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The APS offers a range of membership grades to cater for the broad range of people involved in the discipline and profession of psychology. Each grade has specific eligibility requirements, which are generally based on an applicant’s level of tertiary education in psychology. Applicants must be qualified in, or studying, university courses accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). Existing members can apply to upgrade as they attain further qualifications.

About membership subscriptions

Membership subscriptions vary depending on the grade and date of application. If you join part way through the year, you only pay for your membership subscription from that date onwards. Reduced subscriptions may be available to applicants experiencing significant variations in their financial circumstances in contexts such as studying, reduced income associated with maternity/paternity leave or health issues, retirement, financial hardship or temporary residence overseas. Learn more about fee reductions.

Fees listed on this page apply to membership applications lodged between 1 June 2014 and 31 August 2014, and are applicable for the remainder of the APS membership year, ending 31 May 2015.

Fellow (FAPS) and Honorary Fellow (Hon FAPS)

  • Fellow (FAPS)

    Existing Members must be nominated for the grade of Fellow, which recognises exemplary contributions to the APS and to the discipline and/or profession of psychology. Fellows can display their membership status with the post-nominals FAPS, for Fellow of the APS.

    How to apply

  • Honorary Fellow (Hon FAPS)

    This grade may be bestowed on existing Fellows who have made an extraordinary contribution to the advancement of the Society and a distinguished contribution to the advancement of psychological knowledge or practice. Honorary Fellows can display their membership status with the post-nominals Hon FAPS, for Honorary Fellow of the APS. For example, Jane Williams Hon FAPS. Honorary Fellows do not pay a membership subscription.

    How to apply

    • For information on the provision to propose an Honorary Fellow, please contact the National Office on (03) 8662 3300 or 1800 333 497 toll free.

Member (MAPS)

  • Eligibility criteria: Standard route

    The grade of Member is available to people who have completed a six-year sequence of study in psychology. The six years must cover four years of Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited study in psychology, as well as either a two year or more APAC-accredited postgraduate coursework degree, or a postgraduate research degree (minimum two years full-time) in psychology. For more information about accredited courses and study paths, see Studying psychology.

    Members of the APS can display their membership status with the post nominals MAPS, for Member of the APS. For example, Michael Griffiths MAPS.

    As part of the Member application process, applicants need to be nominated by a current Honorary Fellow, Fellow or Member of the Society, who must complete and sign the Nominator section on page 3 of the Member application form. Applicants who are unable to get an Honorary Fellow, Fellow or Member to nominate them should instead supply two recent written references about their suitability for election to the grade of Member from people who have overseen their work or study. The following pro-forma has been designed to assist applicants in this situation.

  • Eligibility criteria: Non-standard route

    The non-standard route to the grade of Member is for people whose situation does not fit the standard route. Clause 9(c) enables people who may have other qualifications, under certain circumstances, to fulfil the requirements for election to be a Member of the Society.

    New application guides now available

    To assist applicants to put together an application for the grade of Member via the non-standard route, the following detailed guides have been compiled which give an indication of the type of information that is being sought. There are guides for applicants who work in different settings: academics; private practitioners; and public sector, NGO and other workplace practitioners. Please see below:


    Non-standard route requirements

    To assist applicants to determine whether they would be likely to succeed in being elected to the grade of Member via this route, applicants should forward a Member application form together with documentation that demonstrates the following:

    For applicants who are primarily practitioners

    Applications usually will be considered no sooner than five (5) years following full registration as a psychologist practising psychology. The applicant must provide an integrated summary demonstrating how they have made an outstanding contribution to the field of psychology over a sustained period of time. Such evidence might include:

    • managing psychological services
    • demonstrating psychological expertise in specific areas
    • holding senior positions of responsibility
    • providing expert consultancies as a psychologist
    • substantial teaching, training or supervision of psychology students or trainees at a university
    • supervising provisionally registered psychologists towards full registration
    • significant recognition within the profession from other psychologists (for example, letters of reference).

    For applicants who are primarily academics

    Applications usually will be considered no sooner than five (5) years following commencement of employment in an academic position. The applicant must provide an integrated summary demonstrating how they have made an outstanding contribution to the discipline of psychology over a sustained period of time. Such evidence might include:

    • publications - journal articles, books, and book chapters
    • innovations in the profession such as new treatment approaches, new research findings
    • as a representative from the field of psychology on committees and/or boards
    • substantial teaching, training or supervision of psychology students or trainees at a university
    • supervising students pursuing postgraduate research degrees in psychology
    • significant recognition within the discipline from other psychologists (for example, letters of reference).

    In addition, all applicants should provide:

    • evidence of participation in continuing professional development activities over several years and a comprehensive curriculum vitae, which details their employment history in the field of psychology.


    • Comprehensive reports which address the above criteria (at least two A4 pages) from at least two psychologist colleagues, who must hold the grade of Member of the Society and be closely familiar with the applicant’s work.

