Measure and Manage CX and UX on a unified software platform

Our comprehensive Online Research Platform offers multiple research capabilities so you can cost-effectively manage UX and CX, throughout the whole product development life cycle, and in both PC and Mobile platforms.

1. Listen
2. Research
3. Test & Act
4. Measure
Click on each section to find out more.
Intercept surveys or feedback tabs
Understand visitor true intent & profile
Continuously listen to your customer & gather user feedback, comments, ratings, etc
Scale your UX research with our online/remote testing capabilities
Define UX & Usability benchmarks
Conduct competitive research, market research and international research
All on both desktop and mobile
Cost-effective Usability Testing
Prototype Testing
A/B Testing
Card Sorting
Tree Testing
Click Testing
Timeout Testing
Concept Testing
Web & Mobile VOC
Web Analytics Integration
Measure Customer Satisfaction