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 Asha Patel, an immunology researcher, holds a collector , from the Burkard Spore Trap, that collects pollen for a 48 hour period, on the roof at Allegheny General Hospital.
Darrell Sapp/Post-Gazette
Asha Patel, an immunology researcher, holds a collector , from the Burkard Spore Trap, that collects pollen for a 48 hour period, on the roof at Allegheny General Hospital.

Under-the-tongue tablets trick the immune system to fight allergies

New allergy drugs -- especially sublingual tablets marketed as Ragwitek, Grastek and Oralair -- are slowly changing the treatment landscape.

 Pitt professor Samar El Khoudary led a study showing how menopause can lead to high cholesterol in women.

Women and cholesterol: Study sees link with menopausal changes

University of Pittsburgh study says association between sex hormone and cholesterol may help explain menopause role in cardiovascular

 Kashmiri protesters shout slogans Monday against Israel after they were detained during a protest in Srinagar, India. The protest was against the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip.

Egypt tenders bid to Israel, Gaza militants

Cairo‘‍s proposal to Israel and Hamas seeks ’‍unconditional acceptance‘‍ by both sides this morning.

Corbett visits area to bolster campaign

Mr. Corbett appeared with state Sen. Randy Vulakovich at a Monday news conference at the Shaler Township Municipal Building.


Opportunities for workers with disabilities could narrow with wage hike

Individuals with disabilities working at “subminimum wage” might experience adverse employment rates should Congress raise the minimum wage.

Highway fund may run out of money by fall

The White House proposes spending $302 billion on transportation over four years.



Egypt tenders bid to Israel, Gaza militants

Cairo‘‍s proposal to Israel and Hamas seeks ’‍unconditional acceptance‘‍ by both sides this morning.

U.S. and Iran press nuclear dialogue

John Kerry, U.S. sec­re­tary of state, and Mo­ham­med Ja­vad Zarif, Ira­nian for­eign min­is­ter, spoke for about two hours Mon­day.


Transparency in government

The Pittsburgh City-County Building on Grant Street.
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald both entered office pledging transparent administrations that would make information readily available to the public.

How are city and county governments doing on those commitments? This page helps track the answer.


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    Diana Nelson Jones’ Walkabout: Opportunities grow in old St. Clair Village

    A ghost plateau in old St. Clair Village could become one of the country‘‍s largest urban farms.

    A call to arms must first wake the dead

    The Selective Service sent about 14,000 letters across the state ordering men born between 1893 and 1897 to register for the military draft.


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