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Work record: A Corbett aide’s job duties are still in question

Gov. Tom Corbett made a feeble defense Friday of the work product of Ron Tomalis, his special adviser on higher education.

about 2 hours ago

America’s role: The U.S. must seek a lasting solution in Gaza

Nearly a month deep into what has become a war Americans are asking themselves what the U.S. role should be.

about 2 hours ago

Road delay: Congress ducks a lasting transportation solution

The Highway Trust Fund has reported a negative cash flow since the year 2000.

about 2 hours ago

 Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right ,and House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., on Capitol Hill last week.

Debt of honor: Congress does the right thing for veterans

It approves additional funding to provide better, more timely health care through the VA

1 day ago

House inaction: Philly students are left waiting for a funding source

The Sept. 8 opening of Philadelphia’s schools is now in jeopardy.

1 day ago

A hand up for hygiene: Obama was on to something with the fist bump

Study shows fist-bumping more sanitary than hand-shaking or high-fiving

1 day ago

Frayed safety net: Pittsburgh’s health care leaders can fill the gap

The region’s uninsured need better options for health care.

2 days ago

Asides: Passion champions; Rain Day brings rain; Westmoreland County celebrating

The Steelers aren’t the city’s only football team making noise.

2 days ago

Migrant hysteria: Holy Family Institute and others are right to lend a hand

Alarmed by the influx, some Americans in border towns have accused the youths of carrying disease or being undercover gang members.

3 days ago

College sex assaults: Senators offer a good proposal, with one caveat

One troubling part of the bill would have college administrations conduct surveys to gather student sexual assault data to publish online.

3 days ago

 Edgar and Sandy Snyder, married for 32 years, stand for a photo during the Anne Lewis Humanitarian Awards held at the Fairmont Hotel, Downtown, in June 2013.

No right to know?: Edgar Snyder gets a judge to keep the public out

If everybody in Pittsburgh knows personal injury lawyer Edgar Snyder, it’s because he made them know him.

4 days ago

Preserving libraries: Cost-cutting is the way to the future, but how?

Like other states, Pennsylvania has reduced funding for public libraries.

4 days ago

Calling No. 75: The legend of Mean Joe Greene has a new chapter

The 10-time Pro Bowler was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1987.

4 days ago

 Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto.

Legal ceasefire: Peduto takes a new approach to UPMC’s exemption

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto and UPMC have declared a ceasefire over what the health care giant’s fair share for city services should be.

5 days ago

Coal countries: A growing U.S. export also transfers pollution

A 12% drop in the power sector’s carbon emissions since 2008 elicited praise for the Obama administration’s effort to combat global warming.

5 days ago

Ideal audience: Pittsburgh will be the National League of Cities’ ideal host

Pittsburgh has a big story to tell but lately hasn’t been able to attract a big audience that comes by hosting a national conference.

5 days ago

Where's the work?: It’s hard to justify Corbett adviser Ron Tomalis’ high salary

The reasons for Ron Tomalis’ hefty salary are unclear.

6 days ago

Witness to fairness: The DA demands that police improve identifications

Allegheny County’s district attorney is looking into the Pittsburgh police robbery squad.

6 days ago

Martian marathon: Opportunity keeps knocking on the planet’s surface

Opportunity rover dazzles with its longevity on Mars.

6 days ago

 Notable instances condemned by federal regulators include the derailment of a train in Vandergrift in February that poured 10,000 gallons of oil onto the tracks.

Right track: A federal rail mandate will make oil cars safer

The U.S. Transportation Department’s welcome mandate comes in the wake of a year of heavy spills and catastrophic derailments.

1 week ago

Ryan’s block grants: His new proposal would hurt vulnerable Americans

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has been considered the intellectual heavyweight among congressional Republicans on fiscal issues.

1 week ago

Better tune: City rules improve the aftermath of a stadium show

After the Luke Bryan concert at Heinz Field last month the city of Pittsburgh felt like fans had shown not a lick of respect.

1 week ago

DEP must do better: The public is left with too many questions on drilling

In the past seven years, oil and gas operations have damaged Pennsylvania water supplies 209 times.

1 week ago

Judges needed: Black lung cases are overwhelming the system

There are few jobs in America that are as hazardous to one’s health as working in the coal mines.

1 week ago

Pedal to the metal: Safety concerns not left in the dust as speed limit rises

On two stretches of Pennsylvania interstates the speed limit will soon rise to 70 mph from the existing 65 mph as a test.

1 week ago

PUC’s deaf ear: The agency fails to monitor existing taxi operators

The introduction of Lyft and Uber to Pittsburgh has put a spotlight on the Public Utility Commission — and the light is not flattering.

