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California’s Gun-toting Tea Party Fail

California’s Gun-toting Tea Party Fail

In California’s gubernatorial jungle primary Tuesday, natural order was restored as establishment Republicans prevailed over the Tea Party. But while moderate Neel Kashkari beat anti-immigration zealot Tim Donnelly 18-15 percent, the King of the J...

The Mitt Romney-favorite and former Treasury official, Neel Kashkari, beat out the Tea Party candidate in California’s gubernatorial primary.

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New Jersey Rejects Tea Partier, Again

New Jersey Rejects Tea Partier, Again

There’s one more Tea Partier the GOP won’t have to worry about costing it a swing district in November.In southern New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, Steve Lonegan, the controversial former mayor of Bogota, New Jersey, lost the Republican no...

Steve Lonegan fell short in his bid to win the GOP nomination in a swing congressional district in South Jersey on Tuesday.

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Hillary Was Skeptical of Taliban Swap

Hillary Was Skeptical of Taliban Swap

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was personally and intensely involved in the debate over swapping five Taliban commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in 2011 and 2012. But she had severe reservations about the potential deal, and was demanding stric...

In 2011 and 2012, Hillary Clinton’s State Department negotiated directly with the Taliban over a swap for Bowe Bergdahl, but Clinton was not a fan of the idea.

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P.O.W. Deal: Congress Shut Out for Years

P.O.W. Deal: Congress Shut Out for Years

On Tuesday, President Obama insisted that he had “consulted with Congress for quite some time” over the possibility of swapping Taliban detainees for American hostage Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. That’s news to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dian...

The clash between the White House and Congress over the deal for Bowe Bergdahl intensified after Sen. Dianne Feinstein claimed she’s been kept in the dark since 2012.

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New Jersey Rejects Tea Partier, Again

New Jersey Rejects Tea Partier, Again

There’s one more Tea Partier the GOP won’t have to worry about costing it a swing district in November.In southern New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, Steve Lonegan, the controversial former mayor of Bogota, New Jersey, lost the Republican no...

Steve Lonegan fell short in his bid to win the GOP nomination in a swing congressional district in South Jersey on Tuesday.

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London Nabs Pakistani Kingpin

London Nabs Pakistani Kingpin

The arrest in London today on charges of money laundering of one of Pakistan’s most notorious politicians, Altaf Hussain, threatens to plunge the country’s biggest city, Karachi, into turmoil, and adds even more instability to the country’s future...

It took British authorities years to nab Altaf Hussain, the infamous Pakistani cult/party leader. Bringing him to justice may take longer.

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The Supreme Court and The 1 Percent

The Supreme Court and The 1 Percent

In case after case, the five conservative justices on the Supreme Court have held unconstitutional all efforts—state as well as federal—to restrain the corrosive influence of limitless individual and corporate expenditures and contributions in our...

How the High Court’s conservative majority has helped ensure that we have a government of, by, and for the very wealthiest Americans.

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Bloomberg’s ‘Leftwing McCarthyism’ Rant

Bloomberg’s ‘Leftwing McCarthyism’ Rant

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg shocked the conscience of many in academia (and liberal newsrooms) across America when he spoke out against the scarcity of conservative voices in faculty lounges in our leading institutions of higher e...

Kudos to Ex-Mayor Mike, whose Harvard commencement address called for inclusion of more conservatives in higher education.

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London Nabs Pakistani Kingpin

London Nabs Pakistani Kingpin

The arrest in London today on charges of money laundering of one of Pakistan’s most notorious politicians, Altaf Hussain, threatens to plunge the country’s biggest city, Karachi, into turmoil, and adds even more instability to the country’s future...

It took British authorities years to nab Altaf Hussain, the infamous Pakistani cult/party leader. Bringing him to justice may take longer.

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Complaining Like a Cubicle Drone in ’99

Complaining Like a Cubicle Drone in ’99

A lot can change in 15 years. In 1999, the Cold War was over and everyone was talking about Francis Fukuyama predicting “The End of History.” Unemployment in the United States was at a record low, the dot-com boom was riding high, and for once the...

Most of us would say a boring office job is a better life choice than fast-food worker, pedophile, anarchist, or freedom fighter in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Not Hollywood in ’99.

