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House Republicans are suing President Obama for doing his job

If Republican legislators want to sue for “abuse of power” or a job not well done, they ought to sue their own congressional leaders.

about 3 hours ago

The attempt by CMU experts to unmask Tor Project software was appalling

United States citizens’ have aright to privacy and anonymity in their legal use of the internet.

about 3 hours ago

Columnist Michael Gerson doesn't say what Obama should have done

Columnist Michael Gerson states that President Barack Obama “did almost nothing” in the face of Syrian atrocities.

about 3 hours ago

Congress doesn't deserve a five-week recess

Our congressional representatives, having had breaks and every long weekend off, instead of doing a better job are now going on a recess

about 3 hours ago

Beware of Iran and its nuclear intentions

The Iranian proposal would be to take about half of their inventory of 20 percent enriched material and dilute it to 5 percent.

about 3 hours ago

Camp Cadet fosters understanding of law enforcement

Camp Cadet consist of physical training and leadership challenges which brings cadets closer.

about 3 hours ago

Brookville volunteers have improved the Redbank Valley Trail

Regarding Larry Walsh’s July 26 article “Exploring This Year’s ‘Trail of the Year’,” I say wow! I wouldn’t want to hike that trail either

about 3 hours ago

Israel's punishment of civilians in Gaza is obscene

The death toll in Gaza is more than tragic, it is obscene.

1 day ago

Story of terror in Gaza explains why U.S. should cut off aid to Israel

I am writing to commend the Post-Gazette for republishing Wejdan Abu Shammala’s account of the terror faced by her three young children

1 day ago

Issuing bonds to solve Pennsylvania's pension problems is folly

Your July 31 article regarding issuing pension bonds to solve the state’s pension problems is another instance of inept politicians

1 day ago

 medical icons

Hospitals aren’t designed for primary care

Emergency rooms are very expensive and ineffective for primary care.

2 days ago

DEP safeguards the environment in the shale drilling era

Inspections have increased in the last 10 years.

2 days ago

Immigrants are a boon to America's economy

Reader weighs the costs and benefits of immigration.

2 days ago

Edgar Snyder's divorce case deserved privacy

Coverage of the situation amounts to little more than gossip.

2 days ago

The Pacific Ocean could solve the West's water problems

California’s 800 miles of coastline are an underrated resource.

2 days ago

Columnist Tony Norman should write about a murderer's victims

Reader has a challenge for PG columnist.

2 days ago

Society must do better than hold botched executions

A reminder about the contents of the Eighth Amendment.

2 days ago

Letter: Giant Eagle should allow the VFW poppy campaign

Corporate policy dictates that only the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and the Salvation Army had permission to solicit at stores, the writer says.

3 days ago

Letter: Pittsburghers have an excellent symphony

Country music comes with baggage, the writer says. Perhaps try the symphony.

3 days ago

Letter: The 'Pittsburgh left' isn't cute; it's dangerous

“Do Pittsburghers (and the Post-Gazette) really think this is a cute, benign local affectation?” the writer asks.

3 days ago

Letter: A Florida law muzzles doctors on gun safety

“We just want to ensure the safety of all children and families in an appropriate manner, without reserve or judgment,“ the writer says..

3 days ago

Letter: Columnist Dan Simpson misstates the facts on fracking

Inflammatory claims like these erode our public discourse, something newspapers should seek to elevate, the writer says.

3 days ago

Israel is faced with a double standard in its fight with Hamas

Every nation is expected to defend itself, except Israel.

4 days ago

Pittsburgh's success is due partly to generous corporate giving

I am amazed at how Pittsburgh’s corporations fund basic human needs and cultural interests.

4 days ago

Pennsylvania should tax drillers to reduce fracking dangers

This November, voters will be able to voice their opinion.

4 days ago

Venezuela is a healthy democracy with little inequality

The “River of Words” project was designed to connect neighbors, but your article contained an attack on the Venezuelan government.

4 days ago

Angels at work

Rose Ann Milbert and her friends turn donated wedding gowns into dresses or suits for babies who died in the hospital.

4 days ago

President Obama's critics must start using facts

The paper must do more to weed out letters that err on the side of subjectivity and hysteria, qualities must be reduced in this country.

4 days ago

Big Brothers Big Sisters needs more adults to mentor youths

According to Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, 63 percent of  jobs will require some college education by 2018.

4 days ago

The rail industry wants greater public safety on oil cars, too

In response to the proposal issued last week, we are developing a detailed, evidence-based response that will achieve a holistic solution.

5 days ago

Adoption of the EPA's new pollution rule will cost Pennsylvania jobs

Everyone will pay a price for it — families, businesses, retirees — anyone who uses electricity.

5 days ago

News coverage of a costly wedding was way over the top

We were appalled on Monday morning after reading the details of the Nocito-Wukich wedding in the Seen column.

5 days ago

An expensive wedding at least employed lots of workers

Dare I broach the subject? To me the Nocito-Wukich wedding featured in Monday’s Seen column was obSEEN.

5 days ago

There's a case for unions in America, and it's growing

It was the unions that organized and, through protest, sometimes violent, slowly changed the working man’s life for the better.

5 days ago

Columnist Ruth Ann Dailey should not delight in the frustrations of liberals

Regarding Ruth Ann Dailey’s glee over the frustrations of liberals, it’s a wonder her laptop didn’t short-circuit from the drivel.

5 days ago

The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is a fine steward at Frick Park

I can think of no finer stewards for the park, history and facilities at the Frick Environmental Center than Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy.

5 days ago

Rob Rogers' cartoon on Israel and Hamas misleads his readers

The July 22 Rob Rogers cartoon is grossly misleading to your readers.

6 days ago

A broad sweep of Pittsburghers rallied to support Israel

Once again, the Post-Gazette is not able to be even-handed in its coverage of the Israel/​Gaza story.

6 days ago

The problem with botched executions is they're not done often enough

Recently botched executions have raised the question whether death penalty executions should be put on hold in this country.

6 days ago

Let's televise executions, but also explain the plight of the victims

I agree with Tony Norman; we should televise executions, with one addition ...

6 days ago

Graphic photos of abortions would make people think

Tony Norman’s column about how he is changing his opinion on the morality of televising executions has some excellent points ...

6 days ago

UPMC and Highmark leave patients caught in the middle

In the July 25 Post-Gazette there was a story about restaurant owner John Timko’s health care situation with UPMC and Highmark ...

6 days ago

Conflicts around the world suggest World War III has begun

We find ourselves in a Third World War, though no one I know calls it that.

6 days ago

The Port Authority should fix basic transit, not dream up new ideas

Kudos to Mel Packer of Pittsburghers for Public Transit for standing up to the rubber stamp Port Authority board.

1 week ago

Pennsylvania shale gas development would be hurt by a new tax

A new tax on natural gas production would slow the pace of development and lead directly to a loss of jobs and reduced economic activity.

1 week ago

The EPA's proposed carbon rule would reduce air pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency will take public comments on the EPA’s proposed carbon rule under the president’s Clean Power Plan.

1 week ago

Republicans who opposed health-care lawsuits now file plenty of them

Remember the glorious ’90s when one of the GOP remedies for ever-rising health care costs was tort reform.

1 week ago


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