secure dataYour Data is Secure with Us

We utilize some of the most advanced technology for Internet security available today. UserZoom is hosted in a secure server environment that uses a firewall and other advanced technology to prevent interference or access from outside intruders. Our server is secured by advanced 128-bit SSL encryption.

data backup We Back Up Your Data in Case of Emergency

Data is backed up nightly and written to multiple disks instantly. We can perform a full backup recovery in the event of a system‐wide emergency. Our hardware is also fully redundant, so even if one disk or server fails, nothing will be lost and the system will not go down. Our uptime is over 99%.

privacy phWe Do Not Collect Private Information

We do not collect personally identifiable information about participants except when participants specifically provide this information on a voluntary basis. We will make every effort to ensure that whatever information participants provide is maintained in a secure environment.

permissionsSet Permissions for Your Projects

You can give anyone permission to access any project, or keep anyone from seeing any project. During the account setup process we will define your settings with you.