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My Granny The Escort

My Granny The Escort

They don’t call it “the oldest profession” for nothing. My Granny the Escort, a new documentary that aired this week on Channel 4 in the UK, aims to demystify “mature escorts”—women over the age of 60 who choose to have sex for money. Directed a...

A new documentary airing on the UK’s Channel 4 explores three mature British women who sell sex. How does their job affect their lives, and what compels men to pay for sex with senio...

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Music’s Future Will Screw Songwriters

Music’s Future Will Screw Songwriters

Last month I was invited up to Ringo Starr’s home in Beverly Hills. He asked me to write a song with him for his next “virtual” album. In two days’ devotion, we conjured and recorded a piece called “Bamboula.”We then sat back and guessed what our ...

In the digital age, the idea that everything is free has brought genuine hardship to the music business in general and to composers most of all.

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Complaining Like a Cubicle Drone in ’99

Complaining Like a Cubicle Drone in ’99

A lot can change in 15 years. In 1999, the Cold War was over and everyone was talking about Francis Fukuyama predicting “The End of History.” Unemployment in the United States was at a record low, the dot-com boom was riding high, and for once the...

Most of us would say a boring office job is a better life choice than fast-food worker, pedophile, anarchist, or freedom fighter in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Not Hollywood in ’99.

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A Tony Voter Tells All

A Tony Voter Tells All

As the Tony Awards (for Broadway excellence) approach on June 8, some big celebrities are licking their wounds over not even being nominated, while others are finding that their imminent sure-fire wins have a few people clutching their pearls. To ...

There’s only one Tony voter who really counts—the one willing to talk to us about the golden battle between jukebox shows, drag, Disney, historical dramas, and revivals of revivals.

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My Visit to OITNB's Prison

My Visit to OITNB's Prison

The girls are having a sleepover.Don’t be fooled. There’s no pillow fights or makeovers or games of Truth or Dare—though a little girl-on-girl experimentation isn’t entirely off the table. There’s been a weather-induced blackout at Litchfield Pris...

I went to the set of Litchfield Prison and witnessed the magic behind Orange Is the New Black's incredible pop-culture rise. Spoiler alert: it was the best day ever.

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World News

Why Immigrants Are the Church’s Future

Why Immigrants Are the Church’s Future

NEW YORK CITY, United States — The children are coming, illegally and alone, and they are coming by the tens of thousands. They are crossing the borders of the United States and they are risking the high seas to reach Europe. They trust their live...

As the United States and Europe try to cope with a flood of immigrants, many of them children, Pope Francis and Boston’s Cardinal O’Malley work for an end to ‘globalized indifference.’

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LinkedIn’s Tiananmen Square Snafu

LinkedIn’s Tiananmen Square Snafu

In its effort to align with Chinese government content restrictions, LinkedIn has accidentally censored Hong Kong users’ mentions of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, The Daily Beast has learned.It was a surprise for Andrew Work, CEO of burgeoni...

Users in Hong Kong couldn’t share stories about the 1989 massacre, but the social network is only supposed to censor stories in mainland China.

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London Nabs Pakistani Kingpin

London Nabs Pakistani Kingpin

The arrest in London today on charges of money laundering of one of Pakistan’s most notorious politicians, Altaf Hussain, threatens to plunge the country’s biggest city, Karachi, into turmoil, and adds even more instability to the country’s future...

It took British authorities years to nab Altaf Hussain, the infamous Pakistani cult/party leader. Bringing him to justice may take longer.

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Japan's Kiddie Porn Empire: Bye-Bye?

Japan's Kiddie Porn Empire: Bye-Bye?

TOKYO, Japan – On Wednesday, Japan’s House of Representatives is expected to pass legislation making the possession of child pornography illegal, according to senior members of the ruling party.It’s taken them a while.Japan is the only major devel...

Tokyo is finally making it illegal to buy or own child pornography showing real children, but the manga, anime and computer graphic versions aren’t touched by the new law.

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LinkedIn’s Tiananmen Square Snafu

LinkedIn’s Tiananmen Square Snafu

In its effort to align with Chinese government content restrictions, LinkedIn has accidentally censored Hong Kong users’ mentions of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, The Daily Beast has learned.It was a surprise for Andrew Work, CEO of burgeoni...

