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Gaming revenue, not taxes, pay for Consol bond payments

Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund is funded from slot machine revenue and not by taxpayers.

about 1 hour ago

Holy Family Institute is doing the right thing in helping immigrant children

Children fleeing violence in Central America.

about 1 hour ago

Lyft, Uber applications raise complicated legal issues

Lyft and Uber are seeking permission from the Public Utility Commission to operate.

about 1 hour ago

UPMC goes too far with worker smoking ban

UPMC’s employee smoking ban is criticized.

about 1 hour ago

The Democrats are misstating Gov. Corbett's funding levels for education

Gov. Corbett did not cut education spending by $3 billion.

about 1 hour ago

A new state law will improve the understanding of Down syndrome

Expectant mothers are provided the most current information about Down syndrome at the time of diagnosis.

about 1 hour ago

Pittsburgh had a connection to the Grand Canyon air collision

My uncle, Jack Barry, was on assignment for the government to build a bridge.

1 day ago

UPMC's request for donations is simply insulting

As a Highmark customer, I probably will no longer be able to be treated at Magee-Womens Hospital.

1 day ago

Obama’s mantra is to ignore what needs to be done

It seems Mr. Obama has adopted a variation on the saying “When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.”

1 day ago

The public has a right to know about safety threats

The public needs to support the PG’s efforts to obtain railroad reports concerning the shipments of volatile crude oil through Pittsburgh.

1 day ago

 warning minefield

Land mines are a scourge that we must eliminate

I am writing concerning the editorial “Heavy Toll: Land Mines Meant to Deter Troops Still Kill Civilians” (July 14).

1 day ago

Corbett is using false logic regarding teachers and pensions

Pennsylvania teachers have always contributed their fair share to the state pension fund.

2 days ago

President Eisenhower was also prescient about the technological revolution

I could not agree more with the sentiment of John Sabatowski’s letter (“Cheney Promotes an Ideology Eisenhower Warned About,” July 15).

2 days ago

These former state hospital patient graves should matter to us

I‘‍m writing in response to the article about the poor condition of the cemeteries of two now-closed state hospitals, Dixmont and Woodville.

2 days ago

We can all learn from slashed bicyclist's compassion at his attacker's trial

Thank you to the Post-Gazette for the excellent coverage of the sentencing phase in the tragic trial of Anthony Scholl Jr.

2 days ago

Top-rated cities must have the transit to match

For all residents, I urge the politicians to ensure that ride-sharing services continue, as they do in many other cities.

2 days ago

This hopeful side of Nigeria shows the impact of education access

For the past seven years, I have been privileged to see another side of Nigeria.

2 days ago

The Gaza conflict will probably end when Hamas extremists believe they have won

I was startled by Robert Kraftowitz’s remarks (“The U.S. Bankrolls Inhumanity in Gaza,” July 14),

3 days ago

Human rights are yielding to corporate profit

Consider Supreme Court decisions and employers‘‍ restrictions on workers.

3 days ago

Will UPMC start to ban alcohol at social events?

In keeping with its smoking ban for workers, will UPMC ban lethal, addictive alcohol from all social functions sponsored by UPMC?

3 days ago

The PG should use letters to the editor space for citizens, not politicians

Politicians have many and various outlets to plead their case to the public.

3 days ago

We must speak out to save Frick Park trees

Trees in Frick Park are about to be bulldozed: at least 95 majestic, mature trees in the most lovely and picturesque part of Frick Woods.

3 days ago

Carrick landlord doesn't deserve a reprieve

Magisterial District Judge Richard G. King extended another 30-day period of suffering for tenants.

4 days ago

Israel is one of the most decent countries in the world

It is unconscionable that the Presbyterian Church USA has singled out Israel for divestment.

4 days ago

Democrats and Republicans are giving lip service on the border issue

The federal government has opened our borders to what is being described as an invasion.

