TheGrill 2013: The Convergence

The trends in entertainment are clear and moving fast in 2013.

Quality content - backed by brands, increasingly embraced by Hollywood – is flooding the online space, sparking the latest revolution in the entertainment economy: multichannel networks.

Technology companies from Netflix to Amazon to Microsoft to Hulu are creating original content with established Hollywood talent, a trend that will only grow with Netflix’s slew of Emmy nominations.

And crowdfunding has taken a quantum leap from being a hobby to a legitimate form of funding for risk-taking talent from Zach Braff to Rob Thomas to James Franco.

The opportunities and conflicts raised by all these changes will be the subject of this year’s Grill:

  • Is YouTube an ecosystem that will revitalize filmed entertainment? Is it a sustainable model?
  • What are the implications of MCNs for traditional television networks?
  • How will the latest form of crowdfunding – selling actual shares in entertainment – impact independent movie production?
  • Will the unbundling of cable networks continue, and will Aereo – the online antenna-based service – keep winning court challenges by television networks?
  • Who are the most important innovators leading Hollywood toward tomorrow’s successful business models?
  • Can any company challenge the streaming lead held by Netflix?

Come meet the leaders, the deciders and the disrupters at this year’s Grill!


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