Users in Hong Kong couldn’t share stories about the 1989 massacre, but the social network is only supposed to censor stories in mainland China.

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The U.N.’s Gay-Bashing New President

The U.N.’s Gay-Bashing New President

Leave it to the United Nations to find the best man for a job.As of June 11, the next president of the U.N. General Assembly will be Sam Kutesa, the foreign minister of Uganda—who just happens to have a 20-year record of corruption, and a visceral...

Uganda’s foreign minister says homosexuality is a Western plot, and he’s been accused of stealing from his own country.

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Remembering an Unlikely Malcolm X Ally

Remembering an Unlikely Malcolm X Ally

The photograph of Yuri Kochiyama with Malcolm X’s head in her lap, his body riddled with bullets from assassins at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights in 1965, is one of the most enduring images in African-American history. Rather than scur...

The Japanese-American activist, who died Sunday at 93, rushed to Malcolm X’s side after he was shot—and was no means a quiet bystander in the civil rights struggle.

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Mom and Pop on Ukraine’s Battle Line

Mom and Pop on Ukraine’s Battle Line

AMVROSYEVKA, Ukraine — Tatyana offered a giant plate of juicy, organic strawberries she had grown in her lovely garden, and Igor presented a glass of his homemade brandy.Almost every night the civil war comes right to the doorstep of the Ivanovs’ ...

As separatists fight to open up a secure corridor to Russia, peace-loving families find themselves thrust into the middle of a worsening civil war.

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The U.N.’s Gay-Bashing New President

The U.N.’s Gay-Bashing New President

Leave it to the United Nations to find the best man for a job.As of June 11, the next president of the U.N. General Assembly will be Sam Kutesa, the foreign minister of Uganda—who just happens to have a 20-year record of corruption, and a visceral...

Uganda’s foreign minister says homosexuality is a Western plot, and he’s been accused of stealing from his own country.

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Tech + Health

Music’s Future Will Screw Songwriters

Music’s Future Will Screw Songwriters

Last month I was invited up to Ringo Starr’s home in Beverly Hills. He asked me to write a song with him for his next “virtual” album. In two days’ devotion, we conjured and recorded a piece called “Bamboula.”We then sat back and guessed what our ...

In the digital age, the idea that everything is free has brought genuine hardship to the music business in general and to composers most of all.

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Nail Polish Is the Next Wearable Tech

Nail Polish Is the Next Wearable Tech

Wearable technology may be useful, but so far its designs have been clunky and one-size-fits-all. Sure, Google Glass comes in five colors, but I don’t see options for cat-eyes or Buddy Holly-style frames, or anything else that might distinguish th...

The best manicure of your life may be just around the corner. From a sensor that helps you quit smoking to an LED light that reminds you to take medicine, meet the future of funky fi...

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The New World of Anti-Aging Dentistry

The New World of Anti-Aging Dentistry

The human face is made up of the most expensive bits of real estate in the world. In the U.S. during 2012, 14 million plastic surgery procedures were performed to the tune of about 11 billion dollars.This number included not just face lifts (126,0...

Worth an estimated $11 billion, the plastic surgery market has medical professionals scrambling for a share of the vanity pie. The newest group to enter the ring: dentists.

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Should Google Be Mapping Tribal Lands?

Should Google Be Mapping Tribal Lands?

The pioneering geographer Bernard Nietschmann once contended “more indigenous territory has been claimed by maps than by guns.”Well, perhaps we would do better to just call it a toss-up. Nietschmann, an active proponent of indigenous mapping as a ...

The search engine's indigenous mapping project presents itself as a powerful expression of empowerment for tribal communities worldwide, but it could bear huge consequences.

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Nail Polish Is the Next Wearable Tech

Nail Polish Is the Next Wearable Tech

Wearable technology may be useful, but so far its designs have been clunky and one-size-fits-all. Sure, Google Glass comes in five colors, but I don’t see options for cat-eyes or Buddy Holly-style frames, or anything else that might distinguish th...

The best manicure of your life may be just around the corner. From a sensor that helps you quit smoking to an LED light that reminds you to take medicine, meet the future of funky fi...

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Should Marino Have Sued for Concussions?

Should Marino Have Sued for Concussions?