4 days ago

America has a chance to show its best side with immigrant children

Help some children in need and give our great, generous city a chance to remind the people of these towns what being American is all about.

4 days ago

Gov. Corbett and the GOP are putting Pa.'s fiscal house in order

Gov. Tom Corbett and Republicans in Harrisburg are putting our fiscal house in order here in Pennsylvania.

4 days ago

Washington's Cross Creek is a fine place to fish

There has been an increase in both the size and number of fish caught at  Cross Creek Lake.

4 days ago

Pittsburgh benefited from Lorin Maazel’s mastery

Pittsburgh has lost a distinguished native son and international citizen.

4 days ago

 Man in kayak

When using any watercraft, properly wearing a life vest matters

The laws should be stricter about the need for everyone in any watercraft at all times of the year to be required to wear a life jacket.

4 days ago

Getting taxicab service in Pittsburgh can be a hassle

I welcome the ride-share services with open arms since they appear to offer a promising alternative.

5 days ago

Bus Rapid Transit is the wrong solution for a Downtown- to-Oakland route

Light rail, which could be expanded, would be a better way to go.

5 days ago

The decrease in flights to and from Pittsburgh is frustrating

From the West Coast, there are a very limited number of flights that are nonstop to Pittsburgh.

5 days ago

Israel must be willing to negotiate with Hamas

Israel’s latest offensive in Gaza will not eliminate Hamas, achieve Israeli security or bring Israel closer to long-term peace.

5 days ago

Biking "wipeout" photo might discourage kids from entering competition

The PG should have highlighted the winner instead of showing a girl falling off her bike.

5 days ago

Corbett’s blundering, not pensions, has led to property tax hikes

The governor’s attempt to link passage of state pension changes to property tax relief for homeowners is incredibly misleading.

5 days ago

People should responsibly take care of their own trash

If you consume it, consider how to 1) reduce, 2) reuse and 3) recycle your waste products.

5 days ago

The U.S. Supreme Court is cheating citizens

We have seen that the Constitution can be whatever the Supreme Court wants it to be.

6 days ago

We need solutions to problems, not officials' tough-guy talk

Their promises are all just cheap talk; all I see is a city and state full of cowards.

6 days ago

Kudos to Gov. Tom Corbett and Republicans on the budget

Gov. Corbett and Pennsylvania Republicans are working to create a fiscally responsible future for our commonwealth.

6 days ago

LeBron James as the top story?

There are more important things going on in the world.

6 days ago

Despite Dodd-Frank, government hasn't reined in corporate and financial interests

Whom government serves seems to remain an unanswered question.

6 days ago

Letter about the Palestinian-Israeli tragedy is heroic

A salute to Robert Kraftowitz and to the Post-Gazette for publishing his letter so prominently.

6 days ago

Mayor Peduto is making streets safer for cyclists

Thank you, Mayor Bill Peduto, for selecting Oakland to receive one of Pittsburgh’s first protected bike lanes.

6 days ago

Cheney promotes an ideology Eisenhower warned about

Dick Cheney, perhaps more than any other one person, personifies the military-industrial complex.

6 days ago

Tom Corbett has made tough calls to benefit Pennsylvania

Tom Corbett has made tough decisions to build a stronger Pennsylvania by restoring fiscal discipline and common sense in Harrisburg

1 week ago

Corbett contradicts himself on job creation figures

Gov. Tom Corbett blames the Obama administration and its policies for causing huge losses of jobs in the state.

1 week ago

Gov. Corbett's pension plan won't solve the funding problem

Again Gov. Tom Corbett is pushing his idea for pension reform.

1 week ago

To clean up Pittsburgh concert litter, start issuing tickets

Concerning the garbage that remains after stadium events, a simple solution is for the police to issue tickets to people for littering.

1 week ago

The Presbyterian church should stay out of Israeli politics

The Presbyterian Church  decided to boycott Israeli products because of their perceived mistreatment of its Palestinian citizens.

1 week ago


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