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What constitutes a good International phone card prepaid phone card deal

Prepaid Phone Card plans for long distance calls are more advantageous for many reasons. One, it is definitely a low-cost substitute to long distance services such as AT&T, MCI and Sprint. By prepaying for your long distance call, you know exactly how much money you are spending at all times.

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You would not be surprised by charges or excessive Phone bills that crop up at every month's end. The most significant and quite neglected difference is that postpaid long distance providers spend up to about 33% of your Phone bill for collections as well as outstanding debt retrievals. Without such hassles in a prepaid calling Card plan, this substantial portion of money is diverted optimizing their service to effectively diminish Phone call rates. Thus, you would be able to enjoy up to 75% savings using Enjoy Prepaid Phone Card s on long-distance calls within the U.S. and up to 88% on international calls.

The first thing to consider in assessing a prepaid calling Card is the ease in utilizing it. Prepaid calling Card s usually work by dialing access numbers. You should make sure that these access numbers are quite easy to remember and safe to store. Prepaid calling Card s should practically be easy to use. In domestic calls for instance, one simply has to enter a toll-free access number and the destination number. A good prepaid calling Card should allow you to register several Phone numbers so that you don't have to enter a PIN every time you want to make a Phone call. You should be able to register not only your home Phone , but also your cell Phone s. When making calls from these registered numbers, no PIN is necessary. It's quite easy to forget PINs.

Most long distance providers charge a monthly fee for providing you with the services that they offer. This is typically a $4.00 to $10.00 charg e every month. In addition, other long distance providers charge an additional fee for calling to international locations. A good prepaid calling Card plan should offer you all the great services of long distance providers with lower rates and absolutely no monthly fees.

If you frequently make international Phone calls you have most likely paid a connection fee. Long distance providers, as well as some Phone Card s, will charge a connection fee that ranges from $0.50 to $3.00 depending on the country you are calling. With connection fees, every international call costs you an initial fee to connect to a foreign destination. A good prepaid calling Card deal should not charge you any connection fees.

Minute rounding is the span of time to which your call length will be rounded off. For instance, if a calling Card plan has 3-minute rounding and you talk on the Phone for 1-minute, it means that you will be charged for 3-minutes of talk time. A good prepaid call Card deal should provide you with a selection of rounding options depending on your usage patterns.

In terms of payment security against credit Card fraud, good prepaid calling Card plans usually have customer service representatives that contact you before you can start accessing the calling Card plan. This scheme ensures consumer protection on your part. The customer service representative basically inspects and verifies all new prepaid phone Card orders in order to guarantee your online security. Nevertheless, a customer service representative will not call you every time your account is recharged. However, as an added security feature, a good prepaid calling Card deal should send you an email that informs you that your account has been recharged. This way you can easily keep track of your prepaid account.

Josiah Diega

Last Updated Saturday, November 04 2006 @ 08:41 AM MSK View Printable Version