The fact that Dan Marino was suing the National Football League over concussion-related injuries will do much to propel this important issue back into the spotlight again. The legendary Miami Dolphins quarterback ranks among the elite all-time NFL...

The brain disease at the heart of many players' legal cases against the league—Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy—was virtually unknown prior to 2002.

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When Doctors Ignore ‘Do Not Resuscitate’

When Doctors Ignore ‘Do Not Resuscitate’

When it’s my time to go, I hope it happens without a fuss.In the event that I suffer from a terminal illness, once the point has been passed where a return to health or meaningful quality of life is no longer a realistic possibility, when further ...

Over 88 percent of physicians don’t want to be kept alive in a situation where doing so only prolongs their existence. So why aren’t they listening to patients who ask for the same?

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Apple Plays to Our Laziness

Apple Plays to Our Laziness

Apple’s new product line is proof the company knows exactly what will make health technology mainstream: laziness.At the Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday, the company unveiled a whole new ecosystem to connect health trackers and hospitals...

How can you corral all your health data in one central repository—effortlessly? It looks like the tech giant has figured that out with its new Health app.

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Should Marino Have Sued for Concussions?

Should Marino Have Sued for Concussions?

The fact that Dan Marino was suing the National Football League over concussion-related injuries will do much to propel this important issue back into the spotlight again. The legendary Miami Dolphins quarterback ranks among the elite all-time NFL...

The brain disease at the heart of many players' legal cases against the league—Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy—was virtually unknown prior to 2002.

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Rihanna Shines in Sparkly, Nude Dress

Rihanna Shines in Sparkly, Nude Dress

#FREETHENIPPLE? Puh-lease. It seems as though they already are.Rihanna may have been banned from Instagram as a result of her scandalous—and scantily clad photos—but the fashion crowd was more than in favor of having the singer let it all hang out...

At the CFDA awards, host John Waters described Rihanna as having "fashion balls." The Fashion Icon winner lived up to her reputation in a sparkly, see-through, and utterly ...

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Spain’s New ‘Kate Middleton'

Spain’s New ‘Kate Middleton'

Spain’s King may have abdicated his throne this week, but all eyes are on the soon-to-be new queen, Letizia Ortiz, whose style rivals that of her European neighbor, Duchess Kate.

Spain’s King may have abdicated his throne this week, but all eyes are on the soon-to-be new queen, Letizia Ortiz, whose style rivals that of her European neighbor, Duchess Kate.

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Net-a-Porter to Sell Google Glass

Net-a-Porter to Sell Google Glass

Net-a-Porter to Sell Google Glass: Continuing the push to make its awkward, 'smart' glasses more fashionable, Google has confirmed a partnership with Net-a-Porter and its menswear site, Mr. Porter, making the online luxury sites the firs...

And a new study defends 'dumb' blondes.

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Who Pays For Michelle Obama's Clothing?

Who Pays For Michelle Obama's Clothing?

Who Pays For Michelle Obama's Wardrobe?: Michelle Obama has become one of the world's biggest fashion icons, with her penchant for simple frocks and high-fashion cocktail attire by the likes of Naeem Khan, Jason Wu, Carolina Herrera, and...

And Lily Allen calls out journalist for fat-shaming.

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Spain’s New ‘Kate Middleton'

Spain’s New ‘Kate Middleton'

Spain’s King may have abdicated his throne this week, but all eyes are on the soon-to-be new queen, Letizia Ortiz, whose style rivals that of her European neighbor, Duchess Kate.

Spain’s King may have abdicated his throne this week, but all eyes are on the soon-to-be new queen, Letizia Ortiz, whose style rivals that of her European neighbor, Duchess Kate.

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Celebs & the Nipples Instagram Banned

Celebs & the Nipples Instagram Banned

Instagram doesn’t like boobs on the runway, in art, on magazine covers, or even illustrated. They don’t like vintage boobs or modern. And these celebrities have found out the hard way.

Instagram doesn’t like boobs on the runway, in art, on magazine covers, or even illustrated. They don’t like vintage boobs or modern. And these celebrities have found out the hard way.

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The Queen of the Playboy Centerfolds

The Queen of the Playboy Centerfolds

Bunny Yeager had her hand in all that was titillating in the 1950s: nude photo shoots, bikini swimsuits, and Playboy centerfolds. Fans of Bettie Page have her to thank for discovering the rule-breaking pin-up girl and outfitting her in animal skin...

