievements overwhelm his freak show of abuses, argues journalist and biographer 
John Aloysius Farrell.

2 days ago

Reduce Pittsburgh’s hidden tax on infrastructure

You’ve been paying it for but didn’t know it, explains transportation investor Henry Posner III.

2 days ago

 Honus Wagner's plaque at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

The story of America: It’s all there in the National Baseball Hall of Fame

Former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw takes us on a tour of Cooperstown, and American history

2 days ago

Stop with the Jew/Muslim stereotypes

It’s time for some radical empathy between Israelis and Palestinians.

2 days ago

Who’s your boss? It’s hard to tell as more and more companies outsource almost all their jobs

It allows them to escape responsibility, lower wages and fend off pressure to improve working conditions.

2 days ago

Running away from Obama

Democrats are distancing themselves from the president across the country, even in blue states

2 days ago

Enough Said / Going after retailers

Facts that speak for themselves.

2 days ago

 Frederick "Fritz" Ostermueller in an undated photo

The Next Page / Fritz Ostermueller, beaned by Hollywood

Richard ‘Pete' Peterson tells the story of the Pirates pitcher unfairly cast as a racist in the movie ‘42.’

2 days ago

 Nixon in 1974.

First Person / I was a Watergate addict

And I’ll never forgive Nixon for resigning.

3 days ago

Saturday Diary / The moments we carry

“I’ll remember the moments of vulnerability,” I told my friend.

3 days ago

Paul Krugman / Knowledge is not power

Policy makers often ignore the experts.

3 days ago

Saturday Poem / Just Sayin’

I don’t want to sell / toothpaste dog food condoms / flat screen tvs ...

3 days ago

Sarah Palin could make a unique contribution to society, but she won’t

She could draw attention to families dealing with kids who have disabilities like her son Trig.

4 days ago

Ride-sharing's great, but only with adequate insurance

Last week, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission issued a unanimous order that squarely and fairly resolved the issues that have come

4 days ago

Gail Collins / Republicans shun the I-word even as they pursue I-lite

The possibility of actual impeachment is not something that keeps Barack Obama up at night.

4 days ago

Obama has presided over a moral and strategic disaster in Syria

He has neither stopped the slaughter nor prevented the rise of jihadi armies.

5 days ago

 A displaced Palestinian boy eats a snack at a United Nations school in Gaza.

Keeping my kids safe in Gaza: One wrong decision, and I will lose them

They keep asking questions: Will we die, too? Why do they hate us? Don’t they have children?

5 days ago

The GOP's idea candidates: 2016 will see the strongest Republican field in a generation

The challenge now for conservative policy fans, though, is that groundbreaking notions must get through the congressional permafrost.

5 days ago

David Brooks / The Arabs’ 30-year war

It’s amazing how much of the discussion of the Gaza war is based on the supposition that it is still 1979.

6 days ago

Preserve Pennsylvania's trees to slow climate change

The 2,000-acre forest I manage with my family in Centre County has been in my family since 1943 when my grandfather, Carey Shoemaker,

6 days ago

Going, going ... gone: Religious radicalization is driving Christians from their homes

Islamic extremists in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa are emptying formerly Christian cities and neighborhoods.

1 week ago

Proposed EPA rules threaten Pennsylvania manufacturing

Pennsylvania is producing a diverse energy mix, driving a manufacturing comeback. Proposed federal regulations would put jobs at risk.

1 week ago

Switching places: The GOP is now the party of reform

As conservatives found when social issues seemed to favor them, there are dangers in seeming the cultural aggressor.

1 week ago

Getting girls into school is the global civil rights issue of our time

We seek zero child labor, zero child marriage, zero discrimination against girls and zero exclusion from education.

1 week ago

Local immigration policies proliferate

The kids are coming over the border but Congress still won’t be taking up immigration reform this year.

1 week ago

Paul Ryan’s new clothes

Paul Ryan is counting on this: Because he says he wants to preserve a safety net, speaks with concern about poor people and put out a 73

1 week ago

Turn workers into capitalists; it's the only way to really tackle inequality

Raising taxes on the rich and other typical proposals aren't going to work, argues business professor Joseph R. Blasi.

1 week ago

Teach the three Rs … plus P for psychology

Children need to know how their minds and feelings operate, explains Pittsburgh psychiatrist Marnin E. Fischbach.

1 week ago


Is the Pennsylvania health department fracking-phobic?

Its actions don’t instill confidence that it is protecting us, write nurses RUTH McDERMOTT-LEVY and NINA M. KAKTINS.

1 week ago

Yesterday’s future: Let's go back a half-century to the can-do dreamscape of the New York World’s Fair

Vast forces. Man’s work. Philosophy. Life. Knowledge. Power. Nothing was unreachable back then.

1 week ago

Confessions of a phone monkey: Today's politicians spend most of their time dialing for dollars

They told me, here’s the the phone, now get busy, recalls one-time electoral candidate DAVID BOLING

1 week ago

Rick Perry’s border showdown: The Texas governor turns himself into an action figure for the cameras

He deploys the Texas Natural Guard to ... do what exactly?

1 week ago

Get finance reform right: The U.S. and Europe need to get on the same page

Last week marked the fourth anniversary of Dodd-Frank financial reform, the most sweeping since the Great Depression. To avoid another 2008-

1 week ago

Enough Said: Shrinking water supplies

Facts that speak for themselves.

1 week ago

 Smithfield Street Church, formerly the German Evangelical Protestant Church

The Next Page: How the outbreak of World War I affected Pittsburgh‘‍s Germans and their Downtown church

German Evangelical Protestant Church members tried to balance emotional connection to their homeland with loyalty to their new country.

1 week ago

 American flag on California map.

Paul Krugman / Left Coast rising: California proves conservatives wrong

The states, Justice Louis Brandeis famously pointed out, are the laboratories of democracy. And it’s still true.

1 week ago

First Person / The fabric of my life: I’m leaving my memories in a quilt, not in the Cloud

I’m old school, belonging to a generation that still likes to hold things in our hands.

1 week ago

 Photographic documentation that Lorri Drumm of Springboro, Pennsylvania, befriended a squirrel this summer.

Saturday Diary / My summer fling with a moocher

I was excited about the encounter, but also not completely comfortable that I had cozied up to an animal I never really cared for.

1 week ago

Saturday Poem / Courtship

The curtain hides one window, / the other bare. / Shade covers one eye ...

1 week ago

Charles Krauthammer / Inert Obama seems to think being on the right side of history is enough

From the immigration crisis on the Mexican border to the Islamic State rising in Mesopotamia, Barack Obama seems totally detached.

1 week ago

Putin isn’t panicking: The downing of Flight 17 is just a misstep in his wider war on the West

If he has to cede a little on Ukraine, no big deal; he sees himself as winning.

1 week ago


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