1 week ago

Unhealthy sign: Federal courts differ on ACA insurance premiums

Two federal appeals courts handed down sharply differing opinions last week on Affordable Care Act subsidies.

1 week ago

Asides: Parks leadership, luxury hotel suites and 'An American in Paris'

County parks foundation names executive director, Kimpton Hotel Monaco has a suite contest, and CLO collaborates with Theatre du Chatelet.

1 week ago

Confronting Russia: Ukraine atrocity needs stout response short of war

The downing of MH17 shows that Russian aggression harms more than just Ukraine. Its actions should come at a cost.

1 week ago

Time for a police chief: The stage is set and the city needs strong leadership

Mayor Bill Peduto says he will have a qualified chief in place sometime after Labor Day.

1 week ago

 A Lyft car takes to the road.

Here’s hoping: The PUC takes a step forward on ride sharing

It unanimously approved emergency licenses that allow ride-share companies Lyft and Uber to operate legally in Allegheny County.

1 week ago

Indonesia decides: World’s third-largest democracy picks a new chief

Indonesia has more or less completed the election of a new president, Joko Widodo.

1 week ago

Improper probes: Report finds excesses in targeting terror suspects

Human Rights Watch has released a blistering report on investigative and prosecutorial abuses in American terrorism investigations.

1 week ago

 An Israeli soldier prays in front of a tank at a military staging area near the border with the Gaza Strip today.

Safety first: Post-Ukraine, Tel Aviv flight ban makes sense

The conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, currently centered on Gaza, took on important implications for Americans Tuesday.

1 week ago

West Mifflin has a point: State shortchanges the district on Duquesne students

West Mifflin says it costs $15,000 to educate a child, but it only receives $10,655 for each Duquesne student.

1 week ago

Discrimination targeted: Obama signs an order to help federal workers

On Monday, President Barack Obama signed an executive order banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

1 week ago

 Neil Armstrong leads Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins out of the space center on the Apollo 11 space mission.

Out of this world: Moon landing 45 years ago remains a magic moment

Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins wagered their lives on NASA’s technical ingenuity.

1 week ago

France on the march: More troops are being sent to former African colonies

France has decided to put a 3,000-strong force permanently in five of its former colonies, in a band across West and Central Africa.

1 week ago

Beyond horrible: The case of a starved boy is a shock to basic values

Antonio Rader, now 8, looked like a Holocaust victim, according to Mercer County Detective John J. Piatek.

1 week ago

 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif address the media with European foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Saturday.

Extending the nuclear talks with Iran was a sound step forward

An agreement was reached between members of the United Nations Security Council, German and Iran to extend talks on Iran’s nuclear program.

2 weeks ago

Holy Family is showing compassion by welcoming immigrant children: Holy Family’s aid to refugee children needs support

Holy Family Institute will house unaccompanied migrants no older than 12 while they await the outcomes of their immigration proceedings.

2 weeks ago

 The Fifth Avenue Place headquarters of Highmark in view with the U.S.Steel Tower offices of UPMC in Downtown Pittsburgh.

What’s going on? UPMC-Highmark deal leaves public confused

Stuck in the middle of their acrimonious breakup are Highmark’s Western Pennsylvania subscribers.

2 weeks ago

That’s all? Citigroup eludes real punishment on securities

Not a single banker has gone to jail for the mortgage-backed securities meltdown.

2 weeks ago

In the public interest: Bill would make good rules for doing official business

Fewer measures are more effective in keeping government agencies honest than open records and open meeting laws.

2 weeks ago

Fixing pensions: Tax relief won’t come soon under Corbett’s plan

Gov. Tom Corbett has done a disservice to Pennsylvanians by reducing the complicated issue of public employee pensions to a campaign slogan.

2 weeks ago

Freedom’s inspiration: Gordimer’s words shook the foundation of apartheid

Nadine Gordimer was not just an accomplished wordsmith, but she was also a leading crusader against one of the world’s cruelest oppressions.

2 weeks ago

Asides : An uplifting moment at a trial, and decrepit cemeteries

A victim shows kindness and wisdom toward his attacker, and forgotten grave sites get a call for attention.

2 weeks ago

Tragedy in Ukraine: International probe needed for downed plane

Eastern Ukraine is a war zone, and it is tantamount to a lack of wisdom for civilian airlines and pilots to fly over it

2 weeks ago

Blindness in Gaza: Leaders of Israel and Hamas make innocents suffer

Opportunistic politicians on both sides have only brought pain and stagnation to their people.

2 weeks ago


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