A pioneering photographer in the 1950s, Bunny Yeager discovered the iconic Bettie Page and helped establish pin-ups. Yeager died this week at 85, but she never stopped scouting new s...

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Suki Waterhouse Lands 'Divergent' Role

Suki Waterhouse Lands 'Divergent' Role

Suki Waterhouse Lands Major Movie Role: Model—and Bradley Cooper's girlfriend—Suki Waterhouse has scored a major part in the Divergent film series' sequel, Insurgent. Although Waterhouse only has four small roles listed on her IMDB page ...

And Kim Kardashian's wedding-day beauty look only cost $180.

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Celebs & the Nipples Instagram Banned

Celebs & the Nipples Instagram Banned

Instagram doesn’t like boobs on the runway, in art, on magazine covers, or even illustrated. They don’t like vintage boobs or modern. And these celebrities have found out the hard way.

Instagram doesn’t like boobs on the runway, in art, on magazine covers, or even illustrated. They don’t like vintage boobs or modern. And these celebrities have found out the hard way.

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Great Escapes

Lennon’s Whimsical Doodles

Lennon’s Whimsical Doodles

John Lennon may be best known as a member of The Beatles, but, when he wasn’t making girls go wild, he was also an artist. On Wednesday, Sotheby’s is auctioning over 100 of his works.

John Lennon may be best known as a member of The Beatles, but, when he wasn’t making girls go wild, he was also an artist. On Wednesday, Sotheby’s is auctioning over 100 of his works.

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  • Would You Buy a URL as Art?

    Would You Buy a URL as Art?

    Rothko, Basquiat, and Warhol paintings fetch big bucks at auction. But GIFs, TIFFs, and websites? Though there’s a long history of artists hacking computer scripts and calling the results art, selling tech-based art is a particularly tough task.Wh...

    You can’t hang them on your wall or loan them to a gallery. But that doesn’t mean Rafael Rozendaal’s Internet-based works aren’t art. For a relatively reasonable $6500, you can own one.

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The Prodigal Art of Rackstraw Downes

The Prodigal Art of Rackstraw Downes

There is a tradition in Europe of artists leading double lives as writers.  Michelangelo was a prolific letter writer and poet. The 19th-century French painter Eugène Fromentin wrote fiction and travel books in addition to a venerable study of Old...

The English painter and MacArthur ‘genius’ has created some of the most arresting landscapes in modern art. It turns out he’s a brilliant, iconoclastic writer as well.

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Secret KGB Torture House Opens Its Doors

Secret KGB Torture House Opens Its Doors

It’s like the plot of one of those dystopian young adult novels. There’s a sudden rapping at the door in the middle of the night. A stoic man in a trim suit hands you a warrant. Before you can open the crisp envelope you’re escorted to an imposing...

For decades, the Corner House stood as a silent reminder of Russian oppression. Now, the former KGB headquarters are open and exposing the horrors committed against the people of Riga.

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Nine Best Travel Hacks

Nine Best Travel Hacks

One Flight Booker For All Of Your NeedsIt’s not pretty, but it doesn’t have to be—Google’s flight booker, the aptly named Google Flights, strips away the design fluff in favor of essential search functions. Google is in the business of creating pl...

Whether you're off on a long-weekend getaway or a legendary summer escape, these nine travel hacks will help you plan your dream next vacation…and enjoy it more once you get there.

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The Prodigal Art of Rackstraw Downes

The Prodigal Art of Rackstraw Downes

There is a tradition in Europe of artists leading double lives as writers.  Michelangelo was a prolific letter writer and poet. The 19th-century French painter Eugène Fromentin wrote fiction and travel books in addition to a venerable study of Old...

The English painter and MacArthur ‘genius’ has created some of the most arresting landscapes in modern art. It turns out he’s a brilliant, iconoclastic writer as well.

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Where to Eat and Shop in NYC…All in O...

Where to Eat and Shop in NYC…All in O...

Malls, with their bleak food courts, chain stores, and seemingly limitless parking lots, have long defined suburban culture in the United States. After all, if Americans love anything, it’s commercial efficiency.  Slowly, the food-and-shopping cen...

