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US Officials Tell Jarba: Defeating Syrian Army Forbidden

Al-Akhbar Newspaper

Edited and Translated by Mohamed Salami

The US military leadership is no longer interested in thObama-Jarbae victory of the militant groups in Syria.

Head of the Syrian opposition bloc Ahmad al-Jarba failed to radically change the American stance, and Washington still rejects providing the militant groups in Syria with air defense systems, fearing the possibility that the migh fall into terrorists' hands.

Syrian opposition can only expect raising its political representation in Washington and London as well as sending weaponry batches that will not change the battlefield situation, yet aim at reaching a minimum level of the balance which would impose on the Syrian government a political process.

American officials also told al-Jarba that the regular armies in the Middle East has become a strategic American necessity in the context of the anti-terror war.

The abroad opposition also failed to persuade the Americans that the so-called 'moderate' militant groups can defeat the terrorist groups in Syria as the battlefield developments that Nusra and ISIL groups have become the strongest militant groups across the country, what pushed the Americans to consider new regional measures against them.

The West acknowledges that the Syrian army has reached great battlefield achievements and that it (Syrian army) is heading to control all the major cities.

Rejecting of all the western pressures in order to ban President Assad from running to the new elections, the Syrian government has decided to continue its campaign till it attains the strategic victory.

Source: Newspapers

16-05-2014 - 18:18 Last updated 17-05-2014 - 18:42 | 5695 View
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User Comments Number of comments: 2
1 - good bye
pierre boulos | USA 03:11 2014-05-17
\\\"mr\\\" jirben is a terrorist and Zionist lackey. like all lackeys, his masters used him and dumped
2 - zionist vs jahiliyyah
Ajiepal | Singapore 07:24 2014-05-27
so now you know the real intention of zionist harbi ....we do not care either you white monkey or black
monkey ...as long as you kafir harbi its our religious duty to eliminate you ... Please ... do not come
to my country.


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