AJHQ NEWS – New Daily Explorer

Hello Jammer! Thanks for visiting the new Daily Explorer! We’re excited to unveil this new layout and we hope you like it as much as we do. Notice that the URL has changed to dailyexplorer.animaljam.com. Bookmark it now so you don’t forget!

Navigating around the Daily Explorer has changed a little bit, so feel free to explore all the features and let us know what you think!

P.S. If you like the way articles look in the old layout, don’t worry: you can reach them by clicking here.
Animal Jam HQ

AJ ACADEMY – Kangaroos


Did you know that kangaroos can’t move backwards.

Kangaroos live in the Australian Outback which is a wide open space. And they have a mode of travel that they have adapted for this kind of environment: they use ‘saltatory locomotion.’ They JUMP! Kangaroos can jump up to thirty feet at a time and have large back feet and a long tail that they use to counterbalance their bodies. You might even say that kangaroos are built to jump…forward. They can also move left or right with ease, but they cannot walk or jump backward. In fact they don’t walk at all, only jumps, large or small.

The reason is simple, that huge tail is in the way!

Kangaroos can, however, swim. Maybe that can be a consolation.

Download this activity from AJ Academy to have more fun learning about kangaroos!Graham

AJHQ+A – Narwhals

Lucky Daisycloud asks Tierney Thys ‘why do narwhals have horns?’

The narwhal is referred to as the ‘unicorn of the ocean’ for several reasons: one obvious reason is its long tusk. The second is that it is one of the rarest whales in the world. And narwhals tend to be mysterious and elusive in nature.

So elusive in fact that they can dive nearly one-and-a-half miles deep and spend five months of the year under the ice of the Arctic Circle!
Animal Jam HQ

NEWS CREW – Favorite Land

In this edition of News Crew, Awesome Snowydog interviews her friends about their favorite lands in Jamaa! Watch this space for the next topic or Jammer Central in Jamaa Township.



Favorite Land

By Awesome Snowydog

“I interviewed Jammers on, “What is your favorite place in Jamma?” “Why do you like that land?” and also, “What makes your favorite land so special?” Here is what Jammers like YOU had to say!

We asked Twinkle Braveclaw! Here is what she said,
“Kimbara! Well, I love the Medical center, and also watch videos and learn all new facts about Giraffes, and hunt for animals in my Journey book, and hang out with my buddies! It’s my favorite place to be!”

Next up we have is, Arctic Wolf! Here is what they are saying,
“Crystal Sands! The land makes me feel like I am really at the beach and helps me calm down. I especially love Captain Melville’s Juice hut! Crystal Sands is just my favorite place to hang out!”

Our last guest is, Snowflake Templekangaroo! here is their opinion,
“Mt. Shiveer! It brings a feeling winter, my favorite season! I love getting hot cocoa from the hot cocoa machine, and I sit by the fire! Mt. Shiveer is the best!”

So there we go Jammers! This is what Jammers like YOU have to say about their favorite land! See you next time on the Daily Explorer!”


ATTN: Jammer Snaps is now open for submissions of pet hummingbirds. Submit them through Jammer Central before 6.1.14!