Malls don’t always get the best rap. But in New York City, large shopping spaces are filled with delicious eats, eclectic fashion finds, and fun pop-up experiences.

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Who Is Bambi, the Female Banksy?

Who Is Bambi, the Female Banksy?

I’m seriously sick of Kimye.So, I couldn’t help but be relieved when they had said their final vows and the wedding of the year was over. It meant a breath of fresh air as the #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple went into seclusion (one I hoped would las...

When news broke about Kanye’s—er, romantic?—wedding gift to his wife, we were excited to finally talk about something other than Kimye’s shenanigans: Who is the elusive female Banksy?

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Australia’s Foul Great Barrier Reef Dump

Australia’s Foul Great Barrier Reef Dump

Things are changing fast in Australia. Winter is coming, seasonally and politically.Since the conservative Tony Abbott-led Liberal government took office last September, it has pushed through only eight pieces of legislation thanks to a hostile Se...

Australia’s government has plans to open up the Great Barrier Reef to a coal port that would dump millions of tonnes of toxic sediment upon the fragile coral ecosystem.

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Where to Eat and Shop in NYC…All in O...

Where to Eat and Shop in NYC…All in O...

Malls, with their bleak food courts, chain stores, and seemingly limitless parking lots, have long defined suburban culture in the United States. After all, if Americans love anything, it’s commercial efficiency.  Slowly, the food-and-shopping cen...

Malls don’t always get the best rap. But in New York City, large shopping spaces are filled with delicious eats, eclectic fashion finds, and fun pop-up experiences.

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‘Louie’ Attempts Rape

‘Louie’ Attempts Rape

Louie tends to work like the mind of a comic: circling around a set of themes and neuroses, examining them from all angles and mining for humor and insight. Death, aging, fatherhood, love, and sex are among the show's most consistent preoccup...

Pamela is half passed out, but that doesn’t stop Louie from aggressively attempting to sleep with her, physically restraining her, grabbing her, and chasing her around the apartment.

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  • Bloomberg’s ‘Leftwing McCarthyism’ Rant

    Bloomberg’s ‘Leftwing McCarthyism’ Rant

    Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg shocked the conscience of many in academia (and liberal newsrooms) across America when he spoke out against the scarcity of conservative voices in faculty lounges in our leading institutions of higher e...

    Kudos to Ex-Mayor Mike, whose Harvard commencement address called for inclusion of more conservatives in higher education.

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Remembering an Unlikely Malcolm X Ally

Remembering an Unlikely Malcolm X Ally

The photograph of Yuri Kochiyama with Malcolm X’s head in her lap, his body riddled with bullets from assassins at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights in 1965, is one of the most enduring images in African-American history. Rather than scur...

The Japanese-American activist, who died Sunday at 93, rushed to Malcolm X’s side after he was shot—and was no means a quiet bystander in the civil rights struggle.

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Palin Clone Could Cost GOP Senate Seat

Palin Clone Could Cost GOP Senate Seat

Barring a political earthquake that would shock prognosticators from Orange City to Ottumwa, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa will likely be State Sen. Joni Ernst.Ernst, a first-term senator from the southwest Iowa town of Red Oak, i...

Joni Ernst began as a compromise candidate, but attacked the EPA, Farm Bill, and more to woo conservatives. That won’t help in an agricultural swing state.

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My Granny The Escort

My Granny The Escort

They don’t call it “the oldest profession” for nothing. My Granny the Escort, a new documentary that aired this week on Channel 4 in the UK, aims to demystify “mature escorts”—women over the age of 60 who choose to have sex for money. Directed a...

A new documentary airing on the UK’s Channel 4 explores three mature British women who sell sex. How does their job affect their lives, and what compels men to pay for sex with senio...

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Remembering an Unlikely Malcolm X Ally

Remembering an Unlikely Malcolm X Ally

The photograph of Yuri Kochiyama with Malcolm X’s head in her lap, his body riddled with bullets from assassins at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights in 1965, is one of the most enduring images in African-American history. Rather than scur...

The Japanese-American activist, who died Sunday at 93, rushed to Malcolm X’s side after he was shot—and was no means a quiet bystander in the civil rights struggle.