    Applicants are also encouraged to submit any other documentation which they consider is relevant and will strengthen their application, such as evidence of commitment to the profession of psychology; for example, involvement at the local Branch level as an Associate Member of the Society, or involvement in other psychological societies and/or other relevant professional bodies.

    Further information

    Please contact Member Services:

    PO Box 38
    Flinders Lane VIC 8009
    Tel: 61 3 8662 3300
    Fax: 61 3 9663 6177
    Email: membership@psychology.org.au

  • Fees
    Option  Amount to pay if you join between
    1 June and 31 August 2014
    Member $575.00
    Member, New Graduate $287.50
    Member, Recent Graduate $431.25

    How to apply

  • Graduate reductions

    Member, New Graduate

    Choose this option if you completed your 5th and 6th year course requirements within the past 12 months from today*. This option gives you a 50% discount on your first year of APS membership and a 25% discount on your second year of APS membership. Your fees will then revert to the standard Member rate for the following APS financial year.

    * The date that determines whether you are eligible for the Member, New Graduate rate is the date when you met all the course requirements for your degree, NOT the date when you graduated or received your qualification certificate.

    Member, Recent Graduate

    Choose this option of you completed your 5th and 6th year course requirements within 24 months (2 years) from today*. This option gives you a 25% discount in your first year of APS membership. Your fees will then revert to the standard Member rate for the following APS financial year.

    * The date that determine whether you are eligible for the Member, New Graduate rate is the date when you met all the course requirements for your degree, NOT the date when you graduated or received your qualification certificate.

    Members who may be eligible for other reductions will be given the most generous of the relevant reduction available.

Associate Member (Assoc MAPS)

  • Eligibility criteria

    This grade is available to those who have completed an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited four-year sequence of study in psychology. Associate Members of the APS can use the post-nominals Assoc MAPS, for Associate Member of the APS. For example, Peter Lee Assoc MAPS.

    As part of the Associate Member application process, applicants need to be nominated by a current Honorary Fellow, Fellow or Member of the Society, who must complete and sign the Nominator section on page 3 of the Associate Member application form. Applicants who are unable to get an Honorary Fellow, Fellow or Member to nominate them should instead supply two recent written references about their suitability for election to the grade of Associate Member from people who have overseen their work or study. The following pro-forma has been designed to assist applicants in this situation.

  • Fees
    Option  Amount to pay if you join between
    1 June and 31 August 2014
    Associate Member $431.25
    Associate Member, New Graduate $287.50

    How to apply

  • Graduate reduction

    Associate Member, New Graduate

    Choose this option if you have completed your 4th year course requirements within the past 12 months from today*. This option gives you a 33% discount in your first year of APS membership. Your fees will then revert to the standard Associate Member rate for the following APS financial year.

    * The date that determine whether you are eligible for the Associate Member, New Graduate rate is the date when you met all the course requirements for your degree, NOT the date when you graduated or received your qualification certificate.

    Members who may be eligible for other reductions will be given the most generous of the relevant reductions available. For instance, those who are currently studying full-time may instead apply for a Student Reduction.

  • Student reduction

    The APS offers reduced subscription fees to Associate Members who are enrolled full-time in fifth and sixth year courses accredited by APAC, or enrolled full-time in fifth and sixth year research degrees. Following confirmation of enrolment in an accredited course, membership subscription is reduced to the current Student Subscriber rate. The reduction must be applied for annually.

    For those enrolled in research degrees, the subsequent election to the grade of Member depends on the final assessment of the psychology content of the research thesis by the Membership Committee.

    For those enrolled part-time in an APAC accredited psychology course or postgraduate research degree who are also on a low income, a reduction via Clause 30 may apply.

Student Subscriber

  • Eligibility criteria

    This grade is available to students who are currently studying an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited tertiary course in psychology (refer to the list of accredited courses at www.apac.psychology.org.au) or a postgraduate research degree in psychology such as a Masters or PhD. A psychology coordinator, lecturer or head of the psychology department must verify a student’s application.

  • Fees
    Join date Amount to pay
    Between 11 February 2014 and 30 November 2014 $85
    Between 1 December 2014 and 10 February 2015*

    *For applications lodged after 11 February 2015, the subscription year will end 31 May 2016 and the 2015-16 Student Subscriber fee will apply.

    How to apply


  • Benefits of Affiliate membership (applicable to all grades in this section)

    Sign up today and enjoy...

    Valued professional resources

    ✔ Subscription to the APS flagship bulletin, InPsych*

    ✔ Copy of APS Code of Ethics and access to more than 20 different Ethical Guidelines for psychologists

    ✔ Online access to APS journals

    ✔ Up-to-date practitioner and consumer resources

    Keeping abreast of the latest developments in Australian psychology

    ✔ Fortnightly email update on news and APS website links for both national and international APS members

    Discounted professional development opportunities

    ✔ Special reduced rates for APS Annual Conference registration

    ✔ Reduced rates for APS professional development seminars and workshops including a range of online options

    Actively supporting the discipline and profession of psychology in the Australian landscape

    * The cost of becoming an International Affiliate of the APS is less than the overseas subscription rate for InPsych

  • Affiliate

    This grade requires the completion of an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited three-year sequence of study in psychology. For information about accredited courses and study paths, see Studying psychology.

    Grade Amount to pay if you join between
    1 June and 31 August 2014
    Affiliate $287.50

    How to apply

  • International Affiliate

    This grade is available to those living overseas who are members of a professional psychology membership body or organisation similar to the APS. To be admitted as a International Affiliate of the Australian Psychological Society, you must provide proof of membership of a recognised national psychology association outside Australia.

    Grade Amount to pay if you join between
    1 June and 31 August 2014
    International Affiliate
    AU$100 + AU$41 per College

    How to apply

    Complete the application form: International Affiliate Application Form (PDF, 134KB) - Acrobat icon - small

    APS College membership

    International Affiliates can also join an APS College in one of nine specialty areas:

    • Clinical Neuropsychology
    • Clinical Psychology
    • Community Psychology
    • Counselling Psychology
    • Educational and Developmental Psychology
    • Forensic Psychology
    • Health Psychology
    • Organisational Psychology
    • Sport Psychology


    College International Affiliate members will have notification and access to College-specific:

    • CPD programs
    • Professional resources
    • Promotional materials and activities
    • Discussion forums and electronic communications


    College International Affiliates must be an International Affiliate of the Society and interested in the specialist field of the College.

  • Professional Affiliate

    This grade is available to professionals other than psychologists who have completed a university degree and are current members of a relevant professional association.

    Grade Amount to pay if you join between
    1 June and 31 August 2014
    Professional Affiliate

    How to apply

    Complete the application form: Professional Affiliate Application Form (PDF,145KB)- Acrobat icon - small

  • Teacher Affiliate

    This grade is available to secondary school (years 10 to 12) teachers of psychology. A school principal or equivalent must certify a Teacher Affiliate application.

    Grade Amount to pay if you join between
    1 June and 31 August 2014
    Teacher Affiliate

    How to apply

    Please complete the application form: Teacher Affiliate Application Form (PDF, 136KB) - Acrobat icon - small

Applying for membership with overseas qualifications

  • Supplementary Questions form

    If your qualifications were obtained from outside Australia, please download a List of Supplementary Questions form, which should be completed and submitted with your membership application form (PDF forms available on right hand side of this page).

Upgrading and reinstatement of membership

  • Upgrading your APS membership

    To upgrade your APS membership, you will need to download and complete the relevant PDF application form. Both upgrading members and new applicants use the same application form when applying for APS membership.

    Please choose the appropriate membership application form listed on the right hand side of this page. Upgrading your membership via the online application form is not available.

    You will not pay anything at the time of upgrading your membership. If you are eligible for a Graduate Reduction, you will receive the relevant reduction in the 2014-15 APS financial year.

  • Reinstatement for ex-members

    Ex-members who are seeking to re-join the APS should complete the Membership Reinstatement form - Acrobat icon - small (197kb).

    Please note that if your membership has lapsed for more than 10 years, you will need to reapply for membership using the application form for the relevant grade, and submitting all documentation requested.

About fees, reductions, voting rights and FAQs

  • Annual subscription

    APS membership expires annually on 31 May. If you are a new member and join during the year, pro rata rates are payable. Subscription reminders are sent to all existing members in May each year, with payment due no later than 31 July in order to maintain current membership.

  • Membership fee reductions

    To support APS members experiencing significant variations in their financial circumstances during their careers as psychologists, the APS provides a range of membership fee reductions. Eligibility for fee reductions applies to contexts such as studying, reduced income associated with maternity/paternity leave or health issues, retirement, financial hardship or temporary residence overseas.

    Find out full details and download a reduction application form at Membership fee reductions.

  • Voting rights

    Membership grades are split into voting and non-voting categories. Voting members may vote in the election of the Board of Directors, the results of which are announced at the annual general meeting, held as part of the annual conference.

    Below is a list of membership grades, divided into voting and non-voting membership.

    Voting membership Non-voting membership
    Honorary Fellow Affiliate
    Fellow International Affiliate
    Member Professional Affiliate
    Associate Member Teacher Affiliate

    Student Subscriber

  • Frequently asked questions

    If you have read the information above and the relevant application form, and you have any queries, please see our frequently asked questions outlined in the following four sections:

    For any further queries about membership with the APS, please contact the APS on our toll free number on 1800 333 497 or on 03 8662 3300 from Melbourne or by email at membership@psychology.org.au.

Apply for APS membership