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Giving 300 Million Kids a Shot

Giving 300 Million Kids a Shot

No one likes to get a shot. On the way to the pediatrician’s office my son Julian is excited at the prospect of a lollipop, but more afraid that he’s going to “get a poke.”  And he often does – as a healthy four-year-old, Julian usually only visit...

Every year, one and a half million children die from vaccine-preventable diseases before their 5th birthday. The GAVI Alliance is working to save their lives.

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Meet The New Spanish Queen

Meet The New Spanish Queen

Prince William was hailed as a mould-breaker for marrying a commoner—Kate Middleton—a woman with no noble blood.But Felipe, the new King of Spain, following the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos today, was even bolder in his choice of bri...

Letizia Ortiz has faced criticism over a divorce and an alleged abortion in the fiercely Catholic country. But now she is the Spanish monarchy's last shot at redemption.

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Mopping Dads Raise Strong Daughters

Mopping Dads Raise Strong Daughters

If you ask my almost-5-year-old twin girls what Daddy’s job is, they might say “fixer,” or “teacher.” Or they might just say that their dad takes care of them. On the two weekdays when they’re not in preschool, I sometimes have to tell them that I...

A new study says girls who see their fathers pulling their own weight on the home front are more likely to pursue ambitious careers.

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Giving 300 Million Kids a Shot

Giving 300 Million Kids a Shot

No one likes to get a shot. On the way to the pediatrician’s office my son Julian is excited at the prospect of a lollipop, but more afraid that he’s going to “get a poke.”  And he often does – as a healthy four-year-old, Julian usually only visit...

Every year, one and a half million children die from vaccine-preventable diseases before their 5th birthday. The GAVI Alliance is working to save their lives.

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Slut-Shaming Gets the YA Treatment

Slut-Shaming Gets the YA Treatment

Rumor has it Alice Franklin had sex with two guys in one night. Naturally, that was all everyone was talking about. It sounds like a scenario straight out of a Monday morning high school hallway following a weekend of partying and promiscuity. And...

Jennifer Mathieu has always identified as a feminist, but she couldn’t have anticipated the explosion of #YesAllWomen just before the release of her debut young adult novel.

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Newport’s Secret Norman Rockwells

Newport’s Secret Norman Rockwells

When the hordes of people from around the world descend upon Newport, Rhode Island, between Memorial and Labor Day, they flock to its famous beaches, mansions like The Breakers and Rosecliffe, the International Tennis Hall of Fame, or its historic...

Behind the hedges in Newport, a treasure trove from America’s golden age of illustrators, from N.C. Wyeth to the creator of Santa Claus as we know him.

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The Prodigal Art of Rackstraw Downes

The Prodigal Art of Rackstraw Downes

There is a tradition in Europe of artists leading double lives as writers.  Michelangelo was a prolific letter writer and poet. The 19th-century French painter Eugène Fromentin wrote fiction and travel books in addition to a venerable study of Old...

The English painter and MacArthur ‘genius’ has created some of the most arresting landscapes in modern art. It turns out he’s a brilliant, iconoclastic writer as well.

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Slut-Shaming Gets the YA Treatment

Slut-Shaming Gets the YA Treatment

Rumor has it Alice Franklin had sex with two guys in one night. Naturally, that was all everyone was talking about. It sounds like a scenario straight out of a Monday morning high school hallway following a weekend of partying and promiscuity. And...

Jennifer Mathieu has always identified as a feminist, but she couldn’t have anticipated the explosion of #YesAllWomen just before the release of her debut young adult novel.

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Hockey's Greatest War Horse

Hockey's Greatest War Horse

The Stanley Cup Finals are upon us. What better time to revisit this day-in-the-life profile of one master, Gordie Howe, by another master, W.C. Heinz. Originally published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1959, roughly halfway through Howe's ...

In 1959, the peerless sportswriter W.C. Heinz caught up with professional hockey legend Gordie Howe at the height of his considerable powers.

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Common: Maya Angelou ‘Touched My Soul’

Common: Maya Angelou ‘Touched My Soul’

Since I was 5 years old I have loved reading good writing. I would read anything that my mother or the teachers I loved gave me. In the 2nd grade I came across an author named Maya Angelou and her poem Still I Rise, this incredible piece of art th...

The rapper remembers the poet who inspired him to write—and later